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4.4.1  Introduction  (04-29-2005)

  1. This handbook contains instructions for Examination personnel on the use of AIMS and the processing of cases.

  2. The AIMS IRM is divided into chapters based on topics such as Openings, Closings, Transfers, Updates/Corrections, etc. The very first chapter contains a Reference Guide, See Exhibit 4.4.1-1. which should be used as a starting point. The goal is to list all possible topics of interest in the Reference Guide which will then refer you to the appropriate IRM section.

  3. Examination managers are responsible for the timely implementation of all AIMS changes and manual revisions that affect their operation.

  4. Any changes or revisions where their effect/impact cannot be determined, will be referred to the AIMS coordinator for clarification.  (04-29-2005)
Description of AIMS

  1. AIMS, the Audit Information Management System is a computer system used by Appeals, Examination, and TE/GE to control returns, input assessment/adjustments to Master File and provide management reports. This IRM covers Examination’s use of AIMS.

    1. While the return is charged to Examination, the AIMS data base tracks its location, age, and status.

    2. Information on the management reports can be found in IRM 4.4.27, AIMS/Processing Handbook - Reports.

  2. The AIMS base has been consolidated into one IMF data base and one BMF/NMF data base. It appears to the user that there is only one data base. You can view all returns on AIMS using CC AMDIS(A) without having to route the command code.  (04-29-2005)
AIMS/Master File

  1. Changes to AIMS causes the following changes to Master File.

    If you: Then Master File is updated with a:
    Input an AM 424 TC 424 & –L freeze
    Receive an opening record TC 420
    Update a statute date using AMSTU or AMCLS TC 560 and/or new ASED
    Input an AMSOC, transfer New PBC code in the first 2 digits of the DLN of the most recent TC 42X.
    Input an AMSOC, non-examined TC 421 - in some cases a TC 59X is generated if certain disposal codes are input.
    Input an AMCLSE with a closing disposal code TC 30X which generates a TC 421  (02-08-1999)
AIMS Quality Control Responsibilities

  1. Every Examination employee is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the AIMS data base.  (02-08-1999)
Examination Group Managers

  1. Group Managers are responsible for ensuring that;

    1. an AIMS manual is maintained in each group

    2. AIMS procedures are timely followed

    3. AIMS monitoring reports are analyzed to identify group problems

    4. corrective action is initiated when appropriate

    5. employees are evaluated on their use of AIMS

    6. the AIMS Coordinator is consulted in solving non-routine problems  (02-08-1999)
Field Territory Managers, Area and Campus

  1. Field Territory Managers are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the AIMS data base and ensuring that appropriate actions are timely.  (02-08-1999)
Area Directors

  1. Area Directors are responsible for the coordination of AIMS quality control procedures within each area, and to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the AIMS data base.  (09-01-2003)
AIMS Problem Resolution

  1. Report day-to-day problems to your immediate manager for resolution.

  2. Refer problems that cannot be resolved to the AIMS Coordinator. Include documentation on previous actions taken.

  3. The AIMS Coordinator will try to resolve problems through additional research and assistance from Centralized Case Processing, Campus IDRS Control Staff, Campus AIMS Coordinator and the AIMS Help Line at 202-283-2256.  (02-08-1999)
Procedural, Systemic or Editorial problems

  1. If the AIMS Coordinator cannot resolve the problem because:

    If the problem you have is: Then submit a:
    a change in procedures or systems, Form 5391, Procedures/Systems Change Request
    systemic; the program is not doing what it should be doing, Form 5715, System Production Evaluation Report
    editorial, Form 934, Editorial Change Request  (02-08-1999)
Sources of Reference

  1. The following resources are available for research or reference.  (09-01-2003)
Internal Revenue Manuals

  1. Following is a list of related IRMS:

    IRM 1.10.1 The IRS Correspondence Handbook
    IRM 1.15.23 Records Control Schedule for Tax Administration - Examination
    IRM 2.3 IDRS Terminal Responses
    IRM 2.4 IDRS Terminal Input
    IRM 2.8 AIMS Input
    IRM 3.5.61 Files Management and Services
    IRM 3.12.32 General Unpostables
    IRM 3.12.179 Unpostable Resolution
    IRM 3.27.68 ADP Systems Code
    IRM 4.14.1 Statutory Notices of Deficiency
    IRM 20.1 Penalty Handbook
    IRM 20.2 Interest
    IRM 25.6 Statute of Limitations
    IRM 25.6.23 Examination, TE/GE and Service Center Examination Statute Controls
    IRM 25.15 Relief from Joint and Several Liability (Innocent Spouse)
    IRM 25.16 Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief  (04-29-2005)

  1. Document 6036, Examination Division Reporting System Codes Booklet.

  2. Document 6209, ADP and IDRS Information.  (09-01-2003)
AIMS Web Page

  1. The AIMS web page can be found at:  (04-29-2005)
Training Packages

  1. The AIMS Coordinator will be available to assist the area training and development function in conducting formal AIMS training for Examination personnel.

  2. The AIMS Coordinator will initiate and provide any necessary informal training such as workshops, seminars, and presentations at meetings.

  3. The ACES web site " " contains listings of courses. Enter the topic that interests you in the Course Title block and click submit. You will get a list of all courses pertaining to the topic entered.

  4. Various AIMS training packages are:

    Title Course #
    Training for AIMS/ERCS/SETTS Changes 3106a
    AIMS/ERCS Coordinator Training 3106e
    AIMS Training for Exam Group Managers 3112
    Case Processing - Examination Clerk 5740c
    Case Processing - Examination Tax Examiner 5740a
    Case Processing - Examination Data Transcriber 5740b
    Case Processing - Examination On-The-Job Instructor Training 5740f
    Closing Procedures for Tax Examiners - Phase I 3305b
    Closing Procedures for Tax Examiners - Phase II 3305c
    Closing Procedures for Tax Examiners - Phase III 3305d
    Completing Form 5344 6711
    Computing Basic Interest 5001a
    Examination Group Secretary Training 3179
    IDRS Command Codes for Examination 2545d
    Modifications to MFT 31 2293 001/002
    Report Generation Software (RGS) VER 5.2 LAN-Case Processing Examiners 5757 111
    Restricted Interest (Intermediate) 5001 102
    Restricted Interest (Advanced) 5001 201
    SB/SE IDRS Command Code for Compliance Services 2464 001
    SB/SE IDRS Command Code Job Aid 2464 002
    Statute Awareness 6685
    Tax Examiner Training—Foundation Phase 3305a
    Training For AIMS/ERCS/SETTS Changes 3106a

Exhibit 4.4.1-1  (04-29-2005)
Reference Guide

The following "REFERENCE GUIDE" is where the user should look first for definitions or listings of terms used by Examination. The REFERENCE GUIDE is in alphabetical order based on the term being explained. While reading the IRM, if you come upon a term that needs clarification, refer to the REFERENCE GUIDE.

— If the field is displayed on the Form 5546, Examination Charge-Out the literal L=line number and E=element number will be displayed after the definition. (LX–EX)

— If the field is displayed on an AMDIS or AMDISA the literal P = AMDIS(A) page number and L = AMDIS(A) line numbers will be displayed after the definition. (PX–LX)

— If there is a related exhibit, EXHIBIT will be displayed after the definition. (EXHIBIT)

90-Day Letter — See IRM 4.14.1, Statutory Notices of Deficiency, and IRM 4.19.1, Campus Operations, for information on 90-Day Letters.

Abstract Code — The abstract code represents the 2 digit IRS No. that is found on Form 720, Excise Tax Return, preceded by a 0 for AIMS. It is displayed on AIMS in the Activity Code field. When excise tax returns are examined and there is an adjustment to the amount reported under an abstract code, Item 15 on Form 5344, must be completed to update the Master File Abstract field. Item 404 on Form 5344, must be completed to update AIMS for every abstract code examined. The code that is displayed on the AMDIS is based on the first abstract code that was input when the original return was filed. (L14–E20/P1–L7) See Exhibit 4.4.1-2.

Account Receivable Dollar Inventory (ARDI) Code — Code used by Appeals and TE/GE to record the type of advance payment received for the tax period being closed. (P2–L19)

Activity Code (ACTY-CD) — A 3 digit code that categorizes classes of returns (referred to as the Abstract Code for Forms 720). When establishing a return on AIMS, enter an estimated activity code. If it’s a filed return, the opening record sent to AIMS from Master File will overlay the estimated code with the correct code. For non-filers, update the activity code after the examination is completed based on the new income figure. Activity Codes 224, 287-290, 480-483, 489 and 992 are for non-taxable returns. EGC 2XXX can only control the following activity codes, Form 1040-All, Form 1041-495-496, Form 1065-473, 480-483, Form 1120-203, 209, 213, 215, 217, Form 1120S-202, 287-289. (L14–E20/P1– L7) See Exhibit 4.4.1-2 for a complete list of Abstract/Activity Codes.

Activity Indicator (ACT-IND) — If present, it means that an update of some kind has been done on the module since the last weekly analysis and extract. (P1–L21)

Adjustment Amount — See Examination Adjustment Amount.

Aging of the AIMS data baseSee Exhibit 4.4.1-3.

Aging Reason Code (AGING-RSN-CD) — 2 digit code used to identify special cases on AIMS and is sometimes used in local computer program runs. Can be input/updated using CC AM424, AMSTU, AMCLSE, AMAXUE. See Exhibit 4.4.1-4.(L17–E70/P1–L17)

Agreements — See IRM 4.4.12 for information on agreements.

AIMS Assignee Code (AAC) — The AAC is the coding mechanism that Examination uses to assign work. It is a 12 digit field made up of three parts. The first three digits represent the Primary Business Code (PBC). This identifies the operating division such as Appeals, LMSB, SB/SE, TE/GE, and W&I. The second five digits represent the Secondary Business Code (SBC). The last 4 digits represent the Employee Group Code (EGC). See Document 6036, Examination Division Reporting System Codes Booklet, for a complete list of PBC’s and SBC’s. For a complete listing of EGC’s, visit the AIMS web site:

AIMS Control Number — For Master File AIMS opening, the AIMS Control Number is a 9 digit computer generated number - the first 3 digits are the PBC of the case. The remaining numbers are sequential starting at 000001 for IMF and 500000 for BMF. For NMF Records (CC AMNON), it is computer generated using the input PBC and the form number. Example: If Area 215 established a Form 1042 on AIMS using AMNON, the AIMS Control Number would be displayed as: 215104200.


If no return is requested an AIMS Control Number is not generated. Returns in Centralized Files and Scheduling are filed on the shelves in ascending AIMS control number sequence. The AIMS Control Number was previously displayed on IDRS command codes such as IMFOL and BMFOL. Since the implementation of the AIMS Assignee Codes, the AIMS Control Number is only displayed on CC AMDIS(A) and the Form 5546. (L4–E9/P1–L17).

AIMS/Exam-Results — See Exam Results

AIMS Freeze Code — A freeze code is used to prevent the update and closing of AIMS bases until the freeze code is removed. The freeze code field is two spaces. The first space contains all freeze codes with the exception of bankruptcy codes. The second space contains an "X" or "Y" which are the two valid bankruptcy codes. Both fields may be present. Further instructions about AIMS freeze codes appear in IRM 4.4.34, Updating/Correcting AIMS Data Base. Instructions about Master File freeze codes can be found in Doc. 6209, ADP and IDRS information. (L13–E17/P1L14/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-5)

AIMS Serial Number (AIMS-SER-NUM). (Also known as the AIMS OPEN CONTROL NUM). See AIMS Control Number.

Alpha Statute Codes — 2 digit alpha codes located in the "day" portion of the ASED that indicate special circumstances surrounding the statute. If there are alpha codes on a skeletal record, when a full record comes down from Master File the MM and YYYY portion of the ASED will be populated. The Master File ASED will only overlay the DD field of the AIMS ASED if the Alpha Code is "EE" . Can be updated using CC AMSTU and AMCLS. See IRM 25.6.23 for instructions on the use of Alpha Statute Codes. (L13–E17/P1–L3)

AMDIS(A) Screen Prints — See:

Amended Return — Amended returns may be referred to Examination for consideration. All assessment (overassessment) documents are usually in the administrative file. However, the file must be checked to determine if a change in tax liability has previously been made as evidenced by a CP–36 or CP–193, notices with transaction codes (TC) 290 or 291, or computer notices indicating an adjustment has been made. If these forms are not included and doubt exists, a transcript of account should be secured. Any necessary adjustments to refundable credits on individual or corporate returns, except estimated tax payments or credits should be reflected in the examiner’s report.
If an amended return is filed with the examining officer and an examination is not warranted, process the amended return directly to the campus for input to the master file following delinquent return procedures. Do not establish on AIMS.


Exam Results — When the taxpayer sends a taxable amended return to the campus and the tax is assessed as a TC 290, Examination is to enter in Item 414, Amended Return Amount of the Form 5344, the amount of the tax assessed adjusted by credits, IF the return was filed as a result of an ongoing examination. Before 1/1/1999, Examination did not receive "credit" for this adjustment.

Amended Return Amount — Form 5344, Item 415. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings. (P2-L21)

Amount Claimed — See Claim Amount

Appeals Office Code — 3 digit code that is required when closing returns to Appeals as appealed (1XX) or petitioned (2XX). (P1–L12/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-9.)

AMSOC Transfer Date (AMSOC Transfer Date) — The date that the transfer was input (CC AMSOC DC 30). (P1-L10).

Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) — The date that the assessment statute expires. An " X" after the date indicates that the statute has been updated using CC AMSTU. An "R" indicates a restricted consent. If the statute date is input using CC AMSTU and the statute does not contain alpha codes, and it does not match the current AIMS ASED, a TC 560 is generated and sent to Master File. If the TC 150 at Master File is an SFR, the TC 560 will post but it will not update the Master File ASED field. (L13– E17/P1–L3)

Audit Category Codes — See Exhibit 4.4.1–10.

Audit Codes — Entered on tax returns by campus personnel. Some audit codes cause automatic AIMS openings while other audit codes are just displayed on the F5546. (L22–E34/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-10).

Audit Information Management System (AIMS) — The system used by Appeals, Examination, and TE/GE to control returns, input assessment/adjustments to Master File, and provide management reports.

Backup Withholding Indicator — In some instances it is necessary to remove the backup withholding indicator prior to the input of the Examination closing command codes. These cases will be received in the processing function with Form 3198 annotated "Delete BWH Indicator" .

 (1) The processing function is responsible for preparing Form 8408 as follows.

  1. Initiated by Employee No./Org.—Enter your ten digit employee identification number without hyphens. For the organization enter "EXAM" .

  2. Tax Period

  3. Action Code—Enter "7" .

  4. Action Date—Enter current date in MMDDYYYY format. For example, enter March 14, 2004 as "03142004" .

  5. Name Control—Enter four digit primary taxpayer name control from information in case file.

  6. Primary or Payee SS Number—Enter primary taxpayer SSN from information in case file. Enter numerics only. Do not use hyphens.

     (2) Annotate in the case file that Form 8408 was prepared. Route completed forms to the campus Receipt and Control Branch, so they can be batched and numbered for DIS input.

Bankruptcy Processing Procedures — If bankruptcy proceedings are against both Joint Return Deficiency taxpayers, research the Master File to ensure that transaction code (TC) 521 has been input to release the bankruptcy freeze. If the TC 521 has not been input and the taxpayer is still in bankruptcy, any assessment made could be illegal. If TC 521 is not present on the module, coordinate with Technical Services

Bankruptcy Indicators — There are two fields on AIMS that identify taxpayers in bankruptcy. See AIMS Freeze Codes U and X and Collectibility Indicator Code (1=Bankruptcy). (P1/L22)

Beginning Overlapping Period - The beginning date of the overlapping interest period used in the net rate computation. Item 53 on the Form 5344. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings.

Block — Returns or documents grouped together for filing purposes. The ninth, tenth and eleventh digits of the DLN indicate the blocking series where the return is filed.

Blocking Series — A 3 digit number required for all examined closures (P36–38 on Form 5344) that identifies the type of source document filed under the DLN. Master File uses the blocking series to determine whether to generate CP notices and the control DLN indicator "X" . (Exhibit 4.4.1-11)

Business Master File (BMF) — The file containing information about taxpayer’s business, estate, gift and trust returns and related documents.

"C" Corp Indicator — Indicates whether or not a module is part of an account which is classified as a "C" corporation. This indicator is necessary to inform the processing personnel that the taxpayer may be subject to 2% interest. (L24/E77)

CAF Indicator (CAF-IND) — This indicator is displayed on AMDISA if there is a Power of Attorney on the Centralized Authorization File. This file contains both taxpayer and representative records. Taxpayer records contain information about modules for which the taxpayer has delegated authority. The representative records contain name and address information for the representative. CC CFINK is used to access the CAF. (L3-E58/P1–L17)

CAU - AMDISA — Displayed on AMDISA if the Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer Indicator per Master File is set to a "2" . (P1-L1)

Campus Codes

Andover AN 08
Atlanta AT 07
Austin AU 18
Brookhaven BR 19
Cincinnati CI 17
Fresno FR 89
Kansas City KC 09
Memphis ME 49
Ogden OG 29
Philadelphia PH 28

Case Assembly — See Exhibit 4.4.1–12

Case File — The return (may have multiple tax periods), related workpapers, correspondence, etc.

Centralized Authorization File — See CAF Indicator

Centrally Processed Returns — Some returns are only processed at certain campuses. (See Exhibit 4.4.1–13)

Check Digit (CD) — A two letter code determined by the computer applying a mathematical formula to the TIN. The check digit can be found on the tax return label, the AIMS labels and Exam Charge-Out. The check digit ensures that the correct TIN has been input and should always be used if available.(P1-L1)

Claim Amount (CLAIM-AMT) — The dollar amount of the claim input with CC AM424, AMSTU, AMAXU, or AMCLS. The amount should always be a positive amount. See IRM 4.4.4, Claims (L17–E24/P1–L5)

Claim Date (CLAIM-DATE) — The claim date can be input when a claim is established on AIMS using CC AMSTU. If a date is not input the current date is generated. The Claim Date cannot be input if a claim is established using AM424. The current date is generated. If CC AMAXU is used to input the Claim Amount, the current date is generated in the Claim Date field. This field cannot be corrected although the claim date is automatically deleted if the claim amount field is deleted. (P1–L5)

Claim Rejection Date (CLAIM-REJN-DT) — Date entered in Item 20 of Form 5344. Is displayed on a Master File transcript next to the TC 300. The claim rejection date that is displayed on AIMS can be corrected using CC AMAXU but the date at Master File cannot be corrected. (P2–L15)

Claim Type — Used to define the type of claims filed. (P2–L15)

A—Joint Committee (Returns that meet Joint Committee criteria—Project Code 077)
B—Form 843, Claim
C—Form 1040X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
E—Additional Documentation/Informal Claim (Qualifies as Revenue Base Protection only if the liability has been paid)
F—(Reserved) No longer being used to identify NOL cases
G—Form 1139, Corporation Application for Tentative Refund, (Only when the amount requested has not been refunded)
H—Form 1045, Application for Tentative Refund, (Only when the amount requested has not been refunded)
I—Return filed
J—Affirmative Issue (If the taxpayer recomputed the tax)
K—Form 1120X, Amended U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return
L–Y (Reserved)
Z—Other (Not identified above)

Closing PBC (CLS-PBC) — The area office that received credit for the closure. This is the only area that can correct the AIMS data base even if the case is now in Appeals. It is also the area that the computer will automatically default to if a case is returned from Appeals or reopened. See IRM 4.4.34, Updating/Correcting AIMS data base. (P1–L15)

Collectibility Indicator Code — Indicator retrieved from the Accounts Receivable Dollar Inventory System to be used in determining whether the Examination should be limited due to collectibility. (L19–E74/P1–L22)

1 = Bankruptcy — Indicates that a TC 520/Closing Code 81, 83 or 85–89 has posted at Master File for ANY tax period.
2 = Currently not Collectible — Indicates that the CNC indicator has been set at Master File for any tax period. See IRM 5.16.1.
3 = TDA Status 26 — Indicates that a tax period (not necessarily the tax period under examination) is in Collection Status Code 26. Coordination with Collection is necessary. Generates an AIMS Weekly Update Code 28.

Combat Zone Procedures — See Exhibit 4.4.1–14

Consent Code— Used to identify restricted statute extension consents. On Line 1, Position 29 of CC AMSTU, (Line 1, Position 23 of CC AMSTUB) Consent Code of R or U can be input. The R sets the restricted consent indicator that will be displayed on the AMDIS and other reports that currently display the statute date. The U removes the restricted consent indicator. The ASED must be input along with the consent code when setting or removing the code. Alpha codes " EE" is not valid with Consent Code "R" . (P1/L3)

Control DLN — The Control DLN is identified by an "X" following the DLN. Examination uses Blocking Series 000–099, 200–249, 400–499, 600–679, and 900–999, to generate a control DLN. Appeals uses Blocking Series 700–799 to generate a control DLN. Generally the original return is filed under the Control DLN. An exception to this is when Examination uses an RTVUE, BRTVU or MACS print to close a return off of AIMS. Although the DLN will have an "X" , the original return is not associated with the closed file. No CP notice generated since an original return blocking series is used for these closures. See Exhibit 4.4.1-11, Blocking Series, to see which disposal codes generate a control DLN.

