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GLERL 2006 Milestone Reports

Milestones are organized by fiscal year quarter.

First Quarter  | Second Quarter  |  Third Quarter  |  Fourth Quarter 

GLERL Milestone main page

FIRST QUARTER (January 2006)


Scientist: Stephen B. Brandt

NOAA Performance Objective: Increase portion of the population that is knowledgeable of and acting as stewards for coastal and marine ecosystem issues.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM7: Number of state and local agencies, community leaders and industries who access and utilize NOAA Ecosystem Research Program products and services.

OAR Performance Measure: Number of significant partnerships developed.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-1-1: NOAA will complete its contribution to the development of the Great Lakes strategic plan as part of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration.


Scientist: Gary Fahnenstiel

NOAA Performance Objective: Increase number of regional coastal and marine ecosystems delineated with approved indicators of ecological health and socio-economic benefits that are monitored and understood.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM1: Number of U.S. coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes ecosystems with science-based warning systems that decrease human health risks.

OAR Performance Measure: Increased number and accuracy of forecasts of significant ecological events and trends (e.g., harmful algal blooms, coral bleaching and population shifts), that provide necessary information for NOAA's stewardship responsibilities.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-1-2: NOAA's Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health: HAB event response will establish a multi-institutional HABs program in the Great Lakes with initial focus on Lake Erie and develop a web page.


GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: Stuart Ludsin (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM4: Number of coastal, marine, and Great Lakes ecosystems adequately characterized for management.

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-2-1: Complete first field season for the International Field years for Lake Erie (IFYLE) program.


GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: Peter Landrum (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Improve the ecological health within regional coastal and marine ecosystems and assess socioeconomic benefits.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM 2: Number of new sustainable coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes Resources

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-3-1 Initial evaluation of the potential for human health impact through fish consumption will be completed

GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: Henry Vanderploeg (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM 6: :
Cumulative number of tools and technologies that improve ecosystem-based management.

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-3-2 Assess the ability of dreissenid mussels to selectively reject naturally occurring Microcystis colonies and predict their filtering rate on Microcystis and other algae in Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay.

GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: Dr. Tom Croley (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM4: Number of coastal, marine, and Great Lakes ecosystems adequately characterized for management.

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-3-3: Addition of watershed erosion and sediment transport mechanics to GLERL's Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model.

GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: David Reid (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure: PM6: Cumulative number of tools and technologies that improve ecosystem-based management.

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-03-4: Assess the application of ballast water best management practices for NOBOB vessels for protecting the Great Lakes.

FOURTH QUARTER (September 2006)

GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: Steve Ruberg (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM6: Cumulative number of tools and technologies that improve ecosystem based management.

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-4-1: Development of a universal, high band width buoy system for coastal observations. Complete the integration of two integrated ocean observing system buoys and sensors into Lake Erie central basin coastal observatory node and develop a real-time environmental data base management system in collaboration with the Ohio State Supercomputing Center.

GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: Dave Schwab (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM5: Cumulative number of tools and technologies that improve ecosystem-based management.

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-4-2: Develop and apply nested-grid hydrodynamics forecasting model to Burns Ditch, Indiana area and compare results with in situ current meter measurements.

GOAL: Ecosystem

Scientist: Dave Raikow (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Increase portion of population that is knowledgeable about coastal and marine ecosystem issues.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure PM7: Number of state and local agencies, community leaders and industries who access and use NOAA Ecosystem Research Program products and services

OAR Performance Measure: Research to improve our understanding of the factors affecting ecosystems and the success of ecosystem approaches to management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 06-4-3: Complete development of Great Lakes aquatic nonindigenous species data information system.

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Last updated: 2006-09-19 mbl