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4.19.7  IMF Automated Underreporter (AUR) Technical System Procedures  (09-01-2007)
The AUR Workstation

  1. Each AUR workstation is equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse.

    • The monitor displays the case data.

    • The keyboard allows you to communicate with the computer by entering information. It is similar to a typewriter with additional function keys.

    • The mouse is a hand operated device that enables you to control the location of the cursor on the screen.

    Figure 4.19.7-1
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  2. The monitor button is located beneath the screen on the front of the monitor. The power is on when the green indicator light displays. The monitor adjustment controls are set to the appropriate positions. There are brightness and contrast controls beneath the screen on the front of the monitor.

  3. The keyboard contains several types of keys for entering commands or information into the system.

    Figure 4.19.7-2
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
    Type of Key Description
    Non Functional Keys Perform no function and are located above functional keys.
    Function Keys Perform commands defined by the AUR program.
    Indicator Lights Indicate when the <Num Lock> or <Caps Lock> key is on.
    Typewriter Keys Use for text entry.
    Window Keys Accesses the Start Menu.
    Cursor Control Keys Move the cursor.
    Numeric Keypad Enters numbers when <Num Lock> is on or moves cursor when <Num Lock> is off.
  4. Function keys are used to perform the following actions:

    Action Function Key
    Accept/Commit <F4>
    Clear Field <F5>
    Clear Form <F7>
    Delete Backward <BACKSPACE>
    Delete Character <DELETE>
    Delete Line <SHIFT><BACKSPACE>
    Delete Record <F3>
    Enlarge Report <F11>
    Exit <F8>
    Highlight Main Menu <ALT>
    Insert Record <F2>
    List Key <F6>
    Cursor Up UP Arrow
    Cursor Down DOWN Arrow
    Cursor Right RIGHT Arrow
    Cursor Left LEFT Arrow
    Next Field <ENTER>
    Next Window <F12>
    Number Lock <NUM LOCK>
    Page Down <SHIFT> DOWN Arrow
    Page Up <SHIFT> UP Arrow
    Previous Field <SHIFT><TAB> or <SHIFT><ENTER>
    Previous Window <SHIFT><F12>
    Print Screen <PRINT SCREEN>
    Screen Lock <CTRL><ALT><DELETE>
    Select Main Menu <ALT> and Underlined Menu Letter
    Show Keys <CTRL><K>
    Non Functional Keys <F1><F9><F10>  (09-01-2007)
System Authorization and Security

  1. Access to the AUR system is restricted to authorized users. The AUR Coordinator, appropriate management official and/or security personnel must authorize individual user access.

  2. A security profile is established and maintained for each user. Users may choose their own password. Each password should:

    • Be at least eight characters

    • Contain a minimum of one alpha character, one numeric character, and one special character


      A list of valid characters will display when the user inputs an invalid character.

    • Differ from the user's login (including any reverse or circular shift of the login)

  3. The system will prompt you to change your password every 120 days. New passwords must vary from old passwords by at least three characters.

  4. User profiles are established to allow access to the specific areas of the system needed to perform your assigned duties. Inform your manager if you are prohibited from accessing an area of the system needed to complete an assigned task.

  5. The system produces audit trail information. All user activities are tracked from log on to log off. Each user must ensure only authorized accesses are preformed. Do not attempt unauthorized system queries.

  6. To ensure the security and integrity of the AUR system:

    1. Protect your password. Do not reveal it to anyone.

    2. Never allow anyone access to the system using your login and password.

    3. If you have reason to believe that your password has been compromised alert your manager immediately.

    4. Lock your workstation when it is not in use.

    5. Log off the system at the end of your shift.

    6. Never leave sensitive information on the screen and leave your workstation.

    7. Do not eat or drink near computer hardware.

    8. Use computers and software for official purposes only.

    9. Do not copy licensed or copyrighted software for private use. It is a violation of federal law with civil and criminal penalties.

    10. Retrieve your hard copy prints from the printer. Give prints, remaining near or on the printer for an extended period of time, to your manager for disposition.  (09-01-2007)
Accessing the AUR System

  1. Access to the AUR system requires a login and password for both Windows XP and the AUR system.

  2. To display the Windows XP logon window depress the <CTRL><ALT><DEL> keys simultaneously. When the logon screen appears you will be required to enter your SEID (standard employee identifier) (log in) and Password. The Domain field should already be filled in. Once you have entered the required information use your mouse and click on "OK" .

    Figure 4.19.7-3
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  3. The first time you logon to the workstation you will use an assigned/temporary password. The system will prompt you to change your password. Change your password using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Enter your old password
    2 Choose a new password following the guidelines provided in IRM (2) above.
    3 Re-enter your new password and click on the OK radio button.

    Figure 4.19.7-4

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Change Password Screen

    Once the required information is entered the workstation desktop applications will appear.

  4. From the desktop double click on the "AUR Year" icon. The AUR system allows access to multiple tax years (TY 2003 and subsequent) through the use of a single icon.

  5. This will cause the Microsoft Internet Explorer window to display along with a message regarding unauthorized access. Read the text of the disclaimer and then click "OK" .

  6. The AUR system logon screen will now display. Enter your user name and AUR password and click on "Connect" to gain access to the system.

    Figure 4.19.7-5

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Figure 4.19.7-6
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  7. Various problems may occur while logging on. Correct mistakes made while entering your login and/or password by using the <Backspace> key or select the "Start Over" box. The <Delete> key will not work for logging on.

  8. If logging onto the AUR system for the first time, the system prompts you for a new password. Follow the system prompted steps to change your password.

  9. You can request to change your password by selecting "Security" from the Main Menu. Select "Change Password" from the pull-down menu. Follow the system prompts to change your password.

  10. Once access is granted, the AUR "Message of the Day" will display if one is present. Otherwise the AUR Year Menu will display.

  11. To screen lock your workstation, press <CTRL><ALT><DEL>. This will bring up the "Windows Security" window.

    Figure 4.19.7-7

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Windows Security Window

    Click on "Lock Workstation" . To unlock your workstation, press any key or move the mouse. The prompt for your password will display. Enter your Windows XP password, not your AUR password to unlock the workstation. The window you were last working in is displayed.

  12. To logoff the AUR system, click on "Exit" .

    Figure 4.19.7-8

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Once you have exited the AUR screen, the "Automated Underreporter Microsoft Internet Explorer" window displays. You must select "File" from the main menu and then click on "Close" to exit completely from AUR.