Coordinated Industry Case (CIC) — The name given to the program that conducts the examination of large corporations that are pre-identified based on special selection criteria. See Aging Reason Code and Large Case Condition Code which is being renamed CIC Indicator in January 2006. (P2-L10)

Copies of Returns — Special rules apply when closing cases if the examination was conducted using a copy of the return or an RTF print (RTVUE/BRTVU/MACS).

Examined Closings: When a case is closed on the basis of a copy the examiner must take the following actions.

  1. Enter the words "Copy Secured by Examination" in bold print in upper margin on the face of the copy. If a BRTVU/RTVUE print is used, annotate in red at the top of the print "BRTVU/RTVUE print used by Examination" .

  2. Verify the statute of limitations using the TC 610 date.

  3. Tax payments and credits claimed must be verified. A transcript must be secured and retained in the case file to expedite processing.

  4. For cases that are being closed on an actual copy (blocking series 9XX) as changed cases, the amount of "Tax Shown on Return or as Previously Adjusted" from RAR must be entered in Item 10 of the Form 5344. If the amount in Item 10, Form 5344, and the settlement amount on Master File differ beyond $10.00, the case unposts.

  5. Attach a Form 3198 to the case file to identify the case as being closed on a copy.

Closings to Appeals : See IRM 4.4.5, Closings to Appeals.

Non-Examined Closings: You cannot survey a copy of a return, therefore the case should not be established unless the return will be examined. If a copy is established on AIMS in error, use DC 33, Error Account, to remove the record from AIMS.

Credit Carryforward Disallowed Amount (CR-CF-DISL) — Form 5344, Item 46. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings. (P2/L20)

Credit Type — Form 5344, Item 46. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings. (P2/L20)

A = Reserved
B = Business Energy Credit
C = Reserved
E = Experimental Credit; Research and
F = Foreign Tax Credit
G = Reserved
H = Historical Restoration Credit
I = Investment Tax Credit
J = Reserved
K = Reserved
L = Low Income Housing Credit
M = Multiple
N = Reserved
O = Other
P = Reserved
Q = Reserved
R = Reserved
S = Reserved
T = Tight Formation Gas Credit
U = Reserved
V = Vehicle Credit; Qualified Electric
W = Reserved
X = Reserved
Y = Reserved
Z = Reserved

Cross-Reference Document Locator Number (XREF-DLN) — A DLN that is generated when a CC AM424 is input. This number is replaced with a partial DLN that AIMS creates if the record is closed or a partial assessment is made. The partial DLN is sent to the end of day program as part of the TC 300 record and is modified by the end of day program. This is the reason why the AIMS DLN will not match the DLN that posts to Master File. (P1-L15)

Deleting AIMS Data Bases — See IRM 4.4.21, Non-Examined Closings.

Delinquent Return Amount — Form 5344, Item 414. See 4.4.12, Examined Closings. (P2-L21)

Delinquent Return Code (DELQ-RET-CD) — A one digit code entered from item 37 on Form 5344 used to identify delinquent returns that have been secured by Examination and forwarded to the campus for processing. This code must not be used if the delinquent return is incorporated into the examination. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings (P2-L10)

Delinquent Return Indicator (DELQ-RET-IND) — An indicator on AIMS that is set when the delinquent return indicator is set at Master File. If this indicator is set, the delinquency penalty must be addressed if you are attempting to close the case with an adjustment. (L24–E37/P1–L16)

Desert StormSee Exhibit 4.4.1-14.

DIF Category Score (DIF-CAT-SCORE) — The Discriminant Index File category code and score assigned to a return based on the calculation of a mathematical formula used to determine the audit potential of a return. (L30–E37/P1–L6)

DIF Formula — A computerized categorization of returns used by Examination in the selection process.

DIF Formula Score (DIF-FORMULA-CD) — A field containing the DIF Formula used to calculate the DIF score. (L23–E35/P1–L6)

DIF Reason Code (DIF-REASON-CD) — Referred to as the RST code on the IMF opening record sent from Master File. See Exhibit 4.4.1-15.DIF Sel Code. (P1/L6)

DIF Regular Return — A return which receives a DIF score above the minimum cutoff and is not a DIF special return.

DIF Selection Codes (DIF-SEL) — (Also referred to as DIF Reason Code or Audit Category Codes) These codes are determined by Master File using blocking series, asset values, etc. They are used on the DIF file to identify the type of return so when a DIF order is placed for a certain type of tax form i.e. Form 1120F, the system knows to kick-out returns with a DIF Selection Code of " Q" . (L13–E19/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-15.

DIF Special Return — A return containing identifiable characteristics which must be delivered for screening or classification regardless of DIF score. These codes are identified by the Audit Code that is entered by Code and Edit when the return is filed.

Disaster Indicator - See IRM 25.16.1 for more information on disaster areas.

0 = Not Set
1 = TC 971 AC 86 posted to Master File
2 = TC 971 AC 87 posted to Master File
3 = TC 971 AC 86 and 87 posted to Master File
4 = Disaster Ended

Disclosure Codes — Under agreements with the various states the IRS will disclose information. For complete instructions and a list of the state disclosure codes used to update AIMS see IRM 4.4.28, Revenue Agent Reports (RAR’s) Sent to States.

Discriminant Index File — See DIF

Disposal Code (DISP-CD) — A two digit code input from Item 13, Form 5344 or corrected using Item 13, Form 5349, used to identify the type of examination closing. Prior year disposal codes appear on Form 5546. The Exam Disposal Code will remain on AIMS even if Appeals subsequently closes the case. Input with CC AMCLS/AMSOC/AM424D and AMAXU (L19–20–E27–28/P1–L15/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-16.)

Document Code (DOC Code) — The code which identifies the specific type of return or document that was filed or processed. The document code is the fourth and fifth digits of the DLN. Document Codes for transactions input through AIMS are 47 (AMCLS/AMSOC) and 77 (AM424/AMSTU); 51 reflects quick assessments.

Document Locator Number (DLN) — A fourteen digit number by which returns can be stored and associated. (L2–E7)
The positions of the DLN are:

Position Number Definition
1–2 FLC/campus
3 Tax Class
4–5 Document Code
6–8 Julian Date
9–11 Blocking Series Number
12–13 Document Serial Number
14 Year Digit

Dummy TINSee Exhibit 4.4.1-31, Taxpayer Identification Number Exhibit. Cases with a Dummy TIN cannot be closed to Appeals.

Electronically Filed Returns (ELF) — Examination personnel should follow normal requisition and closing procedures, even though the return was electronically filed. (Regular prints or Graphic Electronic Prints (GEL) must be closed using an original return blocking series.) The hardcopy return that the requester receives is considered the original return. Electronic returns are identified by the first two digits of the Document Locator Number (DLN) . Refer to Document 6209 and AIMS web site at for a list of ELF DLN’s.

Ending Overlapping Period - The ending date of the overlapping interest period used in the net rate computation. Item 54 on the Form 5344. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings.

Employee Group Code (EGC) — A four digit code used to identify groups in Examination. The group code can be corrected using Form 5348, Examination Update, on open cases and Form 5349, Examination Correction Request on cases in Status Code 8X or 90. A complete listing of EGC’s can be found at: (L19–E29/P1-L11/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-17. )
 (1) Revenue agent returns are assigned code 1XXX. The following returns are assumed to be revenue agent returns and assigned code 1000:

  1. Returns with Activity Codes 534, 536–541.

  2. All asset classes of corporation returns.

 (2) Tax auditor returns are assigned code 2XXX. Returns with Activity Codes 530–533 or 535 are assumed to be tax auditor returns.

 (3) EGC 5000–5999 are used for examination programs in campuses.

Employer Identification Number (EIN) — The nine digit number with a format XX-XXXXXXX, used to identify business taxpayers on the Business Master File (BMF).

Enforcement Revenue Information System (ERIS) — In order to assess the success of the major enforcement programs within the IRS, the service has implemented an enforcement revenue information system. ERIS is an "umbrella " management information system that collects data from existing data sources on a regular basis to track enforcement actions from the start of an examination through collection. AIMS is the data source that Examination is using to provide the required data to ERIS. See for more information.

Entity Module — That portion of the Master File record which contains basic taxpayer information. It contains name, address, SSN, or EIN, name control, filing requirements, location codes, fiscal period, etc. IMF also includes marital status, spouse’s name, SSN etc.

Erroneous Refunds — See IRM 21.4.5, Erroneous Refunds and IRM 4.4.3, Adjustments-Miscellaneous.

Error Tolerances — If during the edit and review of Examination case files, it becomes apparent that an error was made in computing the deficiency, overassessment, or penalty the resolution of the error depends on whether it is in favor of the taxpayer or government. Consider dollar amount of error in relation to total deficiency when determining if the error should be waived
Error in Favor of the Taxpayer: Less tax due or higher refund due, the correct deficiency or penalty should be assessed or the correct overassessment scheduled for refund.
Error in Favor of Government: The taxpayer will owe additional tax or receive less of a refund, the case may be processed for the amount of the deficiency, overassessment, or penalty shown on the Examination report if the difference does not exceed $50.00 per tax period. Errors over $50.00 per tax period, may be processed when approved by the Centralized Case Processing Manager, Technical Support Manager, the Field Territory Manager, or the Area Director, as established by local procedures.

Estimated Tax Indicator (EST-TX-IND) — This indicator is sent when Master File notifies AIMS that the taxpayer has paid the estimated tax penalty. If Exam adjusts withholding, this indicator will block the adjustments if a TC 17X, or Priority Code 8 is not present. (P2-L22)

Examination Adjustment Amount (EXAM-ADJ-AMT) — Nontaxable Returns — The net increase or decrease in ordinary net income-loss. Amount from Item 34, Form 5344. (P2–L7)

Exam Claim Amount Disallowed (EXAM-CLAIM-AMT-DISALLOWED) — The amount input from Item 22, Form 5344 that represents the dollars protected from leaving the Treasury base. Must only be used if the claim is a claim for REFUND. (P2–L14)

Examination Cumulative Assessment Amount (EXAM-CUM-ASSMNT-AMT) — A computer generated cumulative amount of assessments made through AIMS by Examination. This amount includes all partial assessments made during the Examination plus the final assessment. This amount also includes all item 12 and 15 entries from Form 5344 that are to be included in Exam Results. (P2–L4)

Examination Results (AIMS/EXAM-RESULTS) — A computer generated total of Examination’s recommended tax adjusted by credits that are input from the following item numbers on Form 5344:

  • Item 12 TC codes 300, 301, 304, 305, 308 and 309 = EXAM-CUM-ASSMNT-AMT

  • Item 15 (Only Credit Reference Numbers 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 310, 312, 318, 330–334, 764, 765, 766, 767, 806, or 807) = EXAM-CUM-ASSMNT-AMT

  • Item 18, Unagreed Amount Appealed/Petitioned

  • Item 34, Exam Adjustment Amount

  • Item 35, Manual Assessment Amount

Exam does not receive results for TC 290’s, amended returns filed with the campus, Doc Code 51 TC 29X manual assessments. Do not include TC 290’s in any of the fields mentioned above. (P2–L8)

Forms 1065/1120S — When Forms 1065/1120S returns are examined, the examination results are based on the type of adjustment that has been determined:

IF the adjustment is to: THEN
ordinary income/loss or special allocation The activity code must be a non-taxable activity code.
  Entry in Item 34 on Form 5344 is required
tax The activity code must be a taxable activity code.
  DO NOT make an entry in Item 34 on Form 5344
both only the tax adjustment is processed. See tax above.

Examination Return Charge-Out — See Form 5546

Examination Start Date (EXAM-START-DT) — Effective January 1, 2006, the Exam Start Date is the date that an EGC 1XXX or 2XXX case is updated to a status code 12 -49; for EGC 5XXX the date the case is updated to a status code 10-49. (P1–L4)

Examination Start Cycle (EXAM-START-CYC) — A computer generated monthly cycle date based on the weekend after a return goes into status 12 or above for EGC 1XXX or 2XXX or status 10 and above for EGC 5XXX. EXAMPLE: A 1XXX EGC case that is updated to status 12 on 3/31/04, will reflect a start of 200404 since the weekend after 3/31/04 is in April. This field cannot be changed after it is set and it does not restart on cases backed down from Appeals or reopened. Cycle time is calculated by using the 15th of the month along with the cycle date up to the disposal code date. Effective January 1, 2006, the Exam Start Cycle will be expanded by two digits and the date used will be the actual date that the case is updated to a status code greater than 09 or 11. (P1–L4)

Examination Technique Code (EXAM-TECH-CD) — Identifies the type of examination conducted. It is from Item 30 of Form 5344 and is required for all examined returns. No entry is made for surveyed claims. (P2–L12) Valid entries are:

EGC Technique Code
1XXX = 3 = Field Examination Conducted (RA only)
2XXX = enter the most recent code shown as "Technique Code" on Form 4607, Examination Action and Time Record using the following criteria:
  1 = Office Interview Held
    — Always use if entered on Form 4607 regardless of the most recent code shown.
  2 = Correspondence Examination
  6 = No Show/No Response
    — Valid only with Disposal Code 01, if there is a claim amount present, 10 or 13
  7 = Undeliverable Mail — valid if:
    Disposal Code is 01 and there’s a claim amount present
    Disposal Code is 10 or 13
5XXX = 2 = Correspondence Examination
  6 = No Response
    Valid only with Disposal Code 10
  7 = Undeliverable Mail — valid if:
    Disposal Code is 01 and there’s a claim amount present
    Disposal Code is 13 for any case with an undelivered statutory notice of deficiency.
  8 = Effective 1/1/2006: Telephone Contact from the Taxpayer.

Examiner’s Grade (EXAM-GR) — This field represents the numbers entered in Item 31, Form 5344. It should reflect the grade of the examiner who closed the case. This entry is required for area examinations only. For Correspondence Examination cases the system will default to a Grade 07 if Item 31 is not completed. (P2-L12) Valid grades are:

EGC 1XXX = 05, 07, 09, or 11–14
EGC 2XXX = 03–09, or 11
EGC 5XXX = 03–09, or 11

Examiner’s Time (EXAM-TIME) — This field represents the amount entered in Item 28, Form 5344. Since examining officers can report sick leave, annual leave, etc. in quarter hours, time on cases must also allow quarter hours. All time fields include quarter hours. If EGC is 1XXX or 2XXX, the last digit of the time field must be 0= 0 minutes, 3 = 15 minutes, 5 = 30 minutes, or 7 = 45 minutes. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closing Chapter. (P2-L12)

Excise Tax Returns — See IRM 4.4.10, Employment/Excise Tax Adjustments.

F0, F1, F2, F4, F5, F6 Record — See Record Type Code

Fed/State- See IRM 4.4.28, Revenue Agent’s Reports (RAR’s) Sent to States.

File Source — a one digit code which follows the Taxpayer identification Number (TIN) . The common values are:

File Source Description Output
Blank (SSN) IMF SSN valid 1 0
* IMF SSN invalid 1 1
V BMF SSN valid 2 0
W BMF SSN invalid 2 1
Blank (EIN) BMF EIN 2 2
P-SSN IRAF SSN valid 4 0
X IRAF SSN invalid 4 1
R-Rep CAF TP’s Reps # 9 4
D AIMS Dummy TIN 0 3

File Year — A calendar year sometimes referred to as the processing year, posting year of DIF file year. All returns are maintained, processed, posted and filed within the DIF system on a calendar year basis regardless of the tax period of the return.

Foreign Return Indicator (FRGN-RET-IND) — This indicator is set on AIMS when the Foreign Return Indicator on Master File is set. For IMF, this means that a positive response was entered to the question on Schedule B of Form 1040 about the existence of a Foreign Bank Account or Foreign Trust. For BMF, this means that a company is doing business in a foreign country (Audit Code 2 on Form 1120) or a taxpayer has a foreign bank account (certain exam codes on Form 1120, 1041 or 1065) . (P1–L22)

Form 1120S Returns — See Text 4.4.6, Conversion of Returns.

Form 1273, Report of Estate Tax Examination Changes - See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 1296, Assessment Against Transferee or Fiduciary - See IRM 4.4.17, Jeopardy, Termination and Transferor/Transferee Assessment.

Form 2504, Agreement to Assessment and Collection of Additional Tax or Acceptance of Overassessment. See5 and 7.

Form 2644, Recommendation for jeopardy/Termination Assessment — See IRM 4.4.17, Jeopardy/Termination/Transferor-Transferee Assessments.

Form 3198, Special Handling Notice — See:

Form 3210, Document Transmittal — This form should be used to control the shipment of tax returns between posts of duty and area offices. The sender prepares Form 3210 in triplicate, completes the "To" and "From" sections and enters total return count. Taxpayer identifying information should also be included to provide tighter control of individual returns. Forward two copies with the shipment; retain third as record of shipping action. Receiver acknowledges delivery and returns one copy to sender. Upon receipt of acknowledgment copy, the sender destroys retained copy.

Form 3244A, Payment Posting Voucher-Examination — See IRM 4.4.24, Payments and Remittances

Form 3552(c), Prompt Assessment Billing Assembly — See IRM 4.4.24, Payments and Remittances and IRM 4.4.25, Quick Assessments.

Form 4287, Record of Discovered Remittances — See IRM 4.4.24, Payments and Remittances

Form 4338, Information or Certified Transcript Request — See IRM 4.4.13, IDRS Research.

Form 4340, Certificate of Assessments and Payments — See IRM 4.4.13, IDRS Research.

Form 4549, Income Tax Examination Changes — See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 4605, Examination Changes—Partnerships, Fiduciaries, Corps. & Domestic Intl. Sales Corp. — See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 4665, Report Transmittal — See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 4666, Summary of Employment Tax Examination — See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 4667, Examination Changes—Federal Unemployment Tax — See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 4668, Employment Tax Examination Changes Report — See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 5385, Excise Tax Examination Changes — See IRM 4.4.7, Correspondence.

Form 5391, Procedures/Systems Change Request - See IRM

Form 5546, Examination Return Charge-Out — Generates at the same time a full record is created on AIMS as a result of a CC AM424 if the Return Requisition Indicator is blank or 1 and for all automatic openings such as Source Code 01 or DIF requests . If the TC 150 DLN is outside of the campus that controls the AIMS base, two charge-outs are created. The "Ship To" charge-out is generated at the TC 150 DLN campus, and the "Return in Transit " charge-out is generated at the AIMS campus. The form is used by Files to pull the return and also contains pertinent information used by the examining officer. The Form 5546 should be attached to the return when the case is closed. If a Form 5546 is received for a return that has already closed out of Examination, it should be destroyed. See AIMS web site at "" , for an example of all the fields on Form 5546.

Form 6657, Related Returns Examination Report (Non-TEFRA) — Upon receipt of agreed or no-change non-TEFRA cases, (after review, if applicable) photo copy the report. Attach one copy to each Form 6657. Annotate Form 5752, Flow-through Entity Distribution Schedule, or PCS Report 22–3, National Directory, to reflect the date the Form(s) 6657 was/were issued. Forward Form 6657 and reports to the proper area or campus, Attn: Field Territory Manager. Route in area Forms 6657 and reports to the PSP Support for appropriate disposition.

Form 6759, Request for Taxpayer Data - used for ZAP requests. See IRM 4.4.20, Missing Returns and Error Accounts.

Form 8379, Injured Spouse Claim and Allocation — See Injured Spouse Cases

Form 8453 - U. S. Individual Tax Declaration for Electronic Filing:Returns pulled for examination will not have Form 8453, automatically associated unless the requester is Appeals, Criminal Investigation or the Taxpayer Photocopy Unit. The taxpayer’s signature will not appear on a hardcopy of an electronically filed return, but will appear on the signature document, Form 8453. Form W–2, W–2G, and W–2P information appear on the output page (W–2 summary page) of the electronic return hardcopy. The original W–2’s are filed with the Form 8453.
Requesting Form 8453: Form 8453 should only be requested for special cases such as criminal investigations or tax court. Group manager approval is required and must be documented in the case file. * Use Command Code ELFRQ–AC2 or follow CC ESTAB procedures. State in the remarks section of the request "Please pull Form 8453."
Requesting Original: If the original W–2’s are needed, use ESTAB procedures and enter in the remarks section "Need Form W–2’s 8453, Original W–2’s Needed."
Disposition of Form 8453: If requested, the Form 8453 must be attached to the print of the return and it will become part of the case file which will receive a renumbered DLN upon closing.
Unallowable Program: ELF returns that fall into the unallowable program (Source Code 03), are established on AIMS differently than regularly filed returns. See IRM 4.4.23, Openings.

