The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

Database Subscriptions

Many libraries, schools, universities, and hospitals subscribe to NORD’s Rare Disease Database for unlimited access to reports on more than 1,150 diseases.

Index of Rare Diseases

This is the list of diseases currently covered in the Rare Disease Database.

Rare Disease Database

Search this database for reports on more than 1,150 diseases.

View sample report

Index of Organizations

This is the list of organizations in NORD’s Organizational Database.

Organizational Database

Read about more than 2,000 patient organizations and other sources of help.

Washington Office

NORD's Washington OfficeRead about events on Capitol Hill, funding for rare-disease research, and other topics of interest from NORD's office in Washington, DC.


How to Make A Donation
Your donation helps NORD serve the 25 million Americans who, because their diseases are rare, might otherwise be forgotten. NORD receives no government funding and our web site accepts no commercial sponsorship. It relies entirely on the contributions of grateful patients, families, and others who care about the medically disenfranchised. With your help, NORD will continue to provide accurate, reliable information and to be a strong voice in advocating for needed research and improved treatments.


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NORD will acknowledge your donation and promptly notify the family of your special gift. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please be assured that NORD does not sell or exchange its mailing list.

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Since 1983, working toward the prevention, treatment, and cure of rare “orphan” diseases.

Become a NORD Member

As a member of NORD, you’ll receive benefits in addition to the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping people with rare diseases. Read about our levels of Membership and the benefits of each.

One of 100 Best Charities

Worth Magazine has chosen NORD as one of the 100 best charities in America.

[Go to Article]

NORD Tribute Banquet
Twice a year, NORD hosts events that draw together the rare-disease community. At the Tribute Banquet, held in the spring, individuals, legislators, and corporations are honored for specific achievements.

©2006 NORD - National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last modified Wednesday, January 28, 2009