    Figure 4.19.7-9
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  13. The Print Screen Setting control allows you to change your screen prints based on your chosen color scheme. Each color scheme affects your prints and settings differently. All color schemes do not print the same in each setting. To configure Printkey 2000:

    Step Action
    1 Select "Start" at the bottom of your screen.
    2 Select "Programs" .
    3 Select "Printkey 2000" .
    4 Select "Printkey 2000" again (there will be a hand that appears at the bottom right corner next to the clock).
    5 Double click the hand icon to display the "Printkey 2000" screen.
    6 Locate the clock icon on the printkey screen and verify that it is in the "Off" position. (If "On" , select "Off" ).
    7 Select "Picture Option" tab (Dialog box appears with Color Depth located at the bottom).
    8 Select the "down arrow" key.
    9 Select "Black and White" .
    10 Select "Printer Options" tab.
    11 Select "Landscape Mode" .
    12 In the "Footers" section, select "Date & Time" , "12 Cpi" . Note: These settings will label your prints to help with identification.
    13 Select "Options" from the top menu bar, to reveal a pull down menu.
    14 Select "Direct Print" (No Dialog), "Close after Printing" , "Define Footer Text" leaving a check next to these items prevents this application window from appearing every time you want to make a print.

  14. To print a specific window or screen, press <Print Screen> key.  (09-01-2007)
Using Menus

  1. Menus give you a list of choices from which you may select screens, windows, and commands. The main menu that displays, when you log on the AUR system, depends on your user profile.

  2. The Tax Examiner Main Menu displays as shown below:

    Security Analysis reView Window Exit
    Label Description
    Security Allows a password to be changed.
    Analysis Displays the Case Analysis Screen. From this screen, additional screens/windows may be selected for analyzing AUR cases.
    reView Allows access to the system for the purpose of quality review or viewing a case that is not assigned to you.
    Window Allow you to access specific tax years or training.
    Exit Allows you to log off the AUR system.

    Figure 4.19.7-10
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  3. The location of the pointer or the highlighted options determines which menu option is selected. Select the Analysis menu by clicking the mouse on the menu option, or by pressing both the <Alt> and A keys on the keyboard. The Case Analysis screen displays with the Analysis menu across the top of the screen. Menu options are selected by using the mouse or keyboard.

  4. To select an option from the Case Analysis Menu using the mouse, use the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Place the pointer on the menu option you want to select.
    2 Click the left mouse button.

    Most menu options contain additional selections on a pull-down menu shown below. The pull-down menu displays when a menu selection is highlighted.

    Figure 4.19.7-11
    There is currently no description available for this image. For help with this image, please call the Helpdesk at 1-800-876-1715.
  5. To select from the pull-down menu using the mouse, use the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Place the pointer on the pull-down menu item you want to select.
    2 Click the left mouse button.

  6. There are additional menu choices available when an arrow follows a pull-down menu selection. This type of menu is a pull-right menu. The pull-right menu displays when a pull-down menu option with an arrow is highlighted.

    Figure 4.19.7-12
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  7. To select from the pull-right menu option using the mouse, use the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Place the pointer on the Case Analysis Menu option you want to select.
    2 Click the left mouse button to select the pull-down menu options.
    3 Place the pointer on the pull-down menu option followed by an arrow.
    4 Click the left mouse button. The pull-right menu displays.
    5 Place the pointer on the pull-right menu item you want to select.
    6 Click the left mouse button.

  8. When using the keyboard to select menu options, you may press <Alt> and the underlined letter of the menu option. Use the down arrow key to select the pull-down menu. When the pull-down menu displays, use the arrow keys to navigate up and down the menu. Each menu selection also contains the underlined letter. To make a selection from the pull-down menu, press the underlined letter on your keyboard. Using this method is a good tool to help familiarize you with the menu options.

  9. To select the Analysis menu, press <Alt> and A. The Case Analysis menu displays. To select the pull-down menu, use the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Press <Alt> and the underlined case analysis menu letter.
    2 Press the left and right arrow keys to move across the case analysis menu until the desired selection is located.
    3 Press the underlined letter of the pull-down menu.

    To select the pull-right menu, use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Press <Alt> and the underlined letter to select a pull-down menu.
    2 Press the up and down arrow keys until the selection with a pull-right menu is highlighted.
    3 Press the right arrow key to move across to the pull-right menu and the up and down arrow keys to the desired menu selection.
    4 Press the underlined letter of the pull-right menu or press <Alt> and the underlined case analysis menu letter to select a pull-down menu.
    5 Press the underlined pull-down menu letter to select the pull-right menu.
    6 Press the underlined pull-right menu letter.

  10. Take the following action when a menu option is selected in error or when you want to dismiss a menu displayed using the mouse:

    Step Action
    1 Place the pointer on another menu option.
    2 Click the mouse button.

    To dismiss the menu(s) using the keyboard, press <F8>.  (09-01-2007)
Components of a Screen/Window

  1. A screen displays over the entire visual area where a window displays on top of an already displayed screen when selecting an option from a menu. There are several different areas of a screen/window.

    Figure 4.19.7-13

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    • The Title Bar gives the title of the screen or window.

    • The Menu Bar provides pull-down menus from which you can select an additional screen(s)/window(s).

    • The Message Area displays in the center of the screen to alert you to certain situations. Click on "OK" or place the arrow within the window and press <Enter> to acknowledge the message before you continue.

    • The Hint Text displays for most fields within a screen or window. It describes the field entry to be verified or input.

  2. The following windows may display when you leave a particular screen/window.

    1. The Warning windows provide information that you must acknowledge before you continue.

      Figure 4.19.7-14

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    2. The Alert windows alert you to certain situations you must acknowledge and make the necessary corrections before you continue.

  3. The pointer location determines which screen/window is active. The title bar and outside lines of the screen/window are highlighted when the pointer is positioned within the active screen/window. Move the mouse until the pointer is positioned within the screen/window to be used after selecting a menu option.

  4. Some of the windows contain more items than will display on the window at one time. View this information by using the Scroll Bar located on the side of the window. Click on the arrows located on the top and bottom of the bar to scroll through the remaining information.

    Figure 4.19.7-15
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  5. Save or commit your changes by pressing <F4>. This key is specifically programmed for saving changes. The system may prompt you to save or commit the changes when you leave a particular screen/window.

    Figure 4.19.7-16

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Click on the appropriate box when the prompt message displays. NOTE: ALL RECORDS HAVE BEEN COMMITTED TO THE DATABASE displays as a Hint Text.

  6. Exit a screen/window by selecting Exit from the menu or by pressing <F8>.

  7. While working in the AUR application, you may need to perform additional research in the other tax years, as well as other applications, such as IDRS. You may do so by "minimizing" the current screen to access another. To do so, click on the "_" button in the top right hand corner. To restore the window, click on the AUR application box on the bottom of the screen.  (09-01-2007)
Error Messages

  1. Serious error messages may display as you work through the screen(s)/ window(s) of the AUR system. Most error messages are self-explanatory and direct you to the problem or action necessary. However, some of the error messages are numbers and give no explanation.

    Figure 4.19.7-17
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  2. The following table lists the most common numbered error messages, a description of the error, and the action to take when one of these error codes displays. If a number displays that is not shown in the table, contact your manager. This list is not all-inclusive.

