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Frequently Asked Questions

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USGS Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's about Geomagnetism

Why do models and charts of the geomagnetic field need to be periodically updated?
Are variations in the geomagnetic field somehow associated with earthquakes or vice versa?
Could magnetic reversals be caused by meteorite or cometary impacts? Could reversals be caused by melting of the polar ice caps or some sort of planetary alignment?
What about other magnetic fields, such as those from power lines, do they affect human health?
How does the core generate a magnetic field?
What is space weather?
The strength of the magnetic field has been decreasing lately, does this mean that we are about to have a reversal?
Why measure the magnetic field at the Earth’s surface? Wouldn’t satellites be better suited for space-weather studies?
What is a permanent magnet?
What is a magnetic field?
Could the mass extinctions observed in the paleontological record be correlated with magnetic reversals?
Does the Earth’s magnetic field affect human health?
What causes the magnetic field to reverse its polarity?
Is it true that the magnetic field occasionally reverses its polarity?
Do animals use the magnetic field for orientation?
What is declination?
What are the hazardous effects of magnetic storms?
Is the Earth a magnet?
What is a magnetic storm?
How does a compass work?

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