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Long Term Resource Monitoring Program

Vegetation Component

Aquatic Vegetation

Stratified Random Sampling

  • Graphical Vegetation Database Browser: Generate graphs depicting status and trend information (e.g., percent frequency, relative abundance, distribution maps) for aquatic vegetation. The downloading of summary statistics also is available.

  • Annual Update: In 2003, the format of the annual reports was changed to a Web-based annual update where all years of data are presented in each table.

  • Annual Reports
  • Vegetation Stratified Random Sampling (SRS) Database Browser—Download LTRMP stratified random data. Vegetation stratified random sampling (SRS) data has been collected every year starting in 1998 and was collected during the months of June through August. All potential users of these data are strongly encouraged to read and understand the stratified random sampling LTRMP Procedures Manual (Yin et al. 2000) that describes site selection and sampling protocols before undertaking any analysis or interpretation of the stratified random sampling data.





Transect Sampling

  • Vegetation Transect Database Browser—Download LTRMP vegetation transect data. Vegetation transect data has been collected every year starting in 1991 to 2000, and was collected during the months of May through August (except for the LaGrange Pool which has some September data as well). All potential users of these data are strongly encouraged to read and understand the vegetation monitoring section of the LTRMP Procedures Manual (Rogers and Owens 1995) that describes procedures for both ground surveys and aerial photography interpretation before undertaking any analysis or interpretation of the data.

  • Annual Reports


Other Information

  • Vegetation Informal Database Browser—Download LTRMP vegetation informal data. Vegetation informal data has been collected every year starting in 1991 to 1997. All potential users of these data are strongly encouraged to read and understand the vegetation monitoring section of the LTRMP Procedures Manual (Rogers and Owens 1995) that describes procedures for both ground surveys and aerial photography interpretation before undertaking any analysis or interpretation of the data.

  • Floodplain Forest Data—These data were collected in a survey of the floodplain forests in selected reaches along the Upper Mississippi And Illinois Rivers in summer 1994. The survey was conducted to estimate tree mortality induced by the flood of 1993.

  • A demographic study of the common woody species in the Upper Mississippi River System
floodplain forest

Related documents (also see LTRMP Report Listing)



These data have been generated by State agencies under contract with the Department of the Interior and the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC). Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the UMESC, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. However, error correction is a continuing process, and the UMESC routinely makes changes to data as errors are discovered. The file date is referred to as the release date and should be mentioned in all references to data. These data have been provided as a unit package to ensure that you receive a valid data set collected in a consistent manner. Methods, purposes, and conditions can vary dramatically among data-collecting efforts and these data should not be combined with other data sets from the UMESC or other sources unless the user fully understands the procedures and that data are comparable across sources.


Content manager: Dr. Yao Yin

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: September 15, 2008