    Number Description Action
    40405 The system is unable to insert a record created or modified because an invalid entry(ies) has been entered in a field. (For example, the letter O was entered instead of the number 0, or a record already exists containing the information being created or modified.) Correct the invalid field. If you are unable to find or correct the field, exit the Create IR or Modify IR window and recreate or remodify the information return. If you receive the same error message, contact your manager.
    40654 The record or data of a case has been changed by one user while the case is being viewed/worked on by another user. Exit the case and reinput the case social security number (SSN) at a later time.
    40735 This numbered error message has a multitude of reasons for displaying including database and/or system problems. Exit the case and reinput the case social security number (SSN) at a later time.
    40815 The values set on the system do not match. An action has been done out of order or a value has been added without being set within the system. A new form cannot be sent out. Try reworking the case first. If this does not work, contact your manager to determine the next action.  (09-01-2007)
Analysis Menu

  1. The Case Analysis menu displays at the top of the screen when Analysis is selected from the main menu. Screens/windows selected from the Case Analysis Menu provide information, request information, or perform certain functions necessary to analyze an AUR case. Access the screens/windows from pull-down and pull-right menu options.

  2. Only the menu options available for a particular screen/window are accessible. The path you have taken, the information return you are reviewing, and the screen or window you are using are the deciding factors for the menu options available.

  3. Initially only the Control, Window,and Exit options are accessible until a case or work unit is assigned.  (09-01-2007)
Ca Tools Menu

  1. The Ca tools menu option allows you to select screens/windows to review or take required actions on an information return(s). The following table describes the Ca Tools menu choices:

    Menu Items Action
    ir Note Records a comment concerning action taken on a specific information return.
    Payer agent Displays payer/agent information.
    inFo return Displays the complete information return.
    Create ir Creates an information return for which the system has no corresponding information return.
    Modify ir Allows modification of an information return to match the information supplied by the taxpayer.
    Income cmpr Displays the types of income that are discrepant along with a comparison of the IRP and return amounts. The Offset Codes window can be viewed from the Income Comparison window.
    Search Searches multiple information returns by payer name, EIN, money amount, document type, income type, group number, payee, send indicator, account number, source code, payer agent, sales date, and description.
    scroll iR Allows you to scroll through complete information returns.  (09-01-2007)
Group Menu

  1. The Group menu option allows you to group information returns, change the status code of a group, add or delete information returns from a group, and ungroup a previously created group. This can be done by income type, payer EIN, payee TIN, or by income code. The following table describes the Group menu choices:

    Menu Item Action
    Create Creates groups of information returns by income type, payer EIN, payee TIN, or income code.
    Status code Allows you to enter or change the status code of an existing group.
    Add Allows addition of information returns to an existing group.
    Delete Allows deletion of information returns from an existing group.
    Ungroup Removes all information returns from a specific group.  (09-01-2007)
Ref Tools Menu

  1. The reF tools menu option allows access to screens/windows that perform special functions. The following table describes the Ref Tools menu choices:

    Menu Item Action
    case Note Records a comment concerning action taken on the case.
    nOtice para Allows you to view and select pre-composed paragraphs or create paragraphs for the CP 2000 or CP 2501 notice.
    Tax account Displays complete information about the taxpayer's account. Additional returns may be ordered from this screen.
    Research Orders MFTRA transcripts or additional returns.
    Message Displays any system messages for the current case.
    Letter Displays the Select Correspondex Letter window. You can view and select letters and paragraphs to be sent to the taxpayer, payer, or third party from this window.
    Assessment Makes an adjustment to the taxpayer's account.
    Update address Updates the address(es) of the taxpayer, payer(s), and/or third party(ies).
    pc looKup Displays process code(s) that can follow the current process code(s) assigned to the case.
    tp Info Contains primary and secondary taxpayer address, filing status, exemptions, age, date of birth (DOB), over 65 or blind, bankruptcy indictor, POA information, temporary address, telephone, and third party authorization information (TIA). Allows access to change address, third party authorization information, and add case note information.  (09-01-2007)
Ca Tax Comp Menu

  1. The caTax comp menu option allows you to select screens/window(s) needed to compute and/or recompute the tax, deductions, credits, other taxes, etc. Only the available items display. The following table describes the Ca Tax Comp menu choices:

    Menu Item Action
    Return value Verifies/inputs amounts from the tax return, recomputes Schedule A, credits, other taxes, earned income credit, and estimated tax penalty, and calculates the correct tax increase or decrease.
    Se tax Calculates the correct amount of self-employment tax for the primary and/or secondary taxpayer(s).
    Ira Calculates the correct IRA deduction for the primary and/or secondary taxpayer(s).
    Withholding Determines if the withholding (W/H) is underclaimed or overclaimed.
    Excess sst/rrt Determines if excess social security tax or railroad retirement tax has been underclaimed or overclaimed for the primary and/or secondary taxpayer(s).
    siTr Determines the taxable amount of state income tax refund (SITR).
    ssa/rrB Calculates the correct amount of social security/railroad retirement benefits.
    sst On tips Determines the social security tip tax for the primary and/or secondary taxpayer(s).
    Lump sum avg Computes and/or recomputes the lump sum tax for the primary and/or secondary taxpayer(s).
    sep Keogh Calculates the correct SEP/Keogh deduction for the primary and/or secondary taxpayer(s).
    dependent Care Computes the taxable amount of employer-provided dependent care benefits (DCB).
    epAb Computes the taxable amount of employer-provided adoption benefits (EPAB).
    sav bond eXcl Computes the excludable savings bond interest from Form 8815.
    Fica tax Computes the employee's share of FICA tax when the taxpayer is actually an employee, not subject to self-employment tax.
    schedule D loss Computes the Schedule D loss when the loss is limited.
    Misc adj/c exp The Misc Adj portion of the window allows changes to the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) that cannot be made using specific screens or windows. The C Expense portion of the window is used to adjust Schedule C expenses taken against statutory wages.
    Neg/rc status Determines when the negligence/reasonable cause penalty applies on information returns. Requires input only when the taxpayer has provided reasonable cause.
    aGi Computes the adjusted gross income for worksheet windows. Automatically displays only once for each case, as necessary. Included in this window are the Excluded Adoption Benefits field for Form 8839 and the Foreign Earned Income/Housing field for Forms 2555, 2555-EZ, 4563, and Tuition and Fees Deduction..
    stuDent loan int Computes the allowable student loan interest deduction (SLID) based on the taxpayer’s AGI and filing status.
    Tuition/FeeZ Computes appropriate Tuition and Fees adjustment.
    dpad Computes allowable Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD) when AGI has been changed.  (09-01-2007)
Rv Tax Comp Menu

  1. The rV tax comp menu option allows you to select screens/windows needed to compute and/or recompute schedules, forms, deductions, credits, other taxes, and penalties. The following table describes the Rv Tax Comp menu choices:

    Menu Item Action
    Tax computation Computes and/or recomputes the Schedule A, standard deduction, new tax amount for Form 8615, Schedule D, or Form 8814.
    Credit Computes and/or recomputes child care credit, credit for the elderly/disabled, education, retirement, child tax, adoption, and other credits.
    Other tax Computes and/or recomputes the alternative minimum tax and other taxes.
    Payments Computes and/or recomputes earned income credit and additional child tax credit.
    pEnalties Accepts an IDRS computed estimated tax penalty and fully or partially abates the system computed late filing, SS Tip Tax, negligence, and substantial understatement penalties.  (09-01-2007)
Summary Menu

  1. The Summary menu option allows you to select screens/windows to display summaries of the notice and the paragraphs selected to be sent to the taxpayer. The following table describes the Summary menu :

    Menu Item Action
    Notice Displays a summary of the case action, including the information returns and paragraphs selected for print on the notice.  (09-01-2007)
Process Code Menu

  1. The Process cd menu option allows you to input the process code or internal process code for the case. A window showing valid codes for the case displays if an invalid or inconsistent code is used.  (09-01-2007)
Control Menu

  1. The cOntrol menu option allows you to access windows used for case or work unit control. The following table describes the Control menu choices:

    Menu Item Action
    Case Displays selections to review the unit case history, assign and release a case, transfer a case, accept a case that has been transferred, request a case, view user history, stop a notice from being issued, or enter a received date.
    Work unit Displays selections to assign, release, transfer, accept the transfer of a work unit, or view the history of a case.
    currEnt access Displays a message showing the option being used (e.g., Review, View Case.), whether you are in the training database or production database, and the hardware and tax year being accessed.  (09-01-2007)
Print Menu

  1. The pRint menu option allows you to print information from the case to be associated with the return or included with information sent to the taxpayer. Select the specific menu item. A Forms window displays. Click on <OK>. A message displays: NOTE: LISTING IS COMPLETE . Retrieve the print from the printer. The following table describes the Print menu choices:

    Menu Item Action
    Ind info return Cursor must be on specific information return.
    Response letter Select Correspondex Letter displays. Cursor must be on desired correspondex letter. Select PRINT box.
    Cp2000 notice/cP2501 notice/cp2000 respOnce Enter the notice date, as applicable (mm,dd,yyyy) or enter All.  (09-01-2007)
Exit Menu

  1. The Exit menu option allows you to exit the case and return to the main menu.  (09-01-2007)
Assigning Work

  1. Cases on the AUR system are maintained on a large data base. The cases are downloaded to a work unit(s) within a batch(es). Assign a work unit(s) or an individual case(s) to your user identification number (UID) to begin working on the AUR system. You will be assigned a UID prior to logging on the system.  (09-01-2007)
Assigning a Work Unit

  1. A work unit must be assigned to your User Identification Number (UID) before analyzing an individual case within a specific work unit. The Case Analysis screen displays after logging on the AUR system and selecting the Analysis option from the main menu. The following table explains the steps to take to assign a work unit:

    Step Action
    1 From the cOntrolmenu, select Work unit, then Assign.
    2 Enter the five-digit batch number.
    3 Enter the two-digit work unit number.

    Figure 4.19.7-18
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Verifying SSN's

  1. The batch number and the work unit number is verified by the system. The SSNs for the work unit display in the window. Compare the SSN displayed with the first SSN on the charge-out sheet, (or return), of your work unit.


    A message will display when any case in the work unit has been requested by another user and is not updated to your UID.

  2. Verify the SSN's by scrolling through the SSN's using the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Place cursor in the field to the left of the SSN field.
    2 Click the mouse, and the first SSN becomes highlighted.
    3 Press the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the SSNs.

  3. After verifying the displayed SSN's are included in your work unit, take the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Enter "Y" to accept the work unit.
    2 Press <F4> to commit. The information on the Assign Work Unit window disappears. The following message displays: NOTE: ALL RECORDS HAVE BEEN COMMITTED TO THE DATABASE.
    3 Exit the Assign Work Unit window

  4. You may begin analyzing the cases after the work unit has been assigned to you. Refer to IRM 4.19.3 and the Analysis Process section of this IRM.  (09-01-2007)
Case Analysis Overview

  1. The Case Analysis screen is used to compare the information returns (IRs), provided by payers, to the taxpayer’s tax return. The top portion of the Case Analysis screen also includes a summary of case information e.g. category, subcategory, originating AUR site, batch summary, batch status, etc.

  2. Use the following steps to begin the case analysis process.

    Step Action
    1 Enter the primary SSN of the first case in the work unit in the PRIMARY SSN field on the Case Analysis screen.
    2 Press <Enter>.
    3 The case data displays.
    Note: When the system does not accept an SSN, try inputting it one more time. If the system still does not accept it, try another SSN because the system locks when one SSN has been input and rejected three consecutive times.
    Caution: Verify the SSN belongs to your work unit, when the system does not accept an SSN.
    4 Compare payer information returns to taxpayer’s paper return.
    5 Mark information returns as reported, underreported, nontaxable/not applicable, or deleted in the IR CD field.
    6 Determine if selected information returns should be included on the notice being sent to the taxpayer by clicking in the "SEND" field.

    Figure 4.19.7-19

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.


    1. Press <Ctrl> <=> to return the cursor to the first IR.

    2. Press <Shift> <Tab> or <Shift> <Enter> to move the cursor to the previous field.

    3. Press <F8> to exit a window/screen instead of clicking on <Exit>.

    4. Check the Hint Text line while in Case Analysis for helpful information pertaining to the IRs.


      The Hint Text is activated depending on the location of the cursor. It will appear and disappear as the cursor is moved between the Case Analysis and Tax Return Data Base (TRDB) screens.

    5. Press <F6> to list individual cases assigned to you.  (09-01-2007)
Income Comparison Screen

  1. The Income Comparison screen is used:

    • for additional information and/or research

    • to view the complete return and IRP amounts

    • to determine the discrepant income type.

  2. Select Ca tools then Income cmpr to display the Income Comparison screen.

    Figure 4.19.7-20

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.


    An asterisk identifies the discrepant income type(s).

  3. The OFFSETS field displays codes describing how matched return and IRP amounts were offset for identification of potential discrepancies. Click in the "OFFSETS" field to view the offset codes and meanings.

    Figure 4.19.7-21
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Messages Window

  1. After entering the primary SSN, the Messages window may display on the Case Analysis screen when a condition is present that may require research, referral, or further evaluation.

    Figure 4.19.7-22

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    You may also view the window by selectingreF tools then Message from the Tax Accounts, Return Value, or Income Comparison screens. Tip: Press <Enter> to acknowledge message windows, instead of clicking <Exit>. NOTE: Tax Examiners can access the Tax Account screen or the Income Comparison screen from the Message Window by utilizing the Ca tools and reF tools on the Menu Bar.