Form 8758,Excess Collections File Addition - See IRM 3.17.220 for instructions.

Form 10904, Request for Record Deletion from AIMS — See IRM 4.4.21, Non-Examined Closings/Deleting AIMS Records.

Form NumberSee Exhibit 4.4.1-20,Master File Tax Code Exhibit for a list of forms that are valid on AIMS and their respective MFT or NMF codes.

Fraud Condition Code (FRAUD-COND-CD) — An indicator input from Item 38, Form 5344 used to identify cases in which the fraud penalty was asserted. The presence of this indicator will cause examination statistics to be reflected under the fraud portion of the Examination tables. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings. (P2–L11)

Freeze Codes — See AIMS Freeze Codes and/or Master File Freeze Codes.

Fully Established AIMS Account (FO Records) — Once an AM424 posts to Master File and is matched, Master File sends an opening record back to AIMS which is when the account becomes fully established. AIMS then sends a TC 420 back to Master File. Non-Master File accounts, are fully established as soon as the AIMS request is successfully input.

FUTA State Code — "T" = tax followed by 2 digit state code; or " W" = wages followed by 2 digit state code. See Exhibit 4.4.1-29.

Grade of Case (GR-CASE) — A 4 digit field input from item 32, Form 5344 used to reflect the grade level of difficulty of an examination. If a "+" is displayed on line 11 of the AMDISA after the grade of case, it signifies that an "R" , the related return indicator, was input. See Document 6036 for the list of valid codes. (P2–L11)

IMF Issue Code - All individual returns closed as a no-change, require entry of an IMF issue code to allow AIMS to record the issues considered during the examination and no-changed. The information is sent to Master File and captured by EOAD. You can review this information using CC I/BMFOLZ. If a subsequent return is open on AIMS, the F5546 will display the IMF Issue Codes. This will allow classifiers to consider the issues that were no-changed in the prior examination when determining whether the return currently under consideration should be selected for examination. This process reduces unnecessary taxpayer contacts and prevents repetitive examination of the same issue. See IRM 4.4.12 for more information. See for a list of IMF Issue Codes.


Individual Master File (IMF) — The magnetic type file containing information about taxpayers’ individual returns and related documents.

Injured Spouse Cases — Injured spouse claims, if filed with the campus, are worked in the Adjustments area even if a TC 420 is present. Adjustments will secure a copy of the return from Examination or contact the taxpayer for a copy if not readily available in Exam. See IRM 21.4.6, Refund Offset.

Innocent Spouse Cases — All procedures for innocent spouse case can be found in IRM 25.15, Relief from Joint and Several Liability.

Inspected Return (INSP-RETURN: ACCEPTED) — Present if a TC 971 Action Code 72 is input indicating that the return was inspected as part of a package audit and accepted as filed. If the return is already open on AIMS, an AIMS Weekly Update Report, Condition Code 14 or 17 will be generated when the TC 971 AC 72 posts to Master File. If the return is opened on AIMS after the TC 971 posts, the literal "INSP-RET-ACCEPTED" will appear on the Form 5546 and AMDISA. (L12–E55/P1–L21)

Installment Agreement Codes — A one digit code required on all examined cases to identify whether an installment agreement was received. (P2–L18)

IA Codes Definition
N = no installment agreement TP did not request an installment agreement
I = installment agreement secured by Examination TP requested an installment agreement and Exam input the IA.
C = installment agreement coordinated with Collection TP requested an installment agreement; Exam forwards to Collection. Exam inputs a TC 971 AC 043. Exam sends a Letter 691 to the taxpayer.

Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) — A transaction oriented computer system at each campus that provides a history of activity in accounts.

Interest — See LEM 20.2.1 for procedures on interest.

International Examiner’s Time— Time spent by an International Examiner. Entered in Item 402 on Form 5344 as a percentage of the total examination time entered in Item 28. The maximum percentage that can be entered is 99%. (P2-L12)

Invalid Segment — An "*" after a SSN identifies an account that resides on the invalid segment of the Master File. The invalid segment contains accounts in which the SSN and name combinations do not match the Social Security Administration (SSA) records. Even though you may send a TC424 to Master File with an *, if the SSN is valid on the DM1 tape, Master File will send the TC424 to the valid segment.

Inventory Validation List (IVL) — A list of accounts currently on the AIMS data base. The purpose of inventory validation is to maintain the integrity and accuracy of AIMS inventory. Procedures on conducting an inventory validation are contained in IRM 4.4.16, Inventory Control.

Jeopardy Assessments — Jeopardy assessments are made in situations where prior to the assessment of a deficiency, it is determined that collection of such deficiency would be endangered if regular assessment and collection procedures are followed. See IRM 4.4.17 for procedures.

Joint Investigation Code (JT-INVSTGTN-CD) — This code is set when a Return Condition Indicator of a "1" is entered when the case is established on AIMS as an NMF account using CC AMNON. (P1–L5)

Julian Date — The numeric day of the year that the return or document was numbered for processing. (For example: January 16 =016) . The sixth, seventh, and eighth digits of the DLN represent the Julian Date. If the Julian date is displayed as a four digit field, the first digit indicates the last digit of the tax year. (Example: March 18, 1997 = 7077) (P/All–L2)

Labels — The labels are used on the AIMS forms to requisition, update, close and correct accounts. The file labels are used to identify returns in various files and for group control cards. The address labels are used in correspondence with the taxpayer. The address labels do not contain the TIN to prevent unauthorized disclosure if used on an envelope. Status labels are used when requesting updates.

  1. Cases that are opened on AIMS using programs such as DIF, automatically generate 18 labels (9 status; 5 address; 1 DLN; 3 file).

  2. Cases that are opened using CC AM424, will generate 18 labels (9 status; 5 address; 1 DLN; 3 file) if the return request indicator on the AIMS request is blank or 1.

  3. Additional labels can be requested using Form 5348, Examination Update to input CC AMLAB. See reverse side of form for instructions. AMLAB will generate 9 address and 9 status or 18 of one type depending on the request. Labels should remain in case file until final closing.

Large Case Condition Code (LARGE-CASE-COND-CD) — A one digit code set to an "L" when a Form 5344 is input and the Aging Reason Code = 04. Both Aging Reason Code 04 and a Large Case Condition Code of " L" signify the case is a CIC case. When present, this case will appear on the CIC portion of the AIMS tables. Effective 1/1/2006, the Large Case Condition Code will be renamed CIC Code. It will appear as a " 1" on the AMDISA if present. (P2–L10)

Last Amount Put in Cumulative Assessment (LAST-AMT-PUT-IN-CUM) — The net amount of the last tax, and credits entered in Item 12 and/or Item 15 on the For 5344. When CC AMCLSU-LE is input, this amount is subtracted from the Exam Cum Assmnt Amt field. (P2–L3).

Manual Assessment Amount (MAN-ASSMMT-AMT) — This field represents the amount entered in Item 35, Form 5344. This amount must be the total of all manual assessments that Examination requested for the current audit. The amount entered should be the net of tax, adjusted by prepayment credits that are entered on Form 2859. DO NOT include TC 290’s, interest, or penalties when calculating the manual assessment amount. This field can be corrected using CC AMAXU. (P2–L5)

Manual Refund — See IRM 4.4.19

Master File (MF) — A computer record containing information about taxpayer’s filing of returns and related documents for both individual tax returns (IMF) and business tax returns (BMF) . The Master File contains information on the current year plus all years that have had activity within the two previous years. In addition, the master file maintains retention register files on taxpayers for two additional years. (Note: older tax return date (with less information than current year cases) is maintained on microfilm for an indefinite period of time)

Master File Freeze Codes — Instructions about Master File freeze codes can be found in Doc. 6209, ADP and IDRS information.

Master File Tax Code (MFT) — The MFT code reduces the numerous tax form numbers to two digits. See Exhibit 4.4.1-20,Master File Tax Codes Exhibit for a list of MFT codes that are valid on AIMS. (L2–E2/ALL–L1)

Master File Transaction Code (MF-TC) — A field on AIMS which is updated when certain Master File Transaction Codes that may impact the examination post to the Master File. Certain transaction codes require special actions before the closing can be input. An AIMS Weekly Update Report is also generated when these transaction codes post or are released. (P1–L7)

TC 29X — indicates that a TC 29X has posted to Master File. If a TC 764 is input, the closure will be blocked unless a Priority Code of 1 or 8 is used. See TC 29X Indicator.
TC 34X — indicates that a TC 34X has posted. Interest and/or penalty accruals cannot be computer generated therefore must be manually computed. The following transactions on Master File cause this condition; TC 150–Z coded, TC 34X, TC 500, TC 534, TC 780 or any TC with Document Code 52.
TC 47X — indicates that a TC 47X has posted
TC 48X — indicates that a TC 48X has posted
TC 64X — indicates that a TC 64X has posted
TC 67X — indicates that a TC 67X has posted
TC 78X — FOR IMF ONLY. BMF will implement this change in January 2006. IMF Master File will set the TC 34X-780-CD to a 2 or 3 on openings and updates if there is an unreversed TC 780 posted at Master File. AMCLS will be blocked if the disposal code equals 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, 12 (if AOC #16 is not present), 13 and 34 if the TC 34X-780-CD is 2 or 3 (indicating there is a TC 780 present on the MF module). This will prevent unpostable codes 187 RC 0 for IMF and 335 RC 1 for BMF. New error message "TC-34X -780-CD=X TC 780 PRESENT AT MF: CLOSURE BLOCKED TO PREVENT UPC 1870/3351" ("X" = 2 or 3). The values will be set as follows (Values 2 and 3 are new).
0 = No TC 34X or TC 780 on MF
1 = TC 34X is on MF, no TC 780
2 = TC 780 is on MF, no TC 34X
3 = both TC 34X & 780 on MF
If a 1 AMDIS will display 34X
If a 2 AMDIS will display 780
If a 3 AMDIS will display 34X 780
TC 910/914 — indicates that a TC 910 has posted to the specific tax module or that a TC 914 has posted to any module. Examination must contact Criminal Investigation before proceeding with the examination. Appears as "INTEL" on F5546, L25/E40.
TC 916/918 — indicates that a TC 916 has posted to any module or that a TC 918 has posted to the specific tax module. Examination must contact Criminal Investigation before proceeding with the examination.
TC 94X — indicates that a TC 94X has posted.
TC 97X — indicates that a TC 97X has posted and/or a TC 971 AC 72 has posted (see glossary for Inspected Return)

MCC Processing Cycle — The cycle when the Martinsburg Computing Center posts returns processed by campuses, selects returns, and creates tapes to print examination assemblies and reports. The cycle is expressed by a six digit code; the first four digits, the processing year and the last two digits, the processing week in that year.

Missing Returns — See IRM 4.4.20, Missing Returns and Error Account.

NAICS Code - The North American Industry Classification Code. Valid for tax periods 199812 and subsequent. See: for a NAICS look up chart. Valid for MFT’s 02, 06, and 30. Input in Item 19 on the Form 5344 or Form 5349. If the NAICS code is updated, it will appear on IMFOLA/BMFOLA after the literal "REF#: 410" and on TXMODA after the literal "REF-CHG-DTA>" (L25-P26-34/P2-L6)

Name Control (NM-CTRL) — For individuals, it is the first 4 letters of the taxpayer’s last name. For businesses, it is the first 4 letters of the business name. The name control is used to check master file to ensure that the TIN corresponds with the proper taxpayer. The name control appears on the labels and charge-out. See Document 7071, Name Control for more information. (ALL–L1/ )

Name Line Year (NM-LN-YR) — The year that the name line at Master File entity was updated. A module cannot be established on AIMS unless the name line year at Master File is equal to or prior to the tax period being established. (P1– L19)

Net Rate Amount - The amount of overpayment or underpayment that the net rate applies. Item 52 on the Form 5344. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings.

Net Rate MFT/Tax Period - The MFT and tax period for the return for the net rate adjustment. Item 51 on the Form 5344. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings.

No-Change Issue Codes - This field has been renamed IMF Issue Codes. See IMF Issue Code.

NOL Carryforward Disallowed Amount (NOL-CF-DISL) — Form 5344, Item 44. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings. (P2-L20))

NOL Indicator (NOL-IND) — Form 5344, Item 45. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings. (P2-L20)

Non-Examined — Accepting a tax return as filed during the initial screening or classification. CC AMSOC is used to close the return off the AIMS system. See IRM 4.4.21, Non-Examined Closings.

Non-Filer — Certain source codes and project codes identify a record as a non-filer. A-CIS is used to track various non-filer initiatives. As project codes are added or removed from the non-filer program monthly, the non-filer project codes are no longer listed in this IRM.

Non-Master File (NMF) — Non-Master File is a manual accounting system controlling certain types of returns that are not processed through the computer system to Master File. Research can be conducted on NMF account using ANMF. Recordation of adjustments, billing of assessments and refunds of overassessments are performed manually by the campus. A non-master file account established on AIMS is not subject to many of the same computer checks of a master file account. A non-master file account can be established on AIMS with incorrect information because the account information is not compared to a computer file, such as is with Master File, or the manual ledger account cards at the campus. When establishing a non-master file AIMS record, you should ensure the taxpayer and tax account information is correct. NMF AIMS control is established by input of Form 5354, Examination Request Non-Master file. (L2–E2/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-20)

Non-Petitioning Spouse — See IRM 4.14, Statutory Notices of Deficiency IRM.

Non-Taxable Return —Activity Codes 224, 287-290, 480-483, 489 and 992 are categorized as non-taxable returns.

Offers in Compromise — Collection has jurisdiction over offers based on " doubt as to collectibility." and Examination generally has jurisdiction over offers based on doubt as to liability. Exceptions are that Collection has jurisdiction over Trust Fund Recovery Penalty offers, even when based on doubt as to liability, and the campus has jurisdiction over some penalties.
A TC 480 indicates that there is an offer-in-compromise pending. AIMS does not display this indicator on the Form 5546, only on Line 7 of the AMDISA. An examiner must review the AMDISA or Master File to determine whether an OIC has been filed.
A TC 780 indicates that there is an accepted offer-in-compromise. AIMS will block the input of an assessment if there is a TC 780 posted to Master File.
Following are special rules that apply when processing OIC cases.

AIMS Control: OIC cases are usually received in the area office if the liability of the tax is an issue.

If the return is: Then:
Requested for review but not examined Use Source Code 45 and Disposal Code 45
Requested for review and subsequently examined Change Source Code to 73 and use applicable Disposal Code to close
Not requested but copy is used and examined Use Source Code 73 and applicable disposal code to close
Not requested Do not control on AIMS unless examined

Time Charge: Charge all time spent in reviewing the offer and preparing the Rejection or Withdrawal Memorandum to Activity Code 720.
Charge all time spent in examining books and records and/or preparing report as direct time on case
AIMS Statute Date: Update the offer case (where the normal statute has expired) to "AA" .

Opening Creation Date (OPNG-CRTN-DT) — For skeletal records, it represents the date the AM424 was input. When a skeletal record becomes a full record, the date is reset to the date that AIMS received the opening record. For full records, it’s the date the full record was put on AIMS. (P1–L3)

Operation Joint Endeavor See Exhibit 4.4.1-14,Combat Zone Procedures.

Partial Agreement Indicator (PARTIAL-AGRMT-IND) — A "1" indicates that the CC AMCLSF was successfully input. (P1–L9)

Partnership Control System (PCS) — A real-time system that establishes, links, and controls flow-through returns and their investors. It interfaces with AIMS, Master File and the Centralized Authorization File. PCS identifies returns subject to TEFRA examination procedures; controls TEFRA and non-TEFRA statutes; generates required statutory correspondence for TEFRA investors including the Notice of Beginning of an Administrative Proceeding, 60-Day Letter, schedule of adjustment, FPAA/FSAA, and Appeals settlement correspondence.

Partnership Investor Control File Code (PICF-CD) — Codes used on the PCS system to identify the type of case. (L35–E65a/P1–L14)

0 = No Partnership Investor Control File data
1 = TEFRA key case record
2 = non-TEFRA key case record
5 = investor with at least one open TEFRA key case linkage
6 = investor with at least one open non-TEFRA key case linkage but no open TEFRA key case linkage
7 = investor with at least one closed TEFRA key case linkage but no open linkage
8 = investor with at least one closed non-TEFRA key case linkage but no closed TEFRA key case linkage nor open linkage
9 = to correct erroneously assigned PICF codes to key cases and investors

Payment Codes — A one digit code required to be entered in Item 411 of the Form 5344 for all examined closures (except EGC 58XX) . It’s used to monitor the number of cases in which examination has secured a payment and whether the payment resulted in the account being full paid, full paid due to an offset, or part paid. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closures (P2–L18)

F = full paid Amount shown on RAR paid in full; may be unpaid accruals. A frozen refund, withholding, or payments, which satisfies the balance due in full.
P = part paid Includes frozen refund, withholding, payments or an offset from another tax period, which does notcompletely satisfy the balance due. also used where there will be an offset from other tax periods that will not completely satisfy the liability.
N = no payment Changed cases where there was no frozen refund, payment or offset from another tax period to satisfy the balance due. Also, used for No Change, Overassessment and Appeals cases if no payment is received.
O = total offset Offsets from other tax periods that will satisfy the balance due in full.

Penalties — See LEM 20.1, Penalty Handbook

Penalty Reason Code - a two digit number ranging from 21-46 and a required entry if penalties are being abated. The item is included on the TC 3XX transaction being sent to Master File; it is not retained on the AIMS data base. See IRM 20.1, Penalty Handbook and IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings, Surveyed Claims, and Partial Assessments.

Post of Duty (POD) — A code assigned to each return determined by the taxpayer’s ZIP code used to assign returns to the appropriate area for examination. See POD/ZIP code tool on the PSP web site: This code can be changed on open cases by single or batch input using Form 5348, Examination Update (CC AMSTU) . If the case if closed, a single input correction can be requested using Form 5349, Examination Correction Request (CC AMAXU) . (L22–E33/P1– L10)

Posting Delay Code — Item 43 on Form 5344. Used when multiple adjustments are required on an account and some must post in later cycles than others. Will allow systemic cycling for the number of weeks entered (1–6 are valid)

Potentially Dangerous Taxpayer (PDT) — An indicator to alert employees to the fact that a taxpayer has been designated as potentially dangerous. Each area office should designate a colored folder to use for PDT cases to alert employees so necessary precautions can be taken. (L3–E60/ALL–L1)

Power of Attorney (POA) — A taxpayer may designate a representative to handle their tax matter. If there is a power of attorney present the CAF indicator will be displayed on an AMDISA. (P1–L17)

Prepayment Credit — A credit that is not reflected at Master File until the return is filed. For example, withholding and earned income credit is not reflected at Master File until the taxpayer files the return.

Primary Business Code (PBC) — A three digit field that identifies the Area/Industry Office. See "AIMS Assignee Code" . (L14–E21/P1–L10)

Principle Business Activity Code (PBA) — See Principle Industry Code

Principle Industry Code (PIA) — A three digit code to provide industry title and definitions for use on the appropriate returns. They are based on the Standard Industrial Classification System authorized in an attempt to classify enterprises and establishments by type of activity in which engaged. This code is entered by the taxpayer on the appropriate form at the time of original filing. The taxpayer enters the codes on the Form 1040, Schedule C and F; Form 1065; or Form 1120/1120S. This field can be corrected on AIMS using CC AMAXU. Master File cannot be corrected at this time but the programmers are working on this change. Will be replaced with a 6 digit NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code for tax periods 9812 and subsequent. (L25–E39/P2–L6)

Prior Examination Results — If Master File has a record of a prior examination action, a record of the most recent tax period will appear in Item 27 and the next most recent in Item 28 of the Form 5546. Items displayed are month and year of tax period, disposal code, and the amount of examination results. A minus sign indicates an overassessment. If there is no record at Master File of a prior examination, the message, "NO PRIOR EXAMINATION," will appear. (L19,20–E27, 28)

Prior Update Code (PR-UPDT-CD) — Prior program that modified the record. See Update Code for the list. (P1–L16)

Priority Codes — Codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 are valid for AIMS. Priority code 2 or 3 is required for all closings without an original return if the Disposal Code is 01 or 02. The AIMS priority codes are not the same as Doc Code 54 priority codes. See Document 6209 for Doc Code 54 priority codes. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closings, for explanation of Doc Code 47 Priority Codes.

