NIST Multizone Modeling Website
CONTAM Libraries

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Airflow Elements Chart

This chart presents the flow element libraries: ASHRAELA.lb3, RESMISC.lb3, C&ISUM.lb3 C&IMISC.lb3, as well as others. The first two contain flow elements relevant to residential buildings, and the other two apply to commercial, institutional and high-rise residential buildings. Within the libraries, each element name consists of four parts: component, descriptors (most names will have more than one descriptor), generic building type, and tightness value. The component and descriptor parts of the name will be separated from building type and value by an underscore "_". The following are the abbreviations used to create the flow elements names:

CE Ceiling FP Fireplace RF Roof
CH Chimney FR Frame VE Vent
DR Door IT Interface WH Water heater
DW Doorway JT Joint WL Wall
FL Floor PE Penetrations WN Window

2W Two way DY Dryer PA Partition
air flow EC Electrical outlet PC Precast concrete
AL Aluminum   or switch PL Plumbing
AP Apartment EL Elevator PT Patio
AR Per unit area EX Exterior RE Shopping mall
AS Assembly FD Fold Down   retail store
AT Attic FR Frame RL Recessed Light
BA Bathroom GA Garage RS Restaurant
BL Block GL Glass SC School
BR Brick GS Gas SH Single hung
CA Caulked, sealed HA Hall SI Single
  or gasketed HC Healthcare SL Slider or sliding
CASE Casement ID Industrial SM Storm
CC Cast-in-place IN Interior SN Stone
  concrete IO Inoperable SP Sports
CK Crack IS Insulation SR Stair/stairwell
CL Closed JA Jalousie ST Steel
CO Concrete KI Kitchen TI Tile
CP Concretepanel MA Masonry UC Uncaulked
CR Corner ME Metal UN Perunititem
CS CrawlSpace MN Manufactured WD Wood
CT Closet NO No WE Weather-
CW Curtainwall NW NotWeather- stripped
DA Damper   stripped WF Wholehouse
DB Doubleor OO Operable fan
  doublehung OP Open YE Yes
DE Difference        
DW Ductwork        

Generic BuildingTypes:
C Commercial N Industrial     
I Institutional R Residential    
M ManufacturedHouse      

AV Averageor  +S Meanplusonestandarddeviation
  bestestimate -S Meanminusonestandarddeviation
MN Minimum        
MX Maximum        

For example, a flow element designated as DRINCTCL_RAV would refer to a closed interior closet door in a residential building with an average tightness value.

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