  2. When there is no information return for the discrepant item, the following message displays: Discrepancy exits where there are no IRs to mark. See Income Comparison Screen. Exit the Messages window, and view the Income Comparison screen.  (09-01-2007)
Tax Return Database (TRDB)

  1. Cases accessed through the Case Analysis menu that have available electronically filed return information will display an ELECTRONICALLY FILED RETURN INFORMATION or TRDB window. The TRDB tab will automatically move from screen to screen as the Case Analysis process is completed.

    Figure 4.19.7-23
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  2. The TRDB window includes a minimize/maximize feature. The TRDB information can be minimized by clicking on the "-" in the upper right corner of the window. To maximize or restore the TRDB information simply click on the "TRDB" tab at the bottom of the screen. This same minimize/maximize feature can also be performed by using the keyboard. By simultaneously pressing the <ALT> and <Down> arrow key, TRDB will minimize. By pressing the <ALT> and <Up> arrow key it will be restored.

  3. The TRDB window groups the tax return information into various categories. These categories appear as tabs across the top of the window and include:

    ENTITY Contains the name, address, filing status and exemption information from the return. The taxpayer(s) name(s) and address display exactly as on the return. A blank TRDB field indicates a blank line on the tax return.
    INCOME Includes reported wages, interest, dividends, IRA distributions, etc.
    ADJUST Contains adjusted gross income (AGI) including the various deductions (e.g. IRA deduction, one-half self-employment tax, etc.) .
    TAX Lists the tax and credits claimed on the return (e.g. standard or itemized deductions, exemption amounts, taxable income, etc.).
    CREDIT Includes tax and credits (e.g. non-refundable credits, child tax credit, etc.)
    OTHER Contains other taxes including tax on IRAs, self-employment tax, total tax, etc.
    PAYMTS Includes federal income tax withheld, estimated tax payments, refundable credits, etc.
    REF BAL Refund and Balance Due information from the return any applicable penalty information, etc.
    INDEX A listing of all schedules and/or forms filed electronically with the return. From the Index tab, access this information by clicking on the name of the schedule or form.

  4. Initially the Entity tab will display. Navigate from category to category by clicking on the desired tab or by pressing the <Page Up> or <F12> keys to move forward and the <Page Down> key to return to the previous tab(s).

  5. A box will appear to the right for any line entry that has an information return, form or schedule that was used to calculate the amount reported on the tax return. For example, on the INCOME tab next to wages a box will appear with the number 2 and W-2 will be shown in the right margin. This indicates that two W-2's were provided. To access the information referred to in the box click on the box or press <F11>. The first available form will appear. To view the next one use the <Down> arrow key. Use the<Up> arrow key to return to the previous form.  (10-01-2003)
Special TRDB Features

  1. Throughout the TRDB tabs, scroll bars will appear when the complete information available cannot be displayed on a single screen. When this occurs click on the "scroll" area. One exception is the Income window, which you can use <shift down> or <shift up> arrows to navigate the screen.

  2. The Schedule B ,D and E windows also include a special feature. They contain check boxes next to the amounts for each payer and amount shown. These check boxes can be used as an analyzation tool to mark which items have been matched to the information returns (IRs). A checkmark can be added by clicking in the box next to the applicable payer/amount and removed by clicking in the same box again. Depress the "Print" button to generate a hardcopy of these windows if needed (operational for Schedule B, D and Schedule E Part II only).


    These checkmarks are tools only and will not carryover to the Case Analysis screen.

    Figure 4.19.7-24
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  3. In the Entity screen, a button labeled 'Taxpayer Note' is present. If the button displays "YES" any additional information submitted by the taxpayer with the return may be viewed by clicking the button.

  4. The Other Income and Schedule A Other Miscellaneous Deduction lines will display an Explanation box with the word "YES" if additional information that pertains to those line items is available for viewing.  (10-01-2003)
TRDB Navigational Tips

  1. Scroll Bars are present in various TRDB screens and may be located on either the left or right sides. These are used to view all available information for a particular area.

  2. Boxes appear next to fields where additional information may be available. To access additional information click on the box.

  3. When moving back and forth between AUR and the TRDB screens, click on the inactive screen to return to it. The active screen will appear highlighted.

  4. Some of the same function keys utilized in TRDB and Case Analysis may cause the system to perform differently depending which window is active.

  5. Use the <Enter> key to move from line to line within a TRDB tab.  (09-01-2007)
Viewing Form 1040EZ Returns

  1. Form 1040EZ tax returns will not be ordered or associated with the case file. If a Form 1040EZ was filed, only a return charge-out will be present. These charge-outs can be identified by a 07 or 08 in the 4th and 5th position of the Document Locator Number (DLN). The Return Transaction File (RTF) for these cases will be displayed in the lower portion of the Case Analysis and Return Value screens. If the taxpayer has filed an amended return, the new AGI and TXI displays instead of the original.

    Figure 4.19.7-25
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Tax Account Screen

  1. The Tax Account screen is used to:

    1. review the current entity and the complete tax account information

    2. enter a telephone number and/or the contact hours provided by the taxpayer in response to a notice

    3. view a new transaction code/subsequent adjustment that has been added to the case

    4. order a tax return

    5. input or view the IRC 6501(d), request for prompt assessment, or IRREG Date

    6. view freeze/math error code(s)/adjustment reason codes present on the account

    Figure 4.19.7-26
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
New Transaction Messages Window

  1. The Messages window displays when certain conditions exist on a case, e.g. a new transaction code, freeze code, a subsequent return has been filed, the taxpayer resides in a declared disaster area, the taxpayer is deceased, payer agent on file, etc.

    Figure 4.19.7-27

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

    Exit the Messages window, and view the Tax Account screen for the new transaction code(s) present.

  2. Minimize the TRDB screen if applicable.

  3. Select reF tools then Tax account.


    An asterisk displays in the NEW TRN field of the Tax Account screen when a new transaction code is present or subsequent adjustment has been made. Remove the asterisk using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Click on the Tax Account screen to activate it.
    2 Press the <Up> and <Down> arrow keys to scroll through the NEW TRN field or click on the entry.
    3 Click on the asterisk to remove it. If the new transaction involves a payment the payment window will display. Click on "Yes" in this window to have the payment information automatically entered in the "Return Value" screen.
    4 Exit the Tax Account screen.
    5 Click on "Yes" in the Save Changes window.


    If there is a TC 640 posted on the module, a prompt will display asking if the TC 640 amount should be entered in Return Value.  (09-01-2007)
Subsequent Tax Adjustment - TC290/291

  1. A message displays when a subsequent tax adjustment has posted to the taxpayer's account.

  2. Exit the Messages window and view the Tax Account screen for the subsequent adjustment.  (09-01-2007)
Ordering a Subsequent Adjustment - TC290/291

  1. To order a document using the TC 290/291 or subsequent tax adjustment transaction code(s) posted on the taxpayer’s account, use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Enter an "X" in the ORD RTN field adjacent to the TC field on the Tax Account screen.
    2 Press <Enter>.
    3 Exit the Tax Account screen.
    4 Click on "Yes" in the Save changes window.