Processing Campus Code (PCC) —A 3 digit number indicating that the case is in one of the 3 Centralized Case Processing Offices if the Status Code is 51-59. This code is set when a case is updated to Status Code 51 if the prior status code is not 5X. This code will remain on the data base when a case is updated out of Status Code 5X but will be reset when the status code is updated back to Status Code 51. If the Status Code is 51-59, some AIMS reports/tables will generate based at the PCC rather than at the area office or campus that serves the area office. The PCC will automatically be set to 29 if the PBC on the case being updated to Status Code 51 is 3XX . The PCC will automatically be set to 49 if the PBC on the case being updated to Status Code 51 is 201, 202, 204,205, 207-216. The PCC will automatically be set to 17 if the PBC on the case being updated to Status Code 51 is 203 or 206 or an SBC of 85500 or 87500. Once a case is in Status Code 51 with a PCC, the case can be updated to another PCC.

Project Code — A 3 (expanded to 4 digits 10-01-2004) number indicating that a case belongs to a special program. Since each case is identified by the assigned code, project cases can be monitored while in inventory. Project codes also produce AIMS reports that measure, for a given project the total number of returns, examination time, results, etc. Project Codes 101-104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 116, 118 121, 122, 205, 209, 210, 225 and 401 are not valid for tax periods after 199012. Local definition project codes will be zeroed out when transferring from one area to another. For LMSB cases, the project codes will be zeroed out when transferring from 3XX to a non-3XX PBC. For a complete list of valid project codes see: (L23–E34/P1–L14)

Push Code — A 3 digit code (010, 019, 020, 021, 023–041, 049, 121/BMF) used to place a return that has not yet been filed under AIMS control (including substitute for returns and delinquent returns secured by examination). If a push code is not used and a requisition is input for a return that has not been filed, the account will reject when a match is attempted at Master File because no TC 150 is present for that account. By using a push code, the computer will not reject the account but will continue to attempt to match the account to master file until either a TC 150 posts or a given length of time passes. All push codes remain on the AIMS data base for 26 months after the input of the request (except 010 = 90 days) unless deleted or replaced by a full record. A listing of all accounts with push codes (skeletal records) is generated quarterly. Records that have push codes other than 020, 021, 037, 039 and 041 cannot be deleted. They must remain on the data base for 26 months at which time they will automatically be deleted. If EGC = 1000 or 2000, Push Code must be 024-040. (L23–E34/P1–L14/Exhibit 4.4.1–22)

Record Type Code — A two digit code used to indicate the type of AIMS record.

  F0 = Full Account
  F1 = TC424 Skeletal Record
  F2 = Residual Transfer Record (Obsoleted Jan. 2004)
  F4 = TIN Change Record
  F5 = Large Case Related Record (Obsoleted)
  F6 = Record Retention Agreement Record (Obsoleted Jan. 2004)

Record Retention Agreement Record (F6 Record)— OBSOLETED JAN. 2004. Established on AIMS using CC AM424R and deleted using CC AM424E. (L15–E21a/Summary Screen)

Reference Returns — When a return is needed for reference or information purposes and an RTF print is not sufficient, it will be requisitioned using Source Code 45. See Exhibit 4.4.1-23for Reference Return Procedures.

Refund Statute Expiration Date (RSED) — See IRM 25.6.23, Examination Process - Assessment Statute of Limitations Controls and 4.4.9, Delinquent and Substitute for Return Processing.

Refile DLN — A DLN is assigned to a case after examination or adjustment action. The return is located in the files under this new DLN. This number can be researched by requesting a transcript of the account. "X" after the DLN indicates that it is a refile DLN. Cases closing with a BRTVU/RTVUE print (Blocking Series 2XX), will not receive a refile DLN. See Exhibit 4.4.1-11.

Refund to Related Taxpayers — See IRM 4.4.3, Adjustments-Miscellaneous.

Related Return Section — Information collected on all returns (excluding EGC 58XX) to analyze the productivity of examinations of related returns. See IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closing. (P2–L16,17)

Report Extraction Code (RPT-EX-CD) — Used to identify how the case is to be extracted for AIMS reports. When CC AMAXU/AMCLSU is input, it resets the reports extraction code so that the corrected record is re-extracted for AIMS reports. (P2– L9)

0 = Extract record/original closure or reclosure (Status Code greater than 79)
1 = Record previously extracted for Exam reports
2 = A correction (CC AMAXUE/AMCLSU) has been made to a record already extracted for Exam. Record will be re-extracted during next extraction cycle but the initial extraction cycle will not change.
3 = Delete record if closed in same fiscal year or establish a history record for netting purposes/record backed down (CC AMSTUB/R) to an Exam inventory status
4 = Record previously extracted for Appeals reports
5 = A correction (CC AMAXUA/AMCLSU) has been made to a record previously extracted for Appeals
6 = A correction (CC AMAXUE/AMCLSU) has been made to a record previously extracted for Examination and Appeals

Report Extraction Cycle (RPT-EX-CYC) — Month/Year of closing (original or reclosure) . Does not get updated when a CC AMAXU/AMCLSU is input. Data bases are aged based on the report extraction cycle. (P2–L9)

Residual Transfer Records (F2 Record) — Due to the centralization of the AIMS data base in January 2004, there are no longer residual transfer records. Transfers take place immediately and a residual record is not created.

Retention Register — A microfilm tape of accounts removed from Master File due to inactivity in the account. The Master File has a limited capacity, thus, accounts that are unlikely to be needed again are removed to a less accessible file. The basic criteria for removal of a module to the Retention Register are a zero tax balance, no freeze or unsettled conditions present and no activity for 27 months. Transactions cannot post to the Retention Register therefore, if the account is to be put on AIMS, the module must be brought back to Master File. Check IMFOL/BMFOL to see if CC IMFOLB/BMFOLB (earliest tax period is 1998 at the earliest) can be used to bring account back to active Master File status. See Exhibit 4.4.1-24,Retention Register Reinstatement Procedures, for instructions on bringing accounts back from retention.

Retention Register Indicator (RETN-REG-IND) — Set when a TC 424 rejects due to the account being on retention. 28 days from the opening creation date, it causes the TC 424 to automatically regenerate every two weeks until the case is 3 months old, hoping that the account is being brought back from retention. See Exhibit 4.4.1-24.Retention Register Reinstatement Procedures. If the account still has not been brought back from retention after 3 months, a weekly update report record with condition code 24 will be generated and the record will be aged off of the AIMS data base. (P1–L8/Exhibit 4.4.1–24)

Return Condition Code — (Also knows as Computer Condition Code) These codes are assigned by tax examiners or are computer generated at the time a return is filed. Presence of these codes initiates action as explained in Document 6209, ADP and IDRS Information.

Return Posting Year (RET-PSTNG-YR) — The year a return originally posted to Master File. (P1–L16)

Return Requisition Indicator — Indicates whether the return, charge-out and labels were requested when the AM424/AMSTU was input. (P1–L8)

If: Then input:
return, F5546 and labels are needed blank
no-return is needed but you want F5546 & labels 1
no-return, no–F5546 and no-labels are needed 3

Return Received Date (RET-RCVD-DT) — For timely filed returns it is the due date of the return. Example: Form 1040 due April 15 will be displayed as April 15 of the appropriate year even if the return was filed before the due date. For late filed returns it is the received date stamped on the return. For SFR cases it is the date the examiner entered on the SFR 1040. (P1–L16)

Revenue Base Protection — If a taxpayer files a claim for refund, Examination gets credit on the Exam tables by entering the amount of the claim, the time spent on the claim and the type of claim. See the Revenue Base Protection section in IRM 4.4.12, Examined Closing.

Schedule H, Household Employment Taxes — See IRM 4.4.10.

Secondary Business Code (SBC) — See "AIMS Assignee Code" (P1-L10).

Self-Employment Tax Rates — See Document 6209

Short Closing — Another term for the non-examined closing of a return via CC AMSOC. See IRM 4.4.21, Non-examined Closings.

Skeletal Accounts (F1 Records) — AIMS creates a skeletal record when a CC AM424 is input, showing the requisition and limited taxpayer information. Once the request goes to Master File and is matched, Master File sends an opening record to AIMS and the account becomes fully established. Once fully established, AIMS sends a TC 420 back to Master File. Only the EGC and activity code can be updated on a skeletal account using CC AMAXU. All elements, except the statute date, can be updated using CC AMSTU. A special listing of skeletal accounts is generated quarterly. Also refer to the Aging Chapter for information on how long a skeletal account remains on AIMS.

Social Security Number — The nine digit account number with a format, XXX–XX–XXXX, used to identify individual taxpayers. It is used on the Individual Master File.

Social Security Tax Rates (FICA and SE) — See Document 6209

Sort Codes — A two character field used to sort output of Forms 5546. (L16–E25a/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-25.)

Sort Keys — A three character field used to sort Forms 5546 and labels. (L16–25/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-26.)

Source Code — A 2 digit code used to indicate the source of the examination. CC AMAXU can be used to correct a source code. See 4.4.34, Update/Correcting. (L15–E22/P1–L4/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-27)

Special Estimated Tax (SET) Payment Program — Section 6077(a) of the Technical and Miscellaneous Introduction Revenue Act of 1988 (TAMRA), added Code Section 847, Special Estimated Tax Payments, effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 1987. Section 847(2) requires certain insurance companies to make a special estimated tax payment in an amount equal to the tax benefit derived from the additional deduction permitted under Section 847. Section 847(3) requires the companies that are allowed the additional deduction to establish a special loss discount account.
Form 1120PC filers will claim the credit on a specific line as designated on the tax form. Other 1120 filers electing the provisions under this section may write on top of the form "Section 847" and show the amount of the credit. Estimated tax payments may also be received for this credit.
Procedures — As MF is not programmed to accept the special estimated tax payments from these taxpayers and cannot handle the disposition of the payments over the required 15 year period, the NMF Accounting function maintains and monitors these payments through the NMF 4610 Account, Unapplied Advance Payments.
When such payments are received, the Form 3244 will be prepared reflecting "IRC 847 Payment-Apply to NMF 4610 Account." The payment posting voucher will be sent to the Accounting function by the operation that handles payment processing. If it is determined that an IRC 847 special estimated tax payment has posted to MF, transfer the payment to the NMF 4610 Account via Form 3809.
The Accounting function will handle the transfer of the special estimated tax payments from NMF to MF when such payments must be used by the taxpayer to offset additional tax in accordance with the requirements of Section 847.

Special Handling Message Codes 042–048 — (Item 9, Form 5345 or Item 21, Form 5354) Is treated in the same manner as a push code except, it generates processing instructions on Form 5546. These codes are used in the campus in the association of requests for multi-year case files before delivery to examiners and also to indicate that the attached return requires special handling. These codes are specified by the Chief, Campus Classification. (L23–E34)

Special Messages — Special messages are generated as a result of certain conditions, See Exhibit 4.4.1-28., Special Messages on Form 5546. These messages are computer generated on the Form 5546 to assist the Files personnel in the campuses in the routing of the returns. (L11–E16)

Special Return — A return that contains one or more of the identifiable features listed in Part IV of the IRM. These returns must be delivered for screening or classification regardless of their DIF Score. In most cases the Audit Code is what identifies the case as a special return.

Spousal Change Indicator — Set when there has been a change in spouses to ensure both taxpayers on a joint return receive all notices, correspondence, etc. (P1–L9)

Spousal IRA Code (Spouse-IRA-CD) — Indicates the type of IRA account as indicated on the tax return. (P1–L8)

0 = Non-joint return has IRA
1 = Primary spouse in joint return has IRA
2 = Secondary spouse in joint return has IRA
3 = Both have IRA plans

State Alpha Codes — When entering a taxpayer’s address, always use the 2-digit alpha state code. ( See Exhibit 4.4.1-29.)

Status Codes — 2 digit code used to identify the location of a return. See Exhibit 4.4.1-30.(L20-E30/P1-L13)

Statute Codes — See IRM 25.6.23.

Statute Extraction Indicator (Statute-X-Tractn-IND) — "1" means that the record has been updated at some point in time (P1–L9)

Statutory Notice of Deficiency (SNOD) — Also known as 90-Day Letters. See IRM 4.14 Statutory Notice Of Deficiency.

Substitute for Return (SFR) — A procedure by which examination is able to establish an account by posting a TC 150 when the taxpayer refuses or is unable to file. See IRM 4.4.9, Delinquent and Substitute for Return Processing for more information. Filing Requirement – SFR will unpost if not consistent with MFT input or zero.
For IMF returns, an SFR can be identified by a TC 150 with a DLN of XX-210-XXX-(000-299)-XX-X or XX-210-888-000-XX-X for computer generated SFR’s using AM424 with Push Code 036.
For BMF returns, an SFR can be identified by the presence of CCC4 or a DLN XX999-999-999-XX-X for computer generated SFR’s using AM424 with Push Code 036. The MFT’s that are valid with the computer generated TC 150 are: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 10, 11, 12, 16, 33, 51, 52, 58, 60, 63, 64, 77 and 78.

Suspense Code (SUSP-CD) — One digit computer generated code used to identify returns that are established on AIMS in status codes 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 or 41. Suspense Code 1 is when a case is opened in a suspense status code (AM424) . Suspense Code 2 is when a case is updated (CC AMSTU) to a suspense status code. (P1–L7)

Tax Agency Disclosure Codes — See IRM 4.4.28, Revenue Agent’s Reports (RAR’s) Sent to States.

Tax Class — The third digit on the DLN that identifies the type or return or document that was filed or processed. All IMF returns and documents have a tax class of "2" . See Doc 6209 for complete list.

Tax Period — The period of time for which a return is filed. A six digit code is used to indicate the end of the tax period for a given return. (The first four digits represent the year and the second two digits represent the month) For example, a tax period that end March 30, 2004 would be shown as 200403. For the establishment of Estate tax returns, the tax period is 000000. (PALL–L1)

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) — A more general name for the nine digit number used to identify a taxpayer. The TIN can be either an EIN or SSN. (PALLl–L1/ See Exhibit 4.4.1-31)

TC 150 Creation Date (TC150-CRTN-DT) — Renamed "Return Received Date " . (P1/L16)

TC 29X Indicator — IMF only. Effective 1/1/2005, IMF will set a new indicator called the TC 29X Indicator and will send this indicator to AIMS on opening and update records if there is a TC 29X posted at Master File that would cause the TC 300 with a TC 764 to unpost UPC 180 2. AMCLS will block the closure if a CREF 764 is input and the indicator is set unless a Priority Code (#9) of 1 or 8 is input. A new error message: "TC-29X-IND PRESENT, CLOSURE BLOCKED TO PREVENT UPC 180 2" will be displayed. "29X" will be displayed on AMDIS within the MF-TC field on Screen-1/Line-7/Positions 23-53 if the indicator is present. (P1-L7)

TC 300 Indicator (TC300-IND) — Indicates that an audit assessment has been successfully input through CC AMCLS. (P1–L9)

1 = IMF/BMF assessment
2 = IRAF assessment made against primary SSN
3 = IRAF assessment made against secondary SSN
4 = IRAF assessment made against both SSN’s
5 = Indicates that the TC 300 indicator has been reset using CC AMAXU which causes the case to appear on the Non-Assessed Closures Listing.
6 = Indicates that the TC 300 indicator has been reset using CC AMSTUB (case returned to Examination from Appeals) or CC AMSTUR (a Status Code 90 case being reopened by Examination)

TC 424 Code — Identifies whether a case was opened on AIMS using AM424. (P1–L17)

0 = Record not established using CC AM424.
1 = AM424 with Source Code 60/EGC 1000/2000
2 = AM424 record
3 = AM424 with Source Code 60/EGC 1000/2000 replaced with AM424 record.
4 = AM424A record
5 = TSLOD opening

Technique Code — See Examination Technique Code.

TIN Change Record (F4) — Created when a data base is transferred to a different TIN. Remains on the data base for 26 months and cannot be deleted. (Summary Screen)

TIN-Type — See File Source.

Tracking Code — A four digit code used to identify specific categories of returns. (P1- L14)

Transaction Code — Three digit code used to identify actions being taken to a taxpayer’s account. See Doc. 6209 for a complete list and definitions of these codes. See "Master File TC" for a list of MF TC’s that are sent to the AIMS base.

Transfer Date — See AMSOC Transfer Date.

Transferee/Transferor Assessment — See IRM 4.4.17, Jeopardy/Termination /Transferee/Transferor Assessment.

Unagreed Amount (UNAGREED-AMT) — The unagreed amount of tax and penalties that are being appealed/petitioned. This amount is from Item 18 on Form 5344, Examination Closing Record. If Taxpayer appeals the disallowed claim, Item 18 must be $1. If an assessment was made then the taxpayer petitions tax court, Item 18 must be $1. (P2–L6)

Update Code (UPDATE-CD) — This code reflects the last program that modified the record. (P1–L16)

D = AMAXU O = AMCLSO X = WTU18, 38, 58
(AIMS Openings)
(Master File Update)
Z = AMS12
G = AMCLSP R = AMS21 + = AMS92
(Monthly Report Extract)
- = AMS33

Valid Segment — That part of the IMF containing SSN and name combinations that match the DM1 tape from Social Security Administration.

Verified Assessment Code (VER-ASSMT-CD) — Used to indicate whether the case has been reported on the Unverified Assessment List in a prior month. Part of TIF–80. (P1-L15)

0 = Not extracted for UAL
1 = CC AMAXU 90–1 input (Causes record to age even though there may be an unresolved pending transaction on the TIF).
2 = Extracted for UAL (Causes "repeat " indicator to appear on UAL).

Whipsaw Indicator (WHIPSAW-IND) — An alpha indicator (K = key case, R = related case) input from Item 401 on Form 5344 which identifies records in which multiple taxpayers are assessed for the same liability. When the "K" is present the return and the Exam results are included in the AIMS tables. When the "R" is present, the return is counted on the AIMS tables but the Exam results are not. Table 16 is a listing of all cases that have a whipsaw indicator present. (P2–L9)

Exhibit 4.4.1-2  (04-29-2005)
Activity (Abstract) Codes

Form Code Description
CT-1 468  
CT-2 469  
Form 11C, Occupational Tax and Registration Return for Wagering 197 Form 720, Schedule C CRN = 367
Form 706, Estate Gross Estate  
If Return Filed Prior to 1/01/2005 415 Under $1,000,000
417 $1,000,000 Under $5,000,000
419 $5,000,000 and Over
420 Form 706A, Additional Estate Tax Return
421 Form 706B (obsoleted) Generation Skipping Transfer Tax Return.
If Return Filed After 12/31/2004 414 Under $1,500,000 and TC 150 = zero
415 Under $1,500,000 and TC 150 not equal to zero
416 $1,500,000 to $4,999,999 and TC 150 = zero
417 $1,500,000 to $4,999,999 and TC 150 not equal to zero
418 $5,000,000 and Over and TC 150 = zero 419
419 $5,000,000 and Over and TC 150 not equal to zero
Form 706, Generation Skipping
  421 706 GS(T) (MFT 77)
421 706 GS(D) (MFT 78)
Form 709, Gift Total Gifts
  435 Under $600,000
  437 $600,000 Under $1,000,000
  439 $1,000,000 and Over
Form 720
  Abstract #/Activity Code Definitions per 10/2004 Form 720
  000 Unused
  001-010 Reserved
  011 IRC 444 FY Election Tax Period
  012-013 Reserved
014   Aviation gasoline - other nontaxable use
  Aviation gasoline - Used in commercial aviation (other than foreign trade)
  015-018 Reserved
  019 ODC tax on imported products
  020 Ozone-depleting chemicals (floor stocks)
  021 Reserved
  022 Local telephone service, toll telephone service, and teletypewriter exchange service
  023-025 Reserved
  026 Transportation of Persons by Air
  027 Use of international air travel facilities
  028 Transportation of Property by Air
  029 Ship Passenger Tax - Transportation by water
  030 Foreign Insurance Taxes - Life insurance, sickness and accident policies, and annuity contracts
  031 Other Excise Tax - Obligations not in registered form
  032 Pistols and Revolvers
  033 Retail Tax - Truck, trailer, and semitrailer chassis and bodies, and tractors
  034 Reserved
  035 Kerosene
  036 Coal—Underground mined ($1.10 per ton)
  037 Coal—Underground mined (4.4% of sales price)
  038 Coal—Surface mined ($.55 per ton)
  039 Coal—Surface mined (4.4% of sales price)
  040 Gas guzzler tax
  041 Sport fishing equipment
  042 Electric outboard motors and sonar devices
  043 Reserved
  044 Bows
  045 Reserved
  046 Firearms
  047-048 Reserved
  049 Shells and Cartridges
  050 Reserved
  051 Alcohol sold as but not used as fuel
  052-056 Reserved
  057 Floor Stock—Tires
  058 Gasoline removed or entered for production of 10% gasohol
  059 Gasohol Blending - 10% gasohol
  060? Check definition!!!! Diesel Fuel - Use in certain intercity and local buses
  061 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (such as propane or butane)
  062 Nontaxable Use of Gasoline and Gasohol - Gasoline
  063 Reserved
  064 Inland waterways fuel use tax
  065 Floor Stock—Gasoline
  066 Highway-type tires
  067 Floor Stock—Gasohol 068
  068 Reserved
  069 Aviation Fuel
  070 Floor Stock—Diesel Fuel—Trains
  071 Dyed diesel fuel used in trains
  072 Floor Stock—Gas to Make Gasohol
  073 Gasoline removed or entered for production of 7.7% gasohol
  074 Gasoline removed or entered for production of 5.5% gasohol
  075 7.7% Gasohol
  076 5.7% Gasohol
  077 Aviation fuel for use in commercial aviation (other than foreign trade)
  078 Dyed diesel fuel used in certain intercity or local buses
  079 Other fuels
  080 Unidentified Z/C Code to be Reclassified
  081 Vaccine—DPT
  082 Vaccine—DT
  083 Vaccine—MMR
  084 Vaccine—Polio
  085 Floor Stock—Diesel
  086 Floor Stock—SMF Alcohol
  087 Floor Stock—Aviation Fuel
  088 Floor Stock Diesel $0.24
  089 Floor Stock—Vaccines
  090-091 Reserved
  092 Luxury Tax - Passenger vehicles
  093-094 Reserved
  095 Aviation Fuel Other 199703
  096 Aviation Gasoline—other 199703
  097 Vaccines
  098 Ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs)
  099 Expired/Repealed
  100 Reserved
  101 Compressed natural gas (taxed at $.4854 per thousand cubic feet)
  102 Arrow components
  103-105 Reserved
  106 Arrows
  107-195 Reserved
Form 730 198 Form 720, Schedule C, CRN = 368
Form 940 464  
Form 941 465  
Form 942 466  
Form 943 467  
Form 990-C 490 Sub-section code is 93 and total assets are:
= to or < zero/asset code=0
<10,000/asset code=1
<25,000/asset code=2
<100,000/asset code=3
<500,000/asset code=4
<1,000,000/asset code=5
<5,000,000/asset code=6
<10,000,000/asset code=7
491 Sub-section code is 93 and total assets are:
<50,000,000/asset code=8
>49,999,999/asset code=9
492 Sub-section code is 80 and total assets are:
= to or < zero/asset code=0
<10,000/asset code=1
<25,000/asset code=2
<100,000/asset code=3
<500,000/asset code=4
<1,000,000/asset code=5
<5,000,000/asset code=6
<10,000,000/asset code=7
493 Sub-section code is 80 and total assets are:

