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GLERL 2007 Milestone Reports

Milestones are organized by fiscal year quarter.

 Second Quarter  |  Third Quarter  |  Fourth Quarter 

GLERL Milestone main page


Scientist: David Reid (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure: Develop Technologies and Tools

OAR Performance Measure: Percentage of tools, technologies, and information services that are used by NOAA partners/customers to improve ecosystem-based management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-2-1: Complete development of tool for ship engineers and Coastal regulators to convert between specific gravity and salinity for sea water sample for monitoring ballast water.

Scientist: Steve Pothoven (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure: Identify Causes and Consequences of Changes in Ecosystem Condition

OAR Performance Measure: Annual number of coastal, marine, and Great Lakes ecosystem sites adequately characterized for management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-2-2: Effects of dreissenid invasion on alewife and lake whitefish consumption in Lakes Michigan and Huron.

Scientist: Dr. Juli Dyble (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Improve public health by developing a rapid method to detect the presence of toxic algae in drinking and recreational water supplies. .

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure: Percentage of tools, technologies, and information services that are used by NOAA partners/customers to improve ecosystem-based management.

OAR Performance Measure: Develop Technologies and Tools

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-02-3: Develop genetic assay for quantifying the number of toxic Microcystis colonies.


Scientist: Tom Croley II (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure:  Develop Forecasts to Predict Ecological (and Socioeconomic) Impacts

OAR Performance Measure: Annual number of coastal, marine, and Great Lakes issue-based forecast capabilities developed and used for management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-3-1: Incorporate radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) into GLERL's hourly distributed large basin runoff model (DLBRM) for water quantity forecasts

Scientist: Steve Ruberg (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure:  Develop Technologies and Tools

OAR Performance Measure: Percentage of tools, technologies, and information services that are used by NOAA partners/customers to improve ecosystem-based management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-3-2: Develop a Plan for Transition of Real-time Environmental Coastal Observation Network (RECON) buoys to NWS.

FOURTH QUARTER (September 2007)

Scientist: Michael McCormick (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure:  Annual number of coastal, marine, and Great Lakes ecosystem sites adequately characterized for management.

OAR Performance Measure: Percentage of tools, technologies, and information services that are used by NOAA partners/customers to improve ecosystem-based management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-4-1: Complete the Lagrangian statistics of the surface circulation of