    Research ordered from the Tax Account screen can only be deleted on the Research Request window.

    Reminder: If the discrepant amount(s) is O/C MID, U/R SET, or 10% IRA tax, you must complete computations in the Return Value option, Tax Computation screen, before ordering the TC 290/291.  (09-01-2007)
Freeze/Math Error Codes

  1. A message displays when certain freeze codes or math error codes are present.

  2. Exit the Messages window and take the necessary action after reviewing the tax account screen.

  3. Freeze codes are listed in the FREEZE CDS field of the tax account screen. Math error codes are listed in the MATH ERROR CODE field on the Tax Account screen. A maximum of five (5) math error codes will display in this field.

    Figure 4.19.7-28
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  4. To view the meaning of the freeze code (s), use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Click on the code(s) in the left-hand or right-hand FREEZE CODE field.
    2 To locate the meaning of a code not listed, type the letter of the code in the FIND field.
    3 Press <Enter> or click on "Find" . Note: All freeze code meanings will not display. Refer to Document 6209 for a complete list of freeze codes and meanings.
    4 To enter another code, delete or type over the code present and press <Enter> or click on "Find" .
    5 Press<F8> to exit the tax account screen and return to the Case Analysis screen.

    Figure 4.19.7-29
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  5. To view the meaning of a math error code (s), use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Click on the codes displayed in the MATH ERROR CODE field.
    2 Enter a 3-digit math error code in the FIND field.
    3 Press <Enter> or click on "Find" . The meaning of the code will display in the VALUE/MEANING field.
    4 To view another math error code, delete or type over the math error code listed and press <Enter> or click on "Find" .
    5 Click "OK" or "Cancel" to exit the window and return to the tax account screen.
    6 Press <F8> to exit the tax account screen and return to the Case Analysis screen.

    Figure 4.19.7-30
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Viewing Payer Agent Information

  1. An indicator Y displays in the PA field when an information return has been identified as payer/agent information. Review the payer/agent information by using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on the specific information return that displays the payer/agent indicator.
    2 Using the left mouse button, click once in the PA field to access the Payer/Agent window or
    3 Select Ca tools then Payer agent from the menu.
    4 Press <F8>.
    5 Enter the appropriate status code in the IR CD field.

    Figure 4.19.7-31
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Information Returns

  1. To view an information return from Case Analysis, take the following steps:

    1. Viewing the first name line - Click on the indicator field to the left of the name.

    2. Viewing the second name line- Click on the indicator field to the left of the payee name or payer name fields if an asterisk is present.

    3. Viewing payee SSN or Payer EIN - Click the mouse in the field to the left of the payee or payer name.

    4. Viewing complete information returns - Use the following steps to view information returns.

      Figure 4.19.7-32

      This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.

      Step Action
      1 Click on a specific information return.
      2 Select Ca tools then inFo return.

    5. Viewing multiple information returns - There are two methods of scrolling to view information returns. Use the following steps.

      Method 1  
      Step Action
      1 Click on the information return you want to compare to another.
      2 Select Ca tools then inFo return from the menu.
      3 Select Ca tools from the Information return window then scroll iR .
      4 Press the <Up> and <Down> arrow keys to scroll through the subsequent information returns.
      5 Press <F8> to exit the second information return.
      6 Press <F8> again to exit the window and return to the case analysis screen.

      Method 2  
      Step Action
      1 Click on the information return you want to view.
      2 Select Ca tools then scroll iR from the menu.
      3 Press the <Up> and <Down> arrow keys to scroll through the subsequent information returns.
      4 Press <F8> to exit the window and return to the case analysis screen.  (09-01-2007)
Amended Information Returns

  1. Amended information returns are identified on the Case Analysis screen by "A" , "X" , "R" , or "D" in the AMD IND field. When the system has identified information returns that should be used to replace the original information return, the amended information return has the literal "REPLC" and the literal on the original will be "DELET" .

    Figure 4.19.7-33
    There is currently no description available for this image. For help with this image, please call the Helpdesk at 1-800-876-1715.
  2. The Case Analysis screen may contain new information returns that are not identified as discrepant. These information returns are added after case creation and listed with the discrepant information returns. The AMD IND field displays an indicator from the following table.

    Indicator Description
    N New
    AN Amended New
    RN Replace New
    DN Duplicate New
    XN Delete New


    These information returns must be screened and an applicable code assigned.  (09-01-2007)
Selecting Income Identify Codes

  1. The INC CD field may be changed as required for a specific computation. To change the income identify code, use the following steps.


    The status code cannot be a "U" to change the income identify code.

    Step Action
    1 Click on the INC CD field.
    2 Press <F5> to clear the field.
    3 Enter the applicable code or press <F6> for a list of valid codes.


    The following message displays if an invalid code is entered for the income type: This is not a valid Income Identify Code. Press <F6> for a list of valid codes.  (09-01-2007)
Entering the IR Status Code

  1. Enter the status code from the following table that applies to each income type displayed.

    Status Code Description
    D Delete
    R Reported
    U Underreported
    N Nontaxable/not applicable


    An "X" in the IR CD field indicates that the income amount was deleted by the system. You can delete the "X" and enter a different code if required. An "X" cannot be re-entered once it has been deleted.  (09-01-2007)
Entering the Reported Amount

  1. The cursor moves to the REPORTED AMOUNT field when "U" is entered. Enter the taxpayer’s reported amount (dollars only). Enter "0" (zero) when there is no reported amount.

  2. The system determines the underreported amount and adds it to the total underreported amount in the TOTAL AGI CHANGE field. The underreported amount for that information return displays in the Underrported (UR) AMOUNT field.


    The appropriate computation window displays when Status Code "U" is entered for W/H, IRA, SSA/RRB, Excess SST, SEP/KEOGH, DCB, SCH D, SLID, EPAB, or SITR income types.

    TIP:Click in the REPORTED AMOUNT field and type over the existing numbers to change the reported amount of a status code "U" IR. This only works for non-grouped IRs.  (09-01-2007)
Selecting the Send Indicator

  1. Information return elements (e.g. WAGES, TX/A, STOCK) marked as underreported are automatically selected to print on the notice. The entire information return is NOT sent to the taxpayer. The notice will only include the component(s) of the IR that is identified as underreported or marked with a send indicator.

  2. An "S" , in the SEND field, designates the specific income type(s) included on the IR that will be printed on the notice, e.g. if you have a fully reported Pension IR that needs to be sent on the notice because of U/R 10% Premature Distribution Tax, click on the "S" indicator in order for the Pension IR to appear on the notice. You may add or remove the "S" indicator at any time by using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Move the pointer to the SEND field.
    2 Click the mouse button.  (09-01-2007)
Creating, Deleting, or Modifying Information Returns

  1. An information return must be created to provide the system with a complete record of the income reported by the taxpayer if there are information documents attached to the return or reported amounts for which we have no corresponding information returns. You may need to create, delete, or modify an information return(s).  (09-01-2007)
Creating Information Returns

  1. You may need to create an information return for the completion of the computation windows. Select Ca tools then Create ir.