<50,000,000/asset code=8
>49,999,999/asset code=9
Form 1040
  530 TPI under $25,000
    A. Only income from dividends, interest, IRA distribution, pension annuity, social security, unemployment compensation and wages.
    B. No itemized deductions.
    C. No adjustments other than IRA deduction.
    D. No credits other than child and dependent care.
    E. No Payments other than Federal Income Tax withheld, estimated tax payments and Earned Income Credit. Form 1040, 1040C, 1040NR, 1040PR, 1040SS, and Form 1040 with Form 2555
  531 TPI Under $25,000
    A. Low non-business returns.
    B. Does not meet the definition of 1040A–Type, TPI Under $25,000 (Code 530).
    C. May include returns with Schedule C and/or F with TGR less than $25,000.
    D. Schedule C and/or F with TGR less than non-business TPI.
  532 TPI $25,000 under $50,000
    A. Medium non-business returns.
    B. May include returns with Schedule C and/or F with TGR less than $25,000.
    C. Schedule C and/or F, TGR must be less than non-business TPI.
  533 TPI $50,000 under $100,000
    A. High non-business returns.
    B. May include returns with Schedule C and/or F with TGR less than $25,000.
For Returns Filed Prior to 1/1/2005 534 TPI $100,000 or over
    A. Upper non-business returns.
    B. May include returns with Schedule C and/or F with TGR less than $25,000.
    C. In returns with Schedule C and/or F, if TGR is $25,000–$100,000 then the non-business TPI must be $100,000 or more.
For Returns Filed After 12/31/2004 534 TPI $100,000 under $200,000
    A. Upper non-business returns.
    B. May include returns with Schedule C and/or F with TGR less than $25,000.
    C. In returns with Schedule C and/or F, if TGR is $25,000–$100,000 then the non-business TPI must be $100,000 or more.
  535 Schedule C—TGR Under $25,000
    A. Low Business Schedule C.
    B. TGR is Under $25,000 and greater than the non-business TPI.
    C. Schedule C only, or Schedule C if TGR is greater than or equal to Schedule F TGR.
  536 Schedule C—TGR $25,000 Under $100,000
    A. Medium business Schedule C.
    B. Non-business TPI is less than $100,000.
    C. Schedule C only, or Schedule C if TGR is greater than or equal to Schedule F TGR.
  537 Schedule C—TGR $100,000 or Over
    A. High business Schedule C.
    B. Schedule C only, or Schedule C if TGR is greater than or equal to Schedule F TGR.
  538 Schedule F—TGR Under $100,000
    A. Low farm business Schedule F.
    B. TGR under $100,000, but if TGR is less than $25,000, TGR must be greater than non-business TPI.
    C. Form TGR $25,000–$l00,000, non-business TPI must be less than $100,000.
    D. Schedule F only, or Schedule F if TGR is greater than Schedule C TGR.
  539 Schedule F—TGR $100,000 or more.
    A. High business farm Schedule F.
    B. Schedule F only, or Schedule F if TGR is greater than Schedule C TGR.
For Returns Filed After 12/31/2004 540 $200,000 under $1,000,000
For Returns Filed After 12/31/2004 541 $1,000,000 and over
Form 1040PR 471  
Form 1040SS 472  
Form 1041, Fiduciary
  495 Non-Automatic
  496 Automatic
  480 All partnership returns processed prior to January 1988.
Form 1042 470  
Form 1065, Partnership (Non-taxable)
  480 All partnership returns processed prior to January 1988.
  481 10 or less partners gross receipt under $100,000
  482 10 or less partners gross receipts $100,000 or more
  483 11 or more partners
Form 1066 (Non-taxable) 489 REMIC
Form 1120 (Including 1120L, 1120M, 1120PH)
  203 No Balance Sheet
  209 Assets under $250,000
  213 Assets $250,000 under $1,000,000
  215 Assets $1,000,000 under $5,000,000
  217 Assets $5,000,000 under $10,000,000
  219 Assets $10,000,000 under $50,000,000
  221 Assets $50,000,000 under $100,000,000
  223 Assets $100,000,000 under $250,000,000
  225 Assets $250,000,000 and over
Form 1120 DISC (Non-taxable) 224  
Form 1120-F
  259 Assets under $50,000,000
  263 Assets $50,000,000 under $250,000,000
  265 Assets $250,000,000 and over
Form 1120FSC 241  
Form 1120S (Taxable) 202  
Form 1120S (Non-Taxable)
  287 All (prior to 1/1/91)
  288 Assets under $200,000
  289 Assets $200,000 under $10,000,000
  290 Assets $10,000,000 and over
Form 2290 196 Form 720, Schedule C CRN - 365
Form 8804 488  
Form 8849 099  
Form 8876   Pending legislation
LLC 484*  
FIRPTA 499  
Miscellaneous 501–599* See Document 6036, Examination Division Reporting System Codes Booklet
Other Taxes 991** Miscellaneous—Taxable
992** Miscellaneous—Non-Taxable
*Valid for use only on ATTR Form 4502
**Not valid for use on ATTR Form 4502

Exhibit 4.4.1-3  (04-29-2005)
Aging Of The AIMS Data Base

The aging of AIMS data bases occurs during the weekend of the report extraction. The dates of the report extraction which are referred to as cycles, can be found in Document 6036, Examination Reporting System Codes Booklet, and Document 6209, ADP and IDRS Information.

Examined Closings

If the case is a: then, using the monthly report extraction cycle, it will age off of AIMS after the:
CIC Case (Aging Reason Code 04/Large Case Condition Code of 1. 14th cycle
DC 10, 13 or 34 14th cycle
EGC 1XXX with Exam Results of + or - $50,000 14th cycle
EGC 2XXX with Exam Results of + or - $ 5,000 14th cycle
EGC 5XXX with Exam Results of + or - $ 1,000 14th cycle
All other examined closing that do not meet the criteria above. 3rd cycle

Non-examined Closings

If the disposal code is: then, using the monthly report extraction cycle, it will age off of AIMS after the:
20–29 1st cycle
31-33, 35-99 2nd cycle
34 Use Examined Closures Chart

Non-Master File (NMF) Closings

NMF closures input after 3/27/2004 will never age. AIMS is the only source of identifying the DLN on NMF returns. The DLN is needed to retrieve a closed NMF file.

Skeletal Records/TC 424 Records/F1 Records

Type of Record Using the Opening-Creation Date, age the weekend after the:
TC 424 Rejects Record appears on the TC 424 Reject Register
Push Code 010 90th Day
No Push Code and no full base 90th Day

If TC 424 unposts with a UPC 1830 for IMF and 3332 for BMF
90th Day
Any other Push Code and no full base 780th Day (26 months)

Appeals Closings

All Appeals closures (except DC 33) will be removed from the AIMS data base after the third report extraction cycle. DC 33 cases will age after the first report extraction cycle. The cycle the case was closed can be found on Line 13 on the Appeals page of an AMDISA (APPL-EXTRACT-PRD).


No aging will occur if:
  — the TC 3XX Indicator = 5
  — verified assessment cd = 2 (See IRM 4.4.27, Reports, under the section, Resolving the Unverified Assessment Listing
  — pending TC300 transactions
  — case is on the Non-Assessed Closures list
  — DQ unpostable not reinput
These modules must be resolved before the aging will occur.
If case remains on the AIMS data base after aging criteria is met, contact the AIMS Help Line at 202-283-2256.

Exhibit 4.4.1-4  (04-29-2005)
Aging Reason Codes

Code Definition
00 No Code Set
02-03 Reserved
04 CIC Case
05-09 Reserved
10 Returns pulled specifically for LMSB Remote Examinations (RE) - Input by Campus.
11 Returns pulled for traditional examinations (e.g. DAS) then later "converted" to RE - Input by Field personnel.
12 Termination of the Remote Examination process (input by the Field)
13 Reserved for Remote Examination program.
14-49 Reserved
50 Revenue Officer Examiner
51-52 Reserved
53 Returns Disposed of due to Collectibility
54-98 Reserved
99 Tax Examiner

Exhibit 4.4.1-5  (04-29-2005)
AIMS Freeze Codes

For more information on AIMS Freeze Codes, go to

A-P, V,W,Y prevent case closure
Q-T prevents update & closure
U prevents closing if TC 300 does not equal zero.
X prevents closure if TC 300 is greater than zero unless agreed or appealed disposal code of 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 or 11.
Z prevents a DC 29 closure
A-G, I-J, L, Q-S, V, W prevents transfers (AMSOC, DC 30)
A–G Local Definition
H TEFRA Key Case (See IRM 4.29) . The CTF’s are responsible for ensuring that Freeze Code H be placed on the key case AIMS record and for ensuring that the freeze be removed from the data base. Only the CTF’s are able to release the H Freeze.
I–J Local Definition
L Local Definition
N Informant’s Claim for Reward — The results of the examination should be referred to the Informant’s Claim Examiner (ICE).
O Informal claim is being forwarded to the area office for association with an open examination case. A Form 5348, completed to remove the freeze, usually accompanies the claim so that the freeze can be lifted once the claim is associated with the return.
P Civil Dispositions
Q Return on a docket list that has not been physically located within 3 days of receipt of the list.
R–S Local Definition
T Reserved
U Bankruptcy proceedings where the taxpayer has filed for bankruptcy prior to October 22, 1994. This freeze is automatically set on IMF cases only, when an unreversed bankruptcy freeze is on Master File (TC 520 with closing codes 83, 85 or 88) . The freeze is automatically released when the TC 520 is reversed. Freeze Code U can also be manually released using CC AMFRZ, however it should not be released without prior coordination with the Bankruptcy Coordinator. If Freeze Code U is present and a positive dollar amount is in Item 12 of Form 5344, the closing will reject. Non-examined closures and examined closures with Item 12 containing a zero or negative amount, will be permitted to close even though the Freeze Code U is present.
V–W Local Definition
X Bankruptcy proceedings where the taxpayer has filed for bankruptcy on or after October 21, 1994. This freeze is automatically set when an unreversed bankruptcy freeze is on Master File (TC 520 with closing codes 6X, 83, 85 or 88) . Effective 1/1/2005 for IMF and BMF, the freeze will also be set on openings and updates if the Collection Indicator = 1 (TC 520 with CC 6X, 81, 83, 85-89). The freeze is automatically released when the TC 520 is reversed. Freeze Code X can also be manually released using CC AMFRZR, however it should not be released without prior coordination with the Bankruptcy Coordinator. If Freeze Code X is present, a closure, partial or unpostable correction will be allowed if the case is a no change or a closure with an agreed or appealed disposal code of 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, or 11 in Item 13 of Form 5344.
Y Mirror Assessment - put on the module for the period of time the -L freeze is reversed for mirror processing to take place.
Z The AIMS "Freeze Code Z" is automatically generated when a case is opened on AIMS (except MFT 01 or 52), if there is a prior audit in the Audit History section of Master File (IMFOLZ/BMFOLZ) with a DC 29 and the tax period in the first or second prior audit position is the year prior to the tax period being opened. A return with a Z freeze cannot be closed using DC 29. Any other disposal code is acceptable. This freeze cannot be released until the Status Code is 07 or above. The Z freeze will be automatically deleted from the AIMS base when the status code is updated to 12-40.

Exhibit 4.4.1-6  (04-29-2005)

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Exhibit 4.4.1-7  (04-29-2005)

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Exhibit 4.4.1-8  (04-29-2005)

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Exhibit 4.4.1-9  (04-29-2005)
Appeals Office Codes

State AOC Appeals Office
For Appeals addresses see:
Alabama X53 Birmingham
Alaska X65 Anchorage
Arizona X61 Phoenix
Arkansas X53 New Orleans
Colorado X51 Denver
Connecticut X22 East Hartford
Delaware X71 Baltimore
DC X71 Baltimore
Georgia X10 Atlanta
Hawaii X65 Seattle
Idaho X65 Portland
Illinois X31 Chicago
Iowa X36 Des Moines
Kentucky X44 Louisville
Louisiana X53 New Orleans
Maine X21 Boston
Maryland X71 Baltimore
Massachusetts X21 Boston
Michigan X43 Detroit
Minnesota X36 St. Paul
Mississippi X53 New Orleans
Missouri X35 St. Louis
Montana X51 Denver
Nebraska X36 Omaha
Nevada X61 San Jose
New Hampshire X21 Boston
New Jersey:
New Mexico X61 San Antonio
New York:
North Carolina X12 Greensboro
North Dakota X36 St. Paul
Oklahoma X54 Oklahoma City
Oregon X65 Portland
Rhode Island X22 East Hartford
South Carolina X12 Greensboro
South Dakota X36 St. Paul
Tennessee X55 Nashville
Utah X51 Salt Lake
Vermont X21 Boston
Virginia X12 Richmond
Washington X65 Seattle
West Virginia X41 Nashville
Wisconsin X33 Milwaukee
Wyoming X51 Salt Lake

Exhibit 4.4.1-10  (09-01-2003)
Audit Codes

Audit Codes — used to alert Examination to a particular condition on the return. Some Audit Codes cause automatic AIMS opening while other audit codes cause the account to be marked but left in inventory awaiting selection. This is edited by Code & Edit in the bottom right margin of page 1 of the return.
Estate and Trust Returns (See IRM 3.11.106)
  1 — Form 5471, 5713, 8082, 8275,
  2 — Form 1116
  3 — Form 8824 not supplied
  4 — Form 4810
  5 — Official Use Only (See IRM 3.11.106)
Form 1040 (See IRM 3.11.3)
  B — No reply for missing Schedule C, D, E, F or Form 4797.
  C — Non cash contribution
  D — High income non-filer return identified by Collection. Source Code 65, Project Code 438.
  H — Form 2952, 3646, or 5713 is attached to the return. (Inventoried not automatic opening)
  J — Form 1116, 2952, 3520, 3520A, 3646, 5713 or 6926 is attached to the return.
  K — Preparer identified by Exam.
  L — Joint Committee Case
  N— Returns reflecting income which may be subject to self-employment tax.
  P — No reply to request for Form 6251 (Schedule E present without Form 6251)
  Q — Form 8082
  S — Form 8252 is present
  T — Form 5471 is attached to the return
  U — Form 8862, EIC Recertification present
  V — Schedule SE (Inventoried not auto)
  W — Form 6251, Alternative Minimum Tax reported
Form 1065 (See IRM 3.11.15)
  1 — Form 926, 5471, 8082, 8275, 8275R, 8621,
  2 — Official Use Only (See IRM 3.11.15)
  3 — Official Use Only (See IRM 3.11.15)
  5 — Form 8283, 8586, 8609
Form 1120 (See IRM 3.11.16)
  1 — Form 8082, 8275
  2 — Form 926, 1118, 2952, 3646, 5472, 5735, 8023, 8283, 8594, 8621, 8824
  3 — If unusual refundable credits are claimed
  4 — If return is a Joint Committee Case
  5 — Form 5713
  7 — Form 5471
  8 — Form 5472

Exhibit 4.4.1-11  (04-29-2005)
Blocking Series

Master File

      Block Number Generates
Form Number Disposal Codes Type of Source Document Non-
TEFRA Control DLN &CP Notice
5344 01–04, 08–10, 12, 13, 34 Original
00X–079 080–099 X  
01–04, 08–10, 12, 13, 34 &Copy 900–979 980–999 X X
01–04, 08–10, 12, 13, 34 $BRTVU
200–249 200–249   X
07, 11, 12 with AOC Either 100–179 180–199    
Partial Assessment No Return 100–179 180–199    
5351 or 5546 20–22, 25, 30–32, 35, 42, 45, 99 Original
600–679 680–699 X  
28, 29, 33, 36–41 No Return 100–179 180–199    
All non-examined DC’s +BRTVU
250–279 250–279    
+No Return (For Ogden Campus LMSB LIN closures only. Documentation must be retained in Ogden for 1 year.) 280-299 280-299    
5403 01, 03 Original
700–749 750–759 X  
01, 03 &Copy
790–799 760–769 X X
Form 5344 Partial Assessment No Return 780–789      
& The copy blocking series will generate a CP notice instructing Files to pull the original return and associate it with the examined copy.
+ This blocking series will not generate a CP notice or control DLN therefore the original return will remain filed under the DLN that contains the "X" .
$ This blocking series will generate a control DLN but will NOT generate a CP notice to pull original return and associate it with the examined copy. In most cases, the original return will remain filed under the TC 150 DLN.