    Figure 4.19.7-34
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  2. You must make an entry in the PAYEE TIN CD, DOCUMENT TYPE, INCOME TYPE, and INCOME AMOUNT fields before the system allows you to commit the created information return.


    To send a created IR, it must contain a payer name and EIN.

  3. Use the following steps to advance through the fields.

    Step Action
    1 Enter the payer name.
    2 Enter the payer street address.
    3 Enter the payer city, state, and zip code.
    4 Enter the payer EIN.
    5 Enter the account number.
    6 Enter the payee TIN code: "P" for Primary, "S" for Secondary, or "E" for EIN.
    7 Enter the Program/ Category of Distribution Code (PGR/COD) indicator (if applicable). Note: The PGR/COD indicator needs to be entered ONLY when the income is subject to the 10%, 15%, or 25% tax. See IRM 4.19.3 for a list of distribution codes (PGR/COD indicator).
    8 Enter the document type. To view a list of document types, press <F6>. Click on your selection and press <Enter> or click on the "OK" and press <Enter>.
    9 Enter the income type or press <F6>. Note: If the income type you have entered does not match the document type displayed in the DOCUMENT TYPE field, the following message displays: This is not a valid income type ..
    10 Enter the income amount.
    11 Enter the income identify code or press <F6>


    If multiple income types from the information document need to be entered, repeat steps 9 - 11 until all income types and their amounts have been entered

    12 Press <F12>. Caution: If information returns are created for a worksheet computation and the worksheet has already been computed, you must add the information return to the applicable group, or ungroup the information returns so the worksheet can be recomputed. See IRM, Grouping Information Returns


    If the cursor is in the AMOUNT field, you must make an entry and press <Enter> before you can return to a previous field.  (09-01-2007)
Correcting a Field on a Created Information Return

  1. When an entry has been input incorrectly or when you have continued to the next field without inputting an entry, you may correct the entry or return to a previous field by taking one of the following actions.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor in the field to be corrected.
    2 Press <F5> to clear the field.


    If the cursor is in the AMOUNT field, you must make an entry and press <Enter> before you can return to a previous field.  (09-01-2007)
Deleting a Created Information Return

  1. To delete a created information return, use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor in the IR CD field for the last income type of the created information return.
    2 Press <F3> to delete the record.
    3 Move the cursor upward to the IR CD field of the next income type on the information return.
    4 Repeat the above steps until all income types on the created information return are deleted. Note: To delete a created IR, which includes an EIN, enter a "D" in the IR CD field.  (09-01-2007)
Modifying Information Returns

  1. To modify an information return, use the following steps.


    The status code of the IR must be blank or an"X" .

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on the information return to be modified.
    2 Select Ca tools then Modify ir.

    Figure 4.19.7-35
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  2. The selected information return displays in the top portion of the window. In the bottom portion of the window, you can make the necessary entries to modify the original information return. You may change the payee information or split the income between the taxpayer and spouse by entering or changing the payee TIN type in the TP field. Valid TIN types are "P" for Primary, "S" for Secondary, and "E" for EIN. To make changes, use the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor in the TP field.
    2 Press <F5> to clear any entries.
    3 Enter the appropriate payee TIN type.
    4 Press <Enter>. The cursor moves to the IND field.
    5 Enter the PGR indicator. Note: You may enter or change the PGR indicator in the IND field as required for the computation of the 10%, 15%, or 25% tax. See IRM 4.19.3. If an indicator is required per IRM instructions, enter the appropriate indicator in the IND field.
    6 Press <Enter>. The cursor moves to the AMOUNT field with the total amount of the IR displayed..
    7 The income amount may be modified as required for specific computations. Press <F5> to clear. Enter the appropriate amount. The system automatically enters the balance of the IR when the next line is completed.Note: The total of the modified amounts must equal the original information return amount.
    8 Place the cursor in the INCM CODE field.
    9 Press <F5> to clear the entry.
    10 Enter the appropriate code or press <F6>.
    11 Press <Enter>. The original information appears on the next line.
    12 Repeat these steps until all modifications have been completed.
    13 Press <F12> for the system to save the changes.

  3. The modified information return(s) displays on the case analysis screen. The system enters an "X" in the IR CD field of the original information return.


    The modified information return(s) cannot be sent to the taxpayer. Enter an "S" in the SEND field of the original information return when it is to be sent.  (09-01-2007)
Deleting a Modified Information Return

  1. To delete a modified information return, use the following steps:

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on the IR CD field of the original information return (code displays as an "X" ).
    2 Select Ca tools then Modify ir from the menu.
    3 Press <F3> in each IR CD field until all fields are deleted.  (09-01-2007)
Grouping Information Returns

  1. The Group menu option is used to group information returns to determine a total money amount. The information returns may be grouped by Income type, payer Ein, payee Tin or iNcome code. Certain income types are automatically grouped by the system to compute the worksheets associated with that type of income.

  2. There are times when IRM 4.19.3 requires information returns be grouped in order to arrive at the correct underreported amount.


    If you create an information return for a worksheet computation and the system has already completed that computation, you can either add the created information return to the group or ungroup and create a new group so the system can recompute the worksheet.  (09-01-2007)
Creating a Group

  1. To create a group, use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on an information return to be included in a group.
    2 Select Groupthen Create from the menu. A pull-right menu appears.
    3 Select one of the four options in the pull-right menu.

  2. All information returns of the same income type are grouped together; regardless of the income identify code. It may be necessary to delete an information return(s) from the group because of the income identify code.


    The system groups only the information returns with the same income type when grouping by payer or payee identification number.  (09-01-2007)
Entering or Changing Group Status

  1. To enter or change the group status code, select Group then Status Code. The Change Group Status window displays.

    Figure 4.19.7-36
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  2. If a status code "U" is entered, the cursor moves to the REP AMT field. Enter the reported amount from the taxpayer’s return.  (09-01-2007)
Adding a Group

  1. It may be necessary to add an information return to a group. For example, if returns are grouped by income type (Non-Employee Compensation (NEC)) and it appears that a different income type (RENT) was included with the nonemployee compensation reported on the taxpayer’s return, add the RENT information return to the group using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on the information return to be added.
    2 Select Group then Add.
    3 Enter the group number in the Add to Group window.

    Figure 4.19.7-37
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  2. Enter a new status code after comparing the new group total to the information on the return by using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on an information return in the group.
    2 Select Group then Status code.
    3 Enter the new status code in the Change Group Status window.  (09-01-2007)
Deleting Information Returns

  1. It may be necessary to delete a specific information return from a created group. Use the following steps to delete an information return from a group.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on the information return to be deleted.
    2 Select Group then Delete.

  2. The group number is deleted from the information return and the information return is deleted from the group. Compare the new group total to the information shown on the taxpayer’s return and enter a new status code using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on an information return that is still in the group.
    2 Select the status code window.
    3 Enter the new status code.  (09-01-2007)
Ungrouping Information Returns

  1. The ungroup option removes all of the information returns from a specific group. Use the following steps to ungroup.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor on any information return in the group.
    2 Select Group then Ungroup.

  2. The system removes the group number and the status code from the information returns.

  3. If the issue has a corresponding worksheet (i.e., SITR, W/H, etc.), it must be recomputed to result in the system considering the issue as reported.  (09-01-2007)
Search Function

  1. Use the search function to search for specific information returns to compare with income reported on the taxpayer’s return. Select Ca tools then Search.Information returns may be searched by:

    • Payer name

    • Payer EIN

    • Money amount

    • Document type

    • Income type

    • Group number

    • Payer TIN

    • Send indicator

    • Account number

    • Source code

    • Payer Agent

    • Sales Date

    • Description


    When searching by Sales Date or Description, the results of the search will appear in ascending order. Check the "Descending" box for results of the search to appear in descending order.

  2. The Case Analysis screen displays only the information returns for the requested search. A message appears at the bottom of the Case Analysis screen showing a search is active.

    Figure 4.19.7-38
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.
  3. To search for specific information returns, use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Type the appropriate information such as payer name, EIN, money amt, etc. in the corresponding field or press <F6> for a list of choices. Note: When pressing <F6>, the Find window displays showing a list of choices on top of the search window. The asterisk indicates the position of the cursor on the Case Analysis screen. Use the mouse or the up and down arrow keys to make a selection.
    2 Press <F12>. The Case Analysis screen displays ONLY the information returns for that search.  (09-01-2007)
Restoring the Case Analysis Screen

  1. To restore the Case Analysis screen to show the original information returns, use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Select Ca tools then Search from the menu.
    2 Place the cursor in all fields that have an entry.
    3 Press <F5> to delete entries.
    4 Press <F12>. The Case Analysis screen is restored to display all information returns.  (09-01-2007)
Case Notes and Information Return Notes

  1. The Case Note and Information Return Note window are used to leave notes pertaining to a case and/or an information return. Notes can be up to 2,000 characters. If more than 2,000 characters are needed, you must create a new note.  (09-01-2007)
Creating Information Return Notes

  1. To create an IR note, use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor in the IR CD field of the information return where the note will apply and using the left mouse button click once to activate the Case Note window. or
    2 Select Ca tools then ir Note. The IR note window displays as shown in the figure below.
    3 Click or press <Enter>in the text box to type your note. Capitalization and punctuation are not necessary. Abbreviate when possible.
    4 Click <Spellcheck>. The system will check for any misspelled words in the note. After "<Spellcheck>" is complete click on<OK> to complete the note. The display note window appears.
    5 Press <F8> or click on exit to exit the window. The forms window appears.
    6 Click on "Yes" or press <Enter> to save the note. Click "No" if you decide the note is not needed and the changes have not been committed. Click "Cancel" if you decide the note needs to be changed before being committed. Note: An "N" displays in the NOTE field of the information return when a note has been saved.

    Figure 4.19.7-39
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Creating a Case Note

  1. To create a case note, click the "Note" box in the Case Analysis Screen, or use the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Select reF tools then case Note. The case note window displays.
    2 Click or press <Enter> in the text box to type your note. Capitalization and punctuation are not necessary. Abbreviate when possible.
    3 Click <Spellcheck>. The system will check for any misspelled words in the note. After "<Spellcheck>" is complete click on<OK> to complete the note. The display note window appears.
    4 Press <F8> or click on exit to leave the window. The forms window appears.
    5 Click on "Yes" or press <Enter> to save the note. Click "No" if you decide the note is not needed and the changes have not been committed. Click "Cancel" if you decide the note needs to be changed before being committed. Note: An "N" displays in the NOTE field of the information return when a note has been saved.


    Instead of creating your own note, you may select one of the "standard notes" which are displayed when you click in the "text" box.


    If you are leaving a case note for a case originating from another campus, and you are requesting an action to be taken, click on the "Action Required" box. This will ensure that the case appears on the report generated at the originating campus so the action can be taken.

    Figure 4.19.7-40

    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.


    Case notes and information return notes are listed in chronological order, with the most current note displaying first. The system tracks the identity of users who enter a note by posting the UID number with the note. The UID displayed will also include the users campus ID/location number, e.g. 28XXXX for Philadelphia, 18XXXX for Austin, etc.

    Figure 4.19.7-41
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Appending an Existing Note

  1. A note can ONLY be appended once it posts if YOUoriginally created the note. This allows you to add information to an existing note to clarify its meaning or to include related supplemental information. Append an existing note by using the following steps.

    Step Action
    1 Select case Note orir Note from the appropriate menu.
    2 Click in the text field of the note being appended. The note displays.
    3 Enter the additional text.
    4 Click <Spellcheck>. The system will check for any misspelled words in the note. After "<Spellcheck>" is complete click on<OK> to complete the note.
    5 Press <F8> or click on exit to leave the window. The forms window appears.
    6 Click on "Yes" or press <Enter> to save the note. Click "No" if you decide the note is not needed and the changes have not been committed. Click "Cancel" if you decide the note needs to be changed before being committed.  (09-01-2007)
Deleting a Note

  1. Once it has posted, an existing note can be deleted by using the following steps ONLY if you originally created the note.

    Step Action
    1 Place the cursor in the small field between the date and the text of the note you want to delete.
    2 Press <F3> to delete the note. The Delete note window appears.
    3 Click on "Yes" to delete the note.
    4 Press <F8> or click on exit to leave the window. The forms window appears. .
    5 Click on "Yes" to save the changes.

    Figure 4.19.7-42
    This image is too large to be displayed in the current screen. Please click the link to view the image.  (09-01-2007)
Computing Worksheet Windows

  1. The following are worksheet windows to assist with screening and recomputing cases:

    • Self-Employment Tax

    • IRA Contributions

    • Withholding

    • Excess Social Security and Railroad Retirement Tax

    • State and Local Income Tax Refunds

    • Social Security and Railroad Retirement Benefits

    • Social Security Tax on Tips

    • Lump Sum Tax

    • SEP/Keogh Deduction

    • Dependent Care Benefits

    • Employee-Provided Adoption Benefits

    • Savings Bond Exclusion

    • FICA Tax

    • Schedule D Loss

    • Miscellaneous Adjustment/Schedule C Expense

    • Student Loan Interest Deduction

    • Tuition and Fees Deduction.

    • Domestic Production Activity Deduction


    Refer to the hint text line provided on the AUR screen for specific line numbers.

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