Non-Master File Blocking Series

      Block Number
Form Number Disposal Codes Type of Source Document Non-TEFRA TEFRA
5344 01-04, 08-10, 12, 13, 34 Original Form filed by taxpayer 00X-079 080-099
01-04, 08-10, 12, 13, 34 No Original Forms - just workpapers 900-979 980-999
01-04, 07-13, 34 No Source Document 100-179 180-199
5351 or 5546 All DC’s Original Form filed by taxpayer 600-679 680-699
All DC’s No Original Forms - just workpapers 250-279 250-279
All DC’s No Source Document 100-179 180-199

Exhibit 4.4.1-12  (04-29-2005)
Case Assembly

Cases Sent to Centralized Case Processing
1. Forms affixed to outside of case folder:
  a. Form 3210, Document Transmittal
  b. Form 895, Notice of Statute Expiration, is placed on top of all other papers
  d. Form 3198, Special Handling Notice
  e. Form 8278, Computation and Assessment of Misc. Penalties
  f. Form 3185 (Transfer of Returns)
  g. Two-Way Memo to Classification, if applicable--when applicable
2. Forms attached to inside of case folder:
  a. Time Tag or Examiner’s Activity Record
  b. Address Change sheet - Form 2363 or Form 3198.
  c. Form 885–E, Schedule for FICA Tax Adjustment of Wages Not Previously Reported
  d. Form 885–F, Self Employment Tax Adjustment
  e. Form 885–T, Adjustment of Social Security Tax on Tip Income
  f. Form 6657, Related Returns Examination Report
  g. Form 5752, Flow-Through Entity Distribution Schedule
  f. Copy of Command Code AMCLS, AMDISA, or AM424 print; and
  g. Form 5346, Examination Information Report.
3. Forms and other documents enclosed in case folder:
  a. Waiver and acceptance forms:
    1. Form 870, Waiver of Restrictions on Assessment and Collection of Deficiency in Tax and Acceptance of Overassessment;
    2. Form 875, Acceptance of Examiner’s Findings by a Partnership, Fiduciary, Small Business Corporation, or Domestic International Sales Corporation;
    3. Form 2297, Waiver of Statutory Notification of Claim Disallowance;
    4. Form 3363, Acceptance of Proposed Disallowance of Claim for Refund or Credit.
  b. Taxpayer’s protest and correspondence in unagreed cases;
  c. Examination report — In multiple year examinations, a copy of the closing examination report is to be included in each case file for every year examined.
  d. Original tax return(s) and related attachments (see 4 below), CC RTVUE/BRTVU or MACS PRINTS—NON-DOCKETED CASES ONLY, or CC ESTAB/ELFREQ prints reflecting the requesting of the original return;
  e. Form 5546, Examination Charge-Out
  f. Form 4318, Examination Workpapers, or Form 4700, Examination Planning and Workpapers. These are to be first page with additional workpapers to follow.
  g. Form 9984, Examining Officer’s Activity Record.
  h. Form 6706, Area Quality Review Worksheet, and reviewer’s workpapers.
  i. Prior examiner’s reports; and
  j. Miscellaneous documents (collateral reports, correspondence, National Headquarters or Area letters, special agent’s reports, etc.).
4. Forms and documents to be attached to tax returns:
  a. Form 5344, Examination Closing Record
  b. Compliance Evaluation Screen Print
  c. Form 3244–A, Payment Posting Voucher—Examination, should have part 2 stapled to the face of the return;
  d. Statute Extension Forms: An executed copy should be stapled to the reverse of the first page of the tax return on top of any other attached forms;
    1. Form 872, Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Tax;
    2. Form 872–A, Special Consent Fixing Period of Limitation Upon Assessment of Income Tax;
    3. Form 872–B, Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Miscellaneous Excise Taxes;
    4. Form 872–P, Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Tax Attributable to Partnership Items.
    5. Form SS–10, Consent to Extend the Time to Assess Employment Taxes.
  e. Form 56, Notice concerning Fiduciary Relationship, should be stapled to the reverse of the first page of the tax return;
  f. Form 2848, Power of Attorney, should be stapled to the reverse of the first page of the tax return;
  g. Form 843, Form 1040X, or Form 1120X, amended returns/claims;
  h. Form 1045 or Form 1139, Applications for Tentative Carryback Adjustment, should be stapled to the tax return, giving rise to tentative carryback adjustment. Attach a copy of Form 1045 or Form 1139 to each carryback/carryforward year;
  i. A photocopy of requests (e.g., Form 5345, Form 5346, or Form 5354) using the following source codes must be attached to the returns as a permanent record:
    1. Source Code 45—reference and information return
    2. Source Code 60—examination information report
    3. Source Code 99—Other
Cases sent for Terminal Input
1. Form 5344 on top—If a prior audit or adjustment occurred, staple the Form 5147 and Form 5344 to the back of the current Form 5344.
2. Compliance Evaluation Screen print.
3. Original Return or an RTVUE/MACS print
  a. If an amended or duplicate return is included in the case file, staple the amended or duplicate to the back of the original return or the RTVUE/MACS print.
4. Form 5546 or AMDIS print.
5. Applicable Letter. Multi-year Statutory Notices of Deficiency, must be included in each case field for every year examined, examinations, applicable. Beginning in July of 2003, if the Statutory Notice of Deficiency has been electronically stored to the RGS case file through the batch process (as in the case of the Statutory Notices of Deficiency that will be generated by RGS and printed at the National Print sites) a copy of the Statutory Notice will not be in the case file.
6. Closing Examination Report showing signature and/or payment. In multiple year examinations, a copy of the closing examination report showing signature is to be included in each case file for every year examined. If multiple audit reports, the most current report should be on top.
7. Correspondence in date order with most current date on top.
8. Examination work papers—if a prior audit or adjustment occurred, the most current work papers should be on top. If multiple audit reports were issued, the most current report should be on top and prior/obsolete reports should be annotated VOID across the RAR. If multi-year examination, include the workpapers in the deficiency year tax period and indicate on each year closed which tax period contains the work papers. Since returns are destroyed based on the CSED, this will ensure the documents will not be destroyed until the CSED expires.
9. Transcripts - retain only if data on transcript is a pertinent part of the examination. Otherwise remove before sending case to the campus.
10. Remove unnecessary fasteners, rubber bands, paper clips, excess staples, duplicate of any documents, correspondence and excess printouts, labels or transmittals. Any item containing taxpayer information that must be disposed of should be treated as classified waste.

Exhibit 4.4.1-13  (02-08-1999)
Centrally Processed Returns

(1) This section contains procedures for the following:
  — Form 1042, U.S. Annual Return of Income Tax to be Paid at Source
  — Form 3780, Interest Equalization Quarterly Tax Return
  — Form 1040NR, U.S. Non-resident Alien Income Tax Return
Form 1042 and Form 3780
(1) Form 1042 is processed at Philadelphia Campus (PSC).
(2) Form 3780, is processed at Andover Campus (ANSC)
Procedures for Examination Closings
(1) Forms 3780 (all years) and Forms 1042 (1984 and prior) are Non-Master File returns and Examination closings are processed NMF. Offices served by PSC close Form 1042 cases under normal NMF procedures. Offices served by ANSC close Form 3780 cases under normal NMF procedures. Other offices must follow the special procedures in text below to close locally, and forward the returns to PSC or ANSC, as appropriate, for processing adjustments and refiling. Forms 1042 for 1985 and subsequent are processed using normal master file procedures, and will not be refiled at PSC.
Processing for Examination Results Only
(1) Use the following steps:
  1. Prepare the case file for closing under NMF procedures, except that the return is not renumbered and no account number is entered on the assessment of overassessment label.
  2. To prevent a duplication of exam results, enter a "K" in Item 401 of the Form 5344 that is being sent to PSC/ANSC.
  3. Make a photo copy of the report of examination and the first page of the return or include an RTVUE print.
  4. Prepare Form 5344 in the normal manner, entering TC 300 with a zero amount in item 12, the appropriate Disposal Code in Item 13, and the amount of the assessment that PSC/ANSC will be assessing in Item 35, Manual Assessment Amount. For no change cases prepare Form 5344 in the normal manner.
Processing for Adjustment and Refiling
(1) Use the following steps:
  1. Forward the case file (return and original and Refilling report of examination prepared as described above via Form 3210 to the Examination Operation (PSC for Form 1042 (1984 and prior) cases, ANSC for Form 3780 cases) for numbering and processing of adjustments.
  2. Prepare separate Forms 3210 for Change and no change cases.
  3. For change cases annotate Form 3210, "For processing adjustments—not Examination Results."
  4. For no change cases annotate Form 3210, "No change cases for numbering—not for Examination results."
Non-Examined Cases
(1) For non-examined closings other than surveyed claims (Disposal Codes other than 01–04, 07–13, and 34), close through the terminal as usual. This will provide the necessary statistical data on non-examined disposals.
(2) Do not prepare Form 813. Nothing need be forwarded to the local campus. Do not renumber the returns. Form 5351 should be destroyed after the closing is processed through the terminal.
(3) Forward the returns and survey reports (if present) to the applicable address shown in Text Use separate Forms 3210 annotated, "Non-examined cases-for return to files."
Unagreed Cases Closed to Appeals
(1) Prepare Form 5344 in the normal manner and close through the terminal. Nothing is sent to PSC or ANSC at this point.
(2) Forward the case file to Appeals in the normal manner. Labels must remain with case files going to Appeals. Any substitutes for return in case files should accompany the case file to Appeals.
(3) After consideration by Appeals, closing procedures are similar to those for agreed cases. A photo copy of the report of examination, the Appeals Transmittal Memorandum and Supporting Statement (Form 5402) and attachments, and the first page of the return are closed to the local campus as described above. The original documents are forwarded to PSC or ANSC as described above.
Form 1040NR
(1) Form 1040NR is filed at the Philadelphia campus. Form 1040NR may be filed by an individual or estate/trust (fiduciary) . Since Form 1040NR may be filed by an individual or fiduciary, it may carry an SSN or EIN. When Form 1040NR is filed by an individual, it is processed as a MF return, MFT 30. If it is filed by a fiduciary, it is processed NMF, MFT 20.
Processing Procedures
(1) AIMS processing will not accept NMF establishment of a fiduciary Form 1040NR return with an EIN, therefore process as follows:
  2. Follow NMF processing procedures when closing the return. The return will be processed at the Philadelphia campus in the same manner as NMF Form 1042 returns.
  3. After processing the NMF closure, close the Form 1041 NMF AIMS control with Disposal Code 33, Error Account.
  4. If the fiduciary Form 1040NR return is processed as a quick assessment, the ENTIRE case file is to be sent to the Accounting function, Philadelphia campus, PO Box 245, Bensalem, PA 19020, Drop Point 421–A, along with the quick assessment "BACK-UP" documentation. Forwarding the entire package will facilitate the filing of the case file to the Files function. THIS MUST BE DONE SINCE THERE WILL NOT BE A FIDUCIARY FORM 1040NR AIMS BASE TO CLOSE (AFTER THE QUICK IS PROCESSED) THAT WILL GENERATE A REFILE DLN FOR FORWARDING THE CASE FILE TO THE FILES FUNCTION.

Exhibit 4.4.1-14  (04-29-2005)
Combat Zone Procedures

IRM References
IRM is the primary source on procedures for using the TC 500 with entry and exit dates.
IRM is the primary source for background information on combat zones.
IRM 3.12.3 is the primary source on procedures related to combat zone condition codes (such as Master File Z freezes, K freezes, etc.)
Case Identification - Freeze/Indicator TC Codes

A Master File indicator code (TC 500) was developed to identify combat zone personnel. A Master File freeze code "C" is set by a TC 150 with a Computer Condition Code of Z or TC 500 with a closing code input to any module in the account. A Combat Zone Indicator of a " 1" will prevent AIMS openings, CF&S ordering offsets, suspend the ASED and CSED, restrict interest, failure to pay, delinquency and estimated tax penalties on all modules in the account.
General Procedures
(1) Examinations are not to be conducted during the period of time a taxpayer is in the combat zone.
(2) Survey before assignment (Disposal Code 31) cases with no taxpayer contact.
(3) Survey after assignment (Disposal Code 32) cases involving taxpayer contact.
(4) Do not continue the examination if the taxpayer is in a Combat Zone unless a compelling reason exists to do so. For cases that require continuation because of a compelling reason, see (5) below.
(5) Compelling Reason Suspense Procedures - A letter will be sent to the taxpayer informing them of the fact that examination action will be suspended until 180 days after their return from the combat zone. A request that the taxpayer notify the IRS upon their return from combat duty will be made. These cases should be held in the group and suspended using AIMS status code 38 (see also IRM for procedures for generating combat zone status reports on AIMS). If case in not under AIMS control, use NMF AIMS until Combat Zone freeze is removed, then close the NMF control using DC 28 and establish the MF record.
(6) When the taxpayer returns from the Combat Zone or was never in the Combat Zone, see "Releasing the Combat Zone Freeze below"
(7) Combat Zone Indicator:
1 = on
2 = off
(8) Conflict Code
1 = Desert Storm, TC 500 with a Closing Code of 52 with entry date: Closing Code of 53 with exit date.
2 = Bosnia, TC 500 with a closing code of 54 with entry date; closing Code of 55 with exit date.
3 = Desert Storm and Bosnia, TC 500 with CC of 52 and 53.
4 = Enduring Freedom - TC 500 with a Closing Code of 56 with entry date; Closing Code of 57 with exit date.
5 = Enduring Freedom and Desert Storm - TC 500 with CC of 52 and 56.
6 = Enduring Freedom and Bosnia - TC 500 with CC 54 and 56.
7 = All 3 - TC 500 with CC 52, 54, 56.
Computer Condition Code K = Enduring Freedom
Computer Condition Code Z = Desert Storm
Releasing the Combat Zone Freeze
EXAMPLE: Since most cases we are seeing now have a Combat Zone of 1 (means it is set) with a Conflict Code of 4 (Enduring Freedom), we will use an Enduring Freedom case as an example.
Step #1: Pull an IMFOLE
Step #2: Look for the Combat Zone Indicator:
1 = on - go to Step #3
2 = off - go to Step #
Step #3: Look for a TC 500 on IMFOLE with a CC of 56 and note the cycle date.
Step #4: You then need to find the tax period where a return posted with this cycle date. Example: If the TC 500 has a cycle date of 200407, it’s probably a 200312 tax period.
Step #5: Pull up an IMFOLT for the 200312 tax period (if the 200312 return did not post 200407 keep looking at other modules for a TC 150 posting with this cycle). Once you find the tax period, go to Step #6.
Step #6: Look for a TC 500 posted to the 200312 module. If there is a TC 500 CC 56 posted to the module, this tells you that it was not a return posting that caused the combat zone freeze. If there is no TC 500 posted go to Step #7. If there is a TC 500 posted go to Step #9.
Step #7: Look for a TC 160, TC 170 and TC 270 all for a zero amounts with the same DLN as the return. Look for a CCC K using IMFOLR. This tells you that the taxpayer wrote COMBAT ZONE on his/her return. The TP can indicate this on an ELF return also. Seeing both of these things tells you that this is the module that caused the Combat Zone freeze and that the TP wrote Combat Zone on the return.
Step #8: In order to reverse the Combat Zone freeze, you must first post a TC 500 CC 56 to the 200312 module. If the taxpayer was in a Combat Zone you should input the exact date of entry. If the taxpayer was never in a Combat Zone, use the current date as the entry date.
Step #9: Once the TC 500 CC 56 posts, you can now "turn off" the Combat Zone freeze.
If the Taxpayer was never in the combat zone, input a TC 502, this will reverse the -C freeze. ONLY USE 502 IF THE TAXPAYER WAS NEVER IN A COMBAT ZONE. Taxpayer’s in a Combat Zone ARE ENTITLED TO SPECIAL INTEREST AND PENALTIES COMPUTATIONS SO NEVER JUST REVERSE THE FREEZE SO YOU CAN OPEN THE CASE.
If the taxpayer was in a Combat Zone, input a TC 500, CC 57 with the date the taxpayer returned from the Combat Zone. You should get the entry date from the taxpayer as the entry date and exit dates are very important since it affects interest and penalties. When you have the release date, input a TC 500 with a CC of 57. When the TC 500 with a CC of 57 posts, the -C freeze will remain at Master File. The Combat Zone Code will change to a 2, 180 days after the exit date. Do not input the TC 424 until the Combat Zone Code changes to a 2 or it will unpost.

Exhibit 4.4.1-15  (09-01-2003)
DIF Reason Codes

— The codes are determined by Master File using blocking series, asset values, etc.
— Specials are caused by Audit Codes being entered by Code and Edit on the returns when they are filed.
— For information on specific Audit Codes, See Exhibit 4.4.1-10.
— When a DIF order is input, the computer identifies the returns being requested using the following codes:
Codes for Form 1040:
  R = No Audit Codes Present
  S = Audit Codes are Present
  T = NRP Return (Previously called TCMP)
Codes for Form 1041 or 1065:
  A = Automatic (1041 or 1065)
  B = Non-Automatic (1041 or 1065)
  C = Reserved
  D = Form 1065 DIF Scored Return Identified as a Special
  E = Reserved
  F = Reserved
Code for Form 1066:
  A = Non-Automatic
Codes for Form 1120:
  A = 1120F (Automatic)
  B = 1120L (Non-Special)
  C = 1120–PC (Non-Special)
  D = 1120S (Automatic — High Assets)
  E = 1120/1120A (Special)
  G = 1120 (Personal Holding Company — Low Assets)
  H = 1120 (Automatic — High Asset)
  I = 1120/1120A (Inactive — Low Assets)
  L = 1120H (Homeowners Associations)
  M = 1120/1120A (Consol, Final, & Short Init. Per. (DIF)
  N = 1120L (Special)
  O = 1120M (Special)
  P = 1120S (Special)
  Q = 1120F (Non-Automatic)
  R = 1120S (DIF)
  S = 1120FSC (Automatic)
  T = 1120SF
  U = 1120REIT
  V = 1120RIC
  W = 1120ND

Exhibit 4.4.1-16  (04-29-2005)
Disposal Codes

Examined Disposal Codes
01 No Change With Adjustments—Applies to no-change examined returns (even if a 30-day letter was issued) if there is an adjustment to the tax base data such as income or deduction items but no change in tax liability or refundable credits; or tax changes fell below the tolerance level in LEM IV. An audit report must accompany the case file except if case is a delinquent return secured by the examiner and forwarded to the campus for processing. Item 41 is required if MFT = 30. The following are examples of no-change with adjustments examinations:
  a. Delinquent returns secured by the examiner, accepted as filed and forwarded to the campus for processing. This includes delinquent return pickups that result in a zero tax liability. If the TC 424 posted prior to the posting of the delinquent return, enter that balance due or refund amount, excluding penalties in Item 414. If an SFR has been processed the amounts from the secured return must be input through AIMS therefore DC 01 does not apply.
  b. Claims disallowed in full.
  c. Income tax examination when taxpayers are issued an examination report Form 4549 and Letter 1156 (AO/IO) (see IRM 4.10)
  d. Estate or gift tax cases when offsetting adjustments result in no change in tax liability. This includes gift tax cases when Letter 942 (C) is issued to taxpayers (see IRM 4.10).
  e. Excise, trusts and estates, or employment tax cases when offsetting adjustments to tax base data and/or credits result in no change in tax liability.
  f. Disqualified 1120 DISC (obsoleted)/I C-DISC election.
  Non-TEFRA (nontaxable) Flow through Entities
    No Change with Adjustments - should be utilized when no changes are made to the entity’s ordinary income or loss or separately stated items reflected on the return or Schedule K-1 and an owner’s return is adjusted as a result of the flow through examination. The would include:
adjustments to basis, at-risk, or passive activity rules:
taxable loan repayments;
adjusting the owner’s return to match the K-1 flow through amount(s).
02 No Change—Applies to examinations which do not necessitate the issuance of a report (other than the no-change report subject to area director’s approval) because there were no adjustments or no changes in tax liability for this return to:
a. Tax, penalties, or refundable credits for taxable returns
b. Income/loss or special allocation items for non-taxable returns.
This disposal code would also apply to changes only affecting the balance sheet, including constructive dividend issues, and any other related return pick ups where there were no tax liability adjustments to this return. Item 41 is required if MFT = 30. Block 405 – 408 of Form 5344 should be completed as appropriate.
Non-TEFRA (nontaxable) Flow through Entities
  Should be utilized when the examination results in no changes to the entity or any owner. This would also be appropriate if you make adjustments to one of the owner’s returns as a result of compliance checks which are not related to the entity examination.
03# Agreed—Applies only to returns if an agreement is received prior to the issuance of a 30-day or 60-day letter.
Also applies to claims allowed in full and agreed claims partially allowed.
Office Audit: ALL agreed income tax cases closing from office examination will use Disposal Code 03 regardless of whether a Letter 915, Letter to Transmit Examination Report has been issued.
Non-TEFRA (nontaxable) Flow Through Entities
  Applies to an agreed case if an agreement is obtained from all owners. If all signatures are received from the owners, you can close the case indicating on the entity report that agreement has been obtained from the owners.
04# Agreed—Applies only to returns if an agreement is received after the issuance of a 30-day or 60-day letter.
Non-TEFRA (nontaxable) Flow Through Entities
  Applies to an agreed case if an agreement is obtained from all owners. If all signatures are received from the owners, you can close the case indicating on the entity report that agreement has been obtained from the owners.
07 Appealed—Returns closed to Appeals before issuance of a 90-day letter, FPAA or FSAA.
08# Taxable Returns
    Applies to:
  unagreed claims partially allowed
  secured delinquent returns if a dummy TC 150 was posted
  partial assessment of employee share of FICA
  any other manner of closing after issuance of a 30-day or 60-day letter.
  Non-Income Tax Returns (Example: MFT 01, 03, 10)
    Use when the taxpayer did not sign a report or request an Appeals conference.
  Non-Taxable Returns (Form 1065; Non-TEFRA, Form 1120S)
    Use when the taxpayer did not sign a report or request an Appeals conference.
09+# Agreed—Applies only to returns if an agreement is received after the issuance of a 90-day, FPAA or FSAA letter.
10+# Default—Applies only to returns if the taxpayer fails to file a petition or sign an agreement after the issuance of a 90-day letter, FPAA or FSAA.
11+ Petitioned—Applies only to returns if the taxpayer petitions tax court after the issuance of a 90-day letter, FPAA or FSAA.
12# Other—Applies to any other manner of closing not identified above, such as direct transfers to Justice Department for settlement.
13# Undeliverable 90-day letter, FPAA or FSAA—Applies to returns closed after the issuance of the 90-day letter, FPAA or FSAA, if the above letter is returned as undeliverable.
Non-Examined Disposal Codes
20*@ Accepted as Filed by Classification—All returns (other than DIF) accepted on manual classification (estate, gift, etc.) or returns that were surveyed before classification. Not valid if Source Code is 02, 05, 10 or 12. Not valid if Status Code is greater than 06.
21*@ Accepted as Filed by Classification—DIF returns accepted during screening process on which questionable items are adequately substantiated or explained by schedules or attachments to the return or other specific reason. Also includes returns that were surveyed before classification. Not valid if Status Code is greater than 06.
22*@ Accepted as Filed by Classification—DIF returns accepted during screening process because the prior year examinations resulted in no change in tax liability and the current year return appears to have no tax potential. Not valid if Status Code is greater than 06.
25*@ Accepted as Filed by Classification—DIF returns accepted during screening process for referral to a state under Federal-State exchange program.
28 Non-Master File Closings—This code is used to close an account which was established on AIMS Non-Master File for temporary control purposes. This disposal code does not reverse TC 420 or 424 at Master File. Cannot be used if a "Claim Amount" is on the data base.
29 Missing Return—For campus: used to indicate a DIF or other bulk ordered return was not located by the Files Unit. For Area Office: used when a return was not able to be located by the Files Unit. Cannot be used if a " Claim Amount" is on the data base.
30 Transfers Out of Area—This code is used to transfer a return to another Area Office/campus location.
31@ Survey Before Assignment —A return selected for examination is considered as surveyed before assignment, if it is disposed of without contact with taxpayers, or their representatives, and before assignment to an examiner.
32@ Survey After Assignment —A return shall be reported as a survey after assignment if the examiner, after consideration of the return and without contact with taxpayers, or their representatives, and believes that an examination of the return would result in no material change in tax liability.
33 Error Accounts with No Returns—Used to remove records from the AIMS data base that were established in error. Example: wrong tax period established. Cannot be used if a "Claim Amount" is on the data base.
34@ Surveyed Claims—Allows overassessment without examination. An amount claimed must be present on the data base. (Not valid if Source Code is 31.
35*@ Surveyed—Excess Inventory—Return has audit potential but time prohibits starting the examination. Valid with Status Codes 07, 08 and 57.
36@ No return filed—taxpayer not liable/little or no tax due or P–5–133. Generates a TC 590 CC 52.
37@ Taxpayer previously filed. Generates a TC 594 CC 58.
38@ No return filed—taxpayer previously filed with spouse on joint return. Generates TC 594 CC 59.
39@ No return filed—Taxpayer is no longer liable. Generates TC 591 CC 50.
40@ No return filed—Unable to locate taxpayer. Generates TC 593 CC 57.
41@ No return filed—Taxpayer due a refund. Generates TC 590 CC 53.
42@ Return filed—Unable to locate taxpayer. Does not generate TC 59X.
45@ Reference and Information Returns—Valid only if Source Code is 45.
Special Disposal Codes
05& Closed agreed after 30-day letter with a conference.
06& protested after conference
15 You will only see this disposal code on IMFOLZ and on the Form 5546, Examination Return Charge-Out in the prior audit section. DC 15 is used when more than one Doc Code 47 disposal code is present for the same MFT and tax period in the Audit History Record at Master File. Example: Exam assesses a TC 300 DC 03 as a partial; the final closure has an additional assessment with a DC 10.
16 You will only see this disposal code on IMFOLZ and on the Form 5546, Examination Return Charge-Out in the prior audit section. DC 16 is used when more than a Doc Code 47 and a Doc Code 51 disposal code is present for the same MFT and tax period in the Audit History Record at Master File. Example: Exam assesses a TC 300 DC 03 as a manual assessment; the final closure has an additional assessment with a DC 10. Master File will display DC 16 since more than one disposal code is present.
17 Examination results were obtained from Audit History section of Master File (examination results shown may be inaccurate).
18 Examination results and/or disposal code may be inaccurate because of computer processing failures. To determine the true disposal code, review the original return code file.
99 Other—Only to be used for:
  a. Information report returns accepted by PSP Support Manager or Examination Operations in the campus. (Valid with Source Code 60 only)
  b. The establishment of a linkage on PCS—you can identify these records if there is a TC 421 with DC 99 and a TC 424 with the same DLN present on Master File.
  c. Cannot be used if a "Claim Amount" is on the data base.
* For Use by Classification Only (i.e., Valid with status code less than 09, or status code 57).
@ Cannot be used if there is an amount claimed on the data base.
+ Not valid with MFT 01, 04, 09–12, 17–19, 71, 72, or 80.
& No longer valid
# Valid with AMCLSF (partial assessments)

Exhibit 4.4.1-17  (04-29-2005)
Employee Group Code Charts

Following are nationally defined EGC’s. These EGC’s must only be used for cases that meet the definitions below

EGC Definition
1000-1099 Cases Physically in the Campus
1100-1849 Cases Physically in the Area Office - Group
1850-1999 Cases Physically in the Area Office - PSP
1XXX Revenue Agent Returns/Tax Compliance Officers
1000 DIF Returns and Automatics are opened in this EGC.
1066 CF&S - Field Audit
1067 CF&S - Field Audit
1068 CF&S - Field Audit
1069 SB/SE Case building (Only valid in the campus)
1095 LMSB - In transit from SOI
1450 Employment Tax Specialists
1994 ADDS Openings
1995 LMSB Status Code 06 Inventory
1996 High Income Modeling Test
1997 All transfers TO a PBC 3XX
1998 Non-LMSB Transfers
1999 Reserved (Do not use without HQ approval/cannot close in this EGC)
2000-2099 Cases Physically in the Campus
2100-2849 Cases Physically in the Area Office - Groups
2850-2999 Cases Physically in the Area Office - PSP
2XXX Tax Compliance Officers/Tax Examiners/Tax Resolution Representatives
2000 DIF Returns and Automatics are opened in this EGC.
2050 CF&S - Office Audit
2066 CF&S - Office Audit
2069 SB/SE Case building (Only valid in the campus)
2994-2997 Reserved (Do not use without HQ approval/cannot close in this EGC)
2998 Non-LMSB Transfers
2999 Reserved (Do not use without HQ approval/cannot close in this EGC)
5000-5399 Correspondence Examination
5033 Corr Exam with Bankruptcy Indicator
5400-5499 Non-TEFRA Suspense Cases (Status Code 33 Only)
5417 Computer generated when a PBC of 295, 298 (until 12/31/2004) or 398 (effective 1/1/2005) is input and the PICF code is 2, 6, or 8.
5419-5499 Non-TEFRA Suspense Cases (Status Code 33 Only)
5500-5597 Schedule C Investors
5598 Computer generated when a data base is transferred from a non- X9X PBC to a Campus PBC (X9X).
5599 Schedule C Investors
5600-5699 Pre-refund Program
5607 Exam Certification with Bankruptcy Ind.
5700-5799 Pre-filing Cases
5800-5816 TEFRA (Status Code 34 Only)
5817 Computer generated when a PBC of 295, 298 (until 12/31/2004) or 398 (effective 1/1/2005) is input and the PICF code is 1, 3, 4, 5 or 7.
5818-5899 TEFRA (Status Code 34 Only)
5900-5999 Locally Defined (Do not use for Corr Exam Cases)

Exhibit 4.4.1-18  (04-28-2005)

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Exhibit 4.4.1-19  (04-29-2005)

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Exhibit 4.4.1-20  (02-08-1999)
Master File and Non-Master File Tax Codes (Listed are only those codes valid on AIMS)

Numerical by Form Number
Form Number MFT Code NMFT Code
CT–1 09 71
CT–2 N/A 72
11–C 63 96
706 series except: 52 53
706GS (D) 78 78
706GS (T) 77 77
709 51 54
720 03 45
730 64 97
926 81  
940 series 10 80
941 series 01 17
942 04 18
943, 943PR 11 19
945 16 16
957 N/A 24
958 N/A 25
959 N/A 26
990C 33 33
1040 series except 30 20
1040PR 30 22
1041 05 21
1042 12 12
1065 06 35
1066 07 07
1120 series except 02 32
1120IC—DISC 02 23
1120S 02 31
2290 60 93
2438 N/A 38
3780 N/A 49
3845 (Obsolete 1988) N/A 85
4638 N/A 48 (effective 1/2006)
8804 N/A 08
8849 N/A 87
Numerical by MFT Code
MFT Code NMFT Code Form Number Activity Code
01   941 Series 465
02   1120 Series 202–03, 209, 213–225 (Odd numbers) 241, 259, 263, 265, 287–290, 338, 395–96
03   720 001–199
04   942 466
05   1041 495–496
06   1065 380, 473, 480–483
07 07 1066 489
08 08 8804, 8805 488
09   CT–1 468
10   940 Series 464
11   943 Series 467
12 12 1042 470
16   945 463
  17 941 353, 465
  17 941PR, 941SS 465
  17 8288 499
  18 942 356, 466
  19 943 356, 467
  19 943PR 467
  20 1040, 1040A, 1040NR 530–539
  20 1040SS 472
  21 1041 337, 495
  22 1040PR 471
  23 1120DS 224
  24 957 992
  25 958 992
  26 959 991
30   1040 Series 471–72, 530–541
  31 1120S 202, 287–290
  32 1120,
203, 209, 213–225 (Odd numbers only),
338, 395, 396
  32 1120F 259, 263, 265
  32 1120FSC 241
33 33 990C 490 - 493
  35 1065 380, 480–483
36 36 1041A TE/GE Only
37 37 1041PF/5227 TE/GE Only
  38 2438 991
40     001-199
44 44 990PF TE/GE Only
  45 720 001–199
48 (1/1/2006)   4638 099
50 50 4720 TE/GE Only
51   709, 709A 435, 437, 439
52   706, 706A, 706NA 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420
  53 706, 706A, 706NA, 706QDT 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420
  54 709 435, 437, 439
  56 990BBL 379
60   2290 196
61     099
62     099
63   11C 197
64   730 198
67 67 TE/GE Only
  71 CT–1 468
  72 CT–2 469
  76 5330 310
77 77 706GS(T) 421
78 78 706GS(D) 421
  80 940 464
  81 926 992**
  82 583 (obsoleted) 099
  83 587 (obsoleted) 099
  84 588 (obsoleted) 099
  85 3845 (obsoleted) 099
  86 678 (obsoleted) 099
  87 8849 099
  93 2290 196
  94 11 099
  95 11-B 099
  96 11–C 197
  97 730 198

Exhibit 4.4.1-21  (04-29-2005)

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Exhibit 4.4.1-22  (04-29-2005)
Push Codes

010 Related Investor Return Controlled on PCS
  — If a TC 150 is not posted to the module, the CP 87/187 will generate the same cycle as the TC 424 if a Push Code 010 is used. One copy of the CP CP notice resulting from Push Code 010 is routed to the related return area as notification that no return has been processed. One copy is sent to the principal entity area.
019 Automatic Return Classification Request
020* Delinquent Return
021* SFR - use if a TC 150 is not needed.
022 Reserved
023 Reserved
024 Closing Agreement
025 Inadequate Records Notice
026 Code Section 183 Issues
027 Contribution Adjustment/Carryovers
028 Involuntary Conversion
029 NOL Carryovers
030 Investment Credit Carryovers
031 Capital Loss Carryovers
032 1120–S Revocations
033 Reserved
034 Pers Res/Cap of Property
035 Reserved
036* Substitute for Return - Computer generated. Will cause a TC 150 to post to Master File 2 cycles after input. (Can delete using AM424D 30 days after input).
037* Potential CID Referral/Non-filer
038 Audit Issue Message 038
039* Audit Issue Message 039 — Use push code 039 for intercept file subsequent year unfiled returns. When the return is filed, it will be associated with Form 5346, Examination Information Report. EGC 1000 or 2000 must be used with this push code.
040 Memo, Rulings, etc., on Specific Case
041* Current Return Pick-Up
049 Joint Investigation — This code is used to establish AIMS control of returns with a 91X freeze. CI’s approval should be secured before establishing the case on AIMS. The return may not be closed as an examined closing or surveyed claim until the freeze is reversed. The return may, however, be closed as non-examined or protested to Appeals before the 91X freeze is reversed. Effective 1/1/2005, this Push Code can be used even though there is no TC 150 posted.
121 Pre-filing Notification (BMF only) This code is used for BMF accounts only, by the Tax Shelter Prefiling Notification Program. This code freezes refunds and generates subsequent year returns to Examination.
* Can be deleted using CC AM424D on the same day or 15 days after the CC AM424 was input.

Exhibit 4.4.1-23  (09-01-2003)
Reference Returns

Requesting Returns
(1) The examiner must enter a brief reason for the request in the Reason For Request Box on Form 5345, or on Form 5354 in Item 23.
(2) Generally, a case should not remain in Source Code 45 for more than 30 days from the date the return is received in the group. The information needed from the return should be secured as soon as possible, and the return closed off of AIMS using the non-examined Disposal Code 45. Management approval must be obtained before examinations of returns requested using Source Code 45 may be initiated. If it is determined that the return is to be examined, the source code must be updated to the appropriate source code. Source Code 45 returns cannot be transferred or closed using an examined disposal code.
(3) Exception: Cases under jurisdiction of the Office of the Chief Counsel or the Department of Justice. Unless the subsequent period(s) involve issues that make an immediate examination compelling, the returns should be placed into Fraud Suspense. The status code should be updated to 32 and the source code will remain 45.
Request to Examine
(1) The examiner will request approval to examine the return using Form 5349, with a copy of original Form 5345 or 5354. The examiner will indicate the reason for examining the return by entering a new appropriate source code on Form 5349. The manager will indicate permission to initiate the examination by initialing and entering the date on the Approved By/Date line of Form 5345 or 5354 in Item 25 and Form 5349.
(2) Form 5349 will be forwarded for processing and the copy of Form 5345 or 5354 returned to the examiner to attach to the return as a permanent record.
Closing Reference Returns
(1) A photocopy of the approved request must be attached to the return as a permanent record.
Non-examined use:
  Disposal Code 45 to close reference returns that have not been started or examined.
  *Disposal Code 28, to close Non-Master File AIMS.
  *Disposal Code 33 if, for example, the charge-out was received but not the return.
  *Use of these disposal codes must be approved by the AIMS Coordinator.
Examined: Change source code to another source code. SC 45 returns cannot be closed as examined.

Exhibit 4.4.1-24  (04-29-2005)
Retention Register Reinstatement Procedures

Modules are removed from the Master File and added to the Retention Register when certain conditions are met after a specified period of time.

  1. Certain IMF accounts may not be readily available when you input CC IMFOLT. You get the message "IMFOL RECOVERABLE RETENTION REGISTER (RRR)" . The account will be brought back within 1 to minutes at which time you should reinput the CC IMFOLT.

  2. Certain accounts can be brought back using CC:
    BMFOLB for BMF
    IMFOLB for IMF

    1. Before adjusting or establishing an account on AIMS that is on the recoverable Retention Register, you must request it be brought back onto the Master File.

    2. Accounts accessed through CC BMFOLI/IMFOLI which have an "R" next to the MFT, can be brought back. For BMF, this process is run every weekend so inputs done by COB on Friday will be brought back from the retention register the next Monday. For IMF, this process is run on Friday and again on Sunday night/Monday morning depending on the master file runs.

  3. Accounts accessed through CC BMFOLV/IMFOLV can only be brought back using the following instructions which are also found in IRM 3.12.21, Credit and Account Transfers.

    1. You must obtain a Retention Register transcript of the module to be reinstated.

    2. Review CC ENMOD/INOLE to determine the name line year for the taxpayer. The name line year appears directly to the left of the first name line.

      1. Compare the Retention Register transcript with the information on CC ENMOD/INOLE.

        1. If the name line year is subsequent to the year being reinstated, you must establish the name line for the year being reinstated (Use CC ENREQ, see IRM 2.4.9.

        2. If the MFR is 08, reestablish the filing requirement before reactivating the account. Care should be taken to delete the filing requirements once the adjustment has been completed if the taxpayer is no longer required to file a return.

      2. If more than one tax period is being reinstated and the name lines are the same, input the name line on IDRS for the oldest year.

      3. If more than one tax period is to be reinstated but the name lines are not the same, input a name line on IDRS for each year being reinstated.

Prepare a Form 5248 to request the transfer-in of the deleted module on retention.

Forward the Form 5248 and the retention register transcript to the Accounting function. Accounting will return a copy of the Transfer Request document indicating the cycle the module will be reinstated. Based on this information, cycle your transaction for processing. Your AIMS request, AM424 automatically recycles. See Retention Register Indicator.

Exhibit 4.4.1-25  (02-08-1999)
Sort Codes

Sort Code Form No. Description
00 1040 Follow-up Request—Return Only
01 All Forms TC 424 Request
02 5354 NMF Request
04 1040 Regular NRP Returns
05 1040 Suppressed NRP Returns
06 1040 Examination Selection Codes Other than A, E, F, G, N,
    R, S or U (including SET)
07 1040 Automatic Returns with Examination Selection Code A,
    R, or S
08 1040 New Employee Examination
09 1040 Regular DIF Selection
10 1040 DIF Supplement
11 1040 "P" or "S" Examination Selection Code
13 1040 "R" or "T" Examination Selection Code
15 1040 "E" , "F" or "G" Examination Selection Code
17 1040 "U" Examination Selection Codes
19 1040 "N" Examination Selection Codes
21 1040 Multiple Filers
22 1040 Married Filing Separately
25 1120 1120F Returns
27 1120 1120 Special
31 1120 Regular DIF Selection
32 1120 DIF Supplement
33 1120 1120 NRP Returns
35 720 Regular Examination Selection
36 1041 NRP Examination Selection
37 1041 Regular Examination Selection
39 1065 1065 Special
41 1065 1065 Regular
43 1065 1065 NRP Returns
44 940 940 Certification Discrepancy
45 2290 Examination Classification
47 709 709 Returns
49 706 706 Returns
51 4638 4638 Returns
76 All Forms Math Error Abatement
77 1040 Underreported
90 All Forms Unverified Assessments

Exhibit 4.4.1-26  (02-08-1999)
Sort Keys

Sort Key Description
000 All returns with an Audit Information Indicator of B and J (Return in Transit) . Sorted in DLN order.
080 EGC 5XXX returns with an Audit Information Indicator of C, E, F, C, I, M, Q, and V (No Return Requested) . Sorted in TIN order.
120 EGC’s other than 5XXX with an Audit Information Indicator of: C, E, F, G, I, M Q, and V (No Return Requested) . Sorted in the following order: Area Office, EGC, random
160 IMF returns with Audit Information Indicator of: A, D, H, K, L, and P. Sorted in DLN order.
200 All other returns with Audit Information Indicator of: A, D, H, K, L, and P. Sorted in DLN order.

Exhibit 4.4.1-27  (04-29-2005)
Source Codes

Source Code Explanation
All source codes are valid for area Examination. Examination Operations at the campus, can only use the source codes marked by asterisk(*). Exception: Area Source Codes are valid in the CTF. See Source Code Job Aide on AIMS Web Site at:
01 Automatics—Computer identified returns, automatics (BMF) and tax shelter automatics (IMF).
02* DIF (Discriminate Function) —Computer identified returns, DIF scored
03* Unallowable Items—Returns identified for Unallowable Items Program initiated at campuses.
04* Multiple Filers—Returns identified for Multiple Filers Program initiated at campuses.
05 DIF Related Pickup - Filed returns (except prior and subsequent year pickups which fall under Source Code 10) related to a taxpayer under examination where the initial or primary return was DIF selected.
06* DIF-CORR—Returns converted to DIF CORR Program from another program. This includes Source codes 03, 11, 08, 14, and 15, that are converted to the DIF CORR Program because (a) other issues were selected for examination during screening of high DIF scored returns, or (b) they were identified for more than one of the above programs. Also used by Examination Operations in the campus, to request returns related to a DIF return under examination at the campus.
08* Self-Employment Tax Returns—Returns identified for the Self-Employment Tax Program initiated at campuses.
10 DIF Related Pickup - Filed prior and/or subsequent year pickups related to a taxpayer under examination whether the initial or primary return was DIF selected.
11* Studies, Tests and Research—Projects initiated by the National Office.
12 DIF Related Pickup - Non-filed delinquent return or substitute for return DIF related - All pickups of a non-filed delinquent return, or substitute for return, related or nonrelated to the taxpayer under examination, including delinquent employment tax and excise tax returns resulting from package Examination coverage.
14* High Underreporter—Underreporter returns identified and selected for initial contact by Examination Operations at the Campus as part of the fraud detection program.
17* Tax Shelter Program—All returns selected for examination of a tax shelter issue and included in the Tax Shelter Program. This does not include related returns held pending the completion of a Tax Shelter Program Case.
20* Regular Classification—Returns selected under a Manual Classification Program. It also includes examinations initiated by reason of bankruptcy or receivership proceedings, and returns selected for the UIDIF Program. Examples are returns selected from an Excise Tax Return Listing or estate tax returns either centrally or locally classified. Must open in Status Code 06.
23* TEFRA Related
24* Nonfiler
25* Non-Filer Strategic Initiative - High Income Non-Filer. (For FY 03 & 04 requisitions must be from MSC Only). Do not update from 25 to another source code or to 25 from another source code.
26* Minimum Tax Program—Returns identified for Minimum Tax Program initiated at campuses.
30* Claims for Refund/Abatement—Returns selected before refunds/abatement are scheduled because of a claim filed on Form 843, an amended return, a Form 1040X or 1120X, or an informal claim based on taxpayer correspondence. This code also covers claims on contributions to retirement and disability funds. This code should not be used for audit reconsideration cases. For audit reconsiderations, use the original source code if the case is still on AIMS and CC AMSTUR is input; use Source Code 73 if the case has aged off of AIMS and CC AM424 is input.
31* Claims for Refund already Paid — Use for claims that are selected for examination after the IRS refunds the money to the taxpayer. Revenue Base Protection does not apply for paid claims.
32* Carryback Refund—Forms 1045 or 1139 selected for exam. If refund has already been paid, Revenue Base Protection does not apply.
35* Administrative Adjustment Requests (AAR’s) — used to identify key case examinations of TEFRA flow-through entity returns that are caused by the filing of an amended return by the TEFRA entity.
39* Tax Shelter Program—Related Pickup—This includes the pickup of returns of partners, grantors, beneficiaries, and shareholders who are affected by the examination of partnership, fiduciary and S corporation returns included in the Tax Shelter Program. This includes returns located within the area or campus that are related to a return included in the Tax Shelter Program.
40 Non-DIF Related Pickup - Filed prior and/or subsequent year pickups related to a taxpayer under examination where the primary return was Non-DIF selected.
44 Non-DIF Related Pickup - All pickups of a Non-filed delinquent return or substitute for return Non-DIF related - All pickups of a non-filed delinquent return, or substitute for return, related or nonrelated to the taxpayer under examination, including delinquent employment tax and excise tax returns resulting from package Examination coverage.
45* Reference and Information—Return requested for reference or information purposes only. See Exhibit 4.4.1-23.
46* Employee Returns—New IRS employees’ returns.
48* Campus—Unallowable Related—Used exclusively by Examination Operations in the Campus, to request returns related to an unallowable return under examination at the campuses.
49 Preparer of Returns—Returns selected because of questionable tax practitioners.
50 Non-DIF Related Pickup—Filed returns (except prior and subsequent year pickups which fall under Source Code 40) related to a taxpayer under examination where the initial or primary return was non-DIF selected.
60 Information Report—Returns identified because of an Examination Information Report outside of or within the area, where a valid election has not been made under Subchapter S, and collateral. Inadequate record cases which are a follow-up to Letter 978 (DO) and Letter 979 (DO) . Use Source Code 64 for PCS referrals. WRITTEN REASON FOR REQUEST REQUIRED.
62 Information Gathering Projects — use for all information gathering projects.
64* Pickup Related to Forms 1065, 1041 and 1120S—Other Than Tax Shelter—This includes the pickup of returns of partners grantors, beneficiaries, and shareholders who are affected by the examination of partnership, fiduciary, or S corporation returns. This includes returns located in the area or campuses that are related to a return that is not included in the Tax Shelter Program.
65* Collection Referrals/Offers in Compromise/etc. Use if another function secures the return.
70* Referrals/Other Agency Requests
73* Taxpayer Requests—Code Section 6501(d)—Request for prompt assessment, IRM 4.1.4 -Examination initiated at the request of taxpayer. This also includes taxable Forms 1040X or 1120X and any return (Forms 1040X, 1120X and 843, etc.) selected after the refund is scheduled for another source code.
77* State Information (Including State Abstracts)—Examinations initiated from various state sources, generally under the various exchange programs.
80* NRP—Current—All cycles and all phases of NRP identified returns.
85* IRP—Information Document Match — use for all IRP information document matches.
88 Special Enforcement
90 Fraud Regular—Pickup of any return for a joint Examination and Criminal Investigation or for the purpose of referring such returns to the Criminal Investigation. Any return returned to Examination with no recommendation of fraud penalty should be coded with Source Code 70. Generally, returns that were already open on AIMS with another source code, should not be updated to 90. A fraud project code should be used to identify the case.
91* NRP—Related Returns—A return related to a NRP return under Source Code 80 above, all cycles and all phases.
Source Codes—Grouped by Category
Computer Identified Returns
01 Automatics
02* DIF (Discriminant Function)@
Campus Initiated Examination Program
03* Unallowable Items
04* Multiple Filers
08* Self-Employment Tax
11* Studies, Tests, and Research Programs
14* High Underreporter
23* TEFRA Related
26* Minimum Tax Program
48* Related to Campus—Unallowable
Nonfiler Program
24* Non-filer
25* Non-filer Strategic Initiative
DIF Related Pickup
05 Filed Return
10 Filed Return - Prior and/or subsequent year
12 Nonfiled Returns - Delinquent or SFR
Non-DIF Related Pickup
40 Filed Return - Prior and/or subsequent year
44 Nonfiled Returns = Delinquent or SFR
50 Filed Return
64* Pickup Related to Forms 1065, 1041, and 1120S Other than Tax Shelter
30* All Other—Claims for Refund
31* Claim already paid by IRS
32* Carryback Refund - tentative allowance
35* Administrative Adjustment Request
Tax Shelters
17* Tax Shelter Program
39* Tax Shelter Program—Related Pickup
20* Regular Classification
88 Special Enforcement
90 Fraud Regular
Research and Reference
45* Reference and Information
80* NRP—Current
91* NRP—Related Returns
Miscellaneous Sources (Other than DIF)
46* Employee Returns
49 Preparer of Returns
62 Information Gathering Projects—National Office
73* Taxpayer Requests
Information Items
60 Information Reports
65* Collection Referral/Request
70* All Referrals
77 State Information
85* IRP—Information Document Match—Wages

Exhibit 4.4.1-28  (04-29-2005)
Special Messages on Form 5546

Entering 042-048 in the Push Code field on the AIMS establishment, will cause the message "Special Handling Message 042-048" to appear on the Form 5546. If these codes are used, the PSP must keep track of the definition of each Special Handling Message.

"Blank/No message" (generated due to a Code L) — The controlling PBC is in the campus where the return was filed and there is no information report available.

" INFORMATION REPORT AVAILABLE" (generated due to a Code H) — indicates an Examination Information Report, Form 5346 is on file in the campus classification section. The Area Office belongs to the Campus that is processing the request and the return is not requested but there is an information report available.

"NO RETURN REQSTD " (generated due to Code F) — indicates an Examination assembly has been requested but not a return. The requesting campus or area office code uses this message. The Area Office is outside the processing campuses jurisdiction and the return is not requested and there is no information report available.

"NO RETURN REQUESTED ___" (generated due to a Code G) — The controlling AO is within the same campus where the return was filed. The return was not requested and there is no information report available.

"NO RTN REQSTD ___ INFO RPT AVAIL (generated due to a Code M) — The controlling AO is within the center where the return was filed. The return was not requested and there is an information report available.

"NO RTN REQSD FLOW THROUGH NOTIFICATION" (generated due to Code C) — is generated when PCS Forms 8340 and 8341 are used to link an investor to a key case. Associate this charge-out with the key case (shown in Item 48, Partnership Data) using the employee group code in Item 29 on the charge-out. This charge-out. notifies the key case examiner that the investor (Item 10 on charge-out.) has been linked to the key case. The location of the investor return is shown in Item 48 under Partner AO and EGC. This charge-out. used to be called the Partnership Acknowledgment. The controlling AO belongs to the campus. The PICF is a 1, 2, 3, or 4. There is partnership data on the opening coming from Master File. Also known as the partnership Acknowledgment. record.

"NO RTN REQSTED — INFO RPT AVAIL " (generated due to a Code E) — The controlling AO is outside of the campus where the return was filed. The return is not requested but there is an information report available.

"NO RTN REQSTED MANUALLY CONTROLLED 918–A" (generated due to a Code I) — indicates to the area examining the key case (Item 48) that the investor (Item 10) cannot be linked on PCS since the investor return is in status 8X (Appeals) or 90 (Closed). Communication and control of adjustments must be done manually. Generated due to a Code I — Status code is greater than 80 and this is a partner record coming from Master File.

"NO RTN REQSTD PARTNER EXAM VOIDED" (generated due to a Code V) — This is a partnership Acknowledgment. record that has been transferred to another center.

"NO RTN REQSTD RELATED INVESTOR NOTIFICATION " (generated due to a Code Q) — indicates that the investor return (Item 10), which is already open in Exam, has been linked to the key case, shown under Partnership Data on charge-out. This charge-out. should be associated with the investor return (use employee group code and status codes in Items 29 and 30) . Since the investor return was already on AIMS, only a notification charge-out. is generated; if the investor return had not been on AIMS, a charge-out. containing Partnership Data and a return would be generated and sent, but this special message would not appear in Item 16.

Exhibit 4.4.1-29  (02-08-1999)
State Alpha Codes

State   State  
Alabama AL Nebraska NE
Alaska AK Nevada NV
American Samoa AS New Hampshire NH
Arizona AZ New Jersey NJ
Arkansas AR New Mexico NM
California CA New York NY
Colorado CO North Carolina NC
Connecticut CT North Dakota ND
Delaware DE Ohio OH
District of Columbia DC Oklahoma OK
Florida FL Oregon OR
Fed. States of Micronesia FM Pennsylvania PA
Georgia GA Puerto Rico PR
Guam GU Palau PW
Hawaii HI Rhode Island RI
Idaho ID South Carolina SC
Illinois IL South Dakota SD
Indiana IN Tennessee TN
Iowa IA Texas TX
Kansas KS Utah UT
Kentucky KY Virgin Islands VI
Louisiana LA Vermont VT
Maine ME Virginia VA
No. Mariana Islands MP Washington WA
Maryland MD West Virginia WV
Massachusetts MA Wisconsin WI
Michigan MI Wyoming WY
Minnesota MN America-Atlantic AA*
Mississippi MS America-Europe AE*
Missouri MO America-Pacific AP*
Montana MT    
* AA, AE, and AP are valid state codes when used with "APO" for the city.

Exhibit 4.4.1-30  (04-29-2005)
Status Codes

Area Office Location Code Definition
PSP Support 00 Documents in Transit—(Computer Generated)—Assembly on hand and return not yet available to the area. Not included in inventory reports. Generated for all bulk ordered returns with no assigned status code. Updates automatically to 06 the weekend after the status code has been 00 over 14 days.
  01 Claims and Other Returns in Transit—Claims selected by the campus for examination in area offices, and other returns selected by the campus and which should be associated with related returns prior to forwarding to area offices. Immediately upon receipt, the area must update the status code appropriately.
  05 SOI—Returns will be automatically updated to 05 through an SOI/AIMS match.
  06 Awaiting Classification— (Computer Generated) — Returns or related documents awaiting association in the Campus Control Reports Unit or returns in hands of PSP Support Manager which have not been classified or screened. Never update returns to a higher status until it has been selected for examination.
PSP 07 Transfer—When a record is transferred, and the current status code is less than 08, the status is unchanged. If the current status code is greater than 07, the status is overlaid with an 07, with the exception of status 08 in EGC 2050. The status and EGC will remain unchanged even though the record was transferred from one Centralized files and Scheduling unit to another.
41 PSP Suspense
Central Storage 08 Selected—Not Assigned—Returns on hand that have been selected for examination but not yet assigned to a territory or group.
09 LMSB = transfers within LMSB
SB/SE = Local Definition
10 Assigned—No Time Applied—Returns on hand at group (including integrated groups) and territory levels but not yet assigned to an examiner, and returns assigned to an examiner but with no direct examination time (Technical) applied.
11 Reserved
12 Started—In general, cases should be placed in 12 prior to when the first interview is held, i.e., cases should be placed in 12 when:
  * An appointment letter or phone contact is made with the taxpayer or representative initiating an examination.
  * Pre-audit analysis is being performed and the return will be examined; or
  * A related return is being considered for examination, and where books and records are requested for that return.
13 30-Day—All returns awaiting the issuance of a 30-day Letter in the group, or in the group 30-day suspense file.
14 LMSB = CIC cases - CTF suspense in the group.
SB/SE = Suspense
SB/SE = Local Definition
16 Local Definition
17 Fraud Development (Civil or Criminal) — Update the Status Code to 17 when it is agreed by the examiner, group manager and the Fraud Referral Specialist, that potential for fraud exists. Cases will be returned to the applicable status code, i.e. 12, if it is later determined that fraud potential no longer exists.
18 Acceptance by Criminal Investigation—Update to Status Code 18 when the completed Form 2797 is approved by CI and received by Examination. After prosecution, the status code should be returned to 17 while developing the civil fraud aspects. If fraud is no longer an issue, the status code should be returned to 12. See IRM for more information.
19 Local Definition
Technical Services
20 Mandatory Review and Special Processing Cases except JCC—All returns subject to mandatory review or special processing either awaiting review or in the process of being reviewed. (IRM 4.8)
21 In Transit to Technical Services
22 30-Day—All returns awaiting issuance of a 30-day Letter or awaiting response from taxpayers.
  TEFRA—The status code should be updated to 22 by Technical Support when they forward the 60-day package to the CTF.
23 Sample Review—All sample selected or management identified returns either awaiting review or in the process of being reviewed. (IRM 4.8).
24 90-Day—(Notice of Deficiency) —All 90-day Letter (or equivalent) cases awaiting response from taxpayers.
  TEFRA—The status code should be updated to 24 by Technical Support when they receive confirmation that the FPAA/FSAA has been issued.
25 Pre 90-Day—All returns awaiting preparation and/or issuance of 90-day letter.
  TEFRA—The status code should be updated to 25 by Technical Services when they transmit the FPAA/FSAA package to the CTF.
26 Joint Committee Cases
27 Local Definition
28 Local Definition
29 Local Definition
30 Form 1254—Used only for returns where a Form 1254 (Examination Suspense Report) is in the case file.
32 General Fraud—This includes returns where a joint investigation has been completed and awaiting settlement of criminal aspects.
36 Grand Jury—All cases being actively investigated by the Grand Jury.
38 Suspense Other—Cases awaiting technical advice from the National Headquarters. Cases placed in suspense by the area office.
Case Processing
51 In Transit to Case Processing
52 Local Definition
53 Local Definition
54 Local Definition
55 Local Definition
56 Local Definition
56 Local Definition
57 Survey - Held in Case Processing Awaiting Closure
58 CCP - Unassigned
59 Local Definition
After CCP is implemented 51 In Transit to Centralized Case Processing
  52 Special Handling
  53 Complex Interest
  54 Expedite Processing
  55 Processing/Pipeline 
  56 Suspense
  57 Surveys Held-Centralized Case Processing
  59 FORT
Appeals 80 Non-docketed
  81 Unassigned
  82 Docketed
  83 Local Definition
  84 Local Definition
  85 Local Definition
  86 Reference Return
  87 Closed to Appeals Processing Function
  88 Tried—District Counsel
  89 Local Definition
  90 Closed (Computer Generated) —All examined and nonexamined Examination and Appeals closings. Cannot be input via Examination Update or Correction Request procedures.
  99 PCS controlled related return. This status code is computer generated to identify CTF inputs on the AM424 Reject Register.
Status Codes 09, 52, 54, 55 and 56 are for use locally to control returns. New uses of these codes must be cleared by the area prior to implementation.
Campus Status Codes
Campus Location Code Definition
00 Returns in Transit (Computer Generated) —Returns selected by the campus for examination in area offices. This status is used for returns that do not require association with related returns prior to forwarding to areas.
01 Claims and Other Returns in Transit—Claims selected by the campus for examination in area offices, and other returns selected by the campus and which should be associated with related returns prior to forwarding to area offices.
05 SOI—Returns will be automaticy updated to 05 through an SOI/AIMS match.
06 Awaiting Classification (Computer Generated)—Returns computer identified or combination of computer identified and manually identified. These returns or related documents are awaiting association in the Campus Control Reports Unit or are on hand awaiting classification, screening for high DIF, multiple codes, or other. Status Code 00 is generated for all bulk ordered returns with no status assigned. Two cycles later Status 06 is automatically generated if the Source Code is 01 or 02 and there is no prior status code.
Processing Function 07 Transfer—When a record is transferred, and the current status code is less than 08, the status is unchanged. If the current status code is greater than 07, the status is overlaid with an 07, with the exception of status 08 in EGC 2050. The status and EGC will remain unchanged even though the record was transferred from one Centralized files and Scheduling Unit to another.
08 Selected—Not Assigned—Returns on hand where Examination/contact has not been initiated.
09 Correspondence examination.
10 Initial Contact Letter Sent—Returns manually identified by Processing Division (Computer Generated) and/or all other returns on which initial contact has been made and a status change submitted.
12 Special Contact Letter Sent—Returns requiring special correspondence and awaiting response from taxpayer.
13 Suspensed case - Cases with Bankruptcy, scrambled or SSN cases.
17 Referral for Fraud
18 Local Definition
20 Back downs from Appeals
22 30-Day—Returns held in 30-day letter suspense awaiting taxpayer response.
23 Revised Report Sent - Awaiting Reply
24 90-Day—Statutory Notice of Deficiency issued. Returns held in 90-day suspense awaiting taxpayer response.
25 Additional information needed after 30-day letter and before 90-day letter, exam report remains unchanged
51 Manual Case to Close
52 Manual 90-DAY Letter Being Prepared
53 Case Rejected from 90-Day Letter
54 Correspondence Replies — Returns on which taxpayer Correspondence has been received and the correspondence requires technical consideration by a Correspondence Tax Examiner before a reply to the taxpayer can be prepared. This does not apply to cases where the reply is an agreement or to cases that are in Status Code 24 (90-Day Statutory Notice of Deficiency issued)
55 Overage Replies > 75 Days — Returns identified on the Status Workload Review List as being over 75 days old.
56 Local Definition
57 Overage Replies > 120 Days — Returns identified on the Status Workload Review List as being over 120 days old.
Suspense 33 Non-TEFRA Suspense - Returns housed in the campus CTF awaiting completion of partnership/S-Corp. examination.
  34 TEFRA Suspense—TEFRA investor/shareholder returns in the campus CTF awaiting completion of partnership/S-Corp. examination results.
  38 Reserved
Closed 90 Closed (Computer Generated) —All examined and non-examined Examination and Appeals closings. Cannot be input via Examination Update or Examination Correction Request procedures.
  99 PCS controlled related return. This status code is computer generated to identify CTF inputs on the AM424 Reject Register.
1. Status Codes 18, 25, and 56, are for use locally to control returns. New uses of these codes must be cleared by the area prior to implementation.
2. Returns in Status Code 06 must never be updated to a higher status until selected for examination.

Exhibit 4.4.1-31  (09-01-2003)
Taxpayer Identification Number

An asterisk (*) appears after the SSN on invalid numbers. If there is an asterisk (*) after the SSN and there is personal contact with the taxpayer, the examiner must ask the taxpayer if an inquiry has been received from the Service concerning the validity of the SSN.

  1. If the taxpayer has furnished the information requested by the Service, the examiner need not pursue the matter further.

  2. If the taxpayer has not furnished the information requested concerning the SSN, the examiner should secure a completed Form 4149 (Information to Correct Invalid Social Security Number) . The completed Form 4149 will be left in the case file.

An "N" after the EIN or SSN indicates Non-Master File.

A "D" after the number indicates a temporary number is being used. Examples of this are: waiting for taxpayer to secure a valid EIN; to establish a key case on PCS so that Schedule "C, Schedule F, etc., investors in a common promotion can be linked; or to control multiple Forms 706A on AIMS.

  1. CC AMTIN7 can be used to secure a temporary TIN.

  2. A temporary SSN can be secured to control a return if one is received without a SSN.

    1. Prepare Form 5354, Examination Request Non-Master File following instructions for item 6 given in the Openings Section.

    2. When the permanent SSN is received as the result of the examiners having submitted Form 4149, request a new assembly on Form 5345, Examination Request Master File.

    3. Close the Non-Master File control using disposal code 28.

    4. Process the Master File account in the normal manner securing an EIN if the Taxpayer Refuses to File an SS–4

A permanent EIN can be secured for a taxpayer if a return is received without a EIN.

  1. Contact the Entity Control Section at your Campus to secure a permanent number.

  2. Control the return on Non-Master File until the permanent number is received.

  3. After a permanent TIN is secured, close the base with the dummy TIN off of AIMS using CC AMSOC, DC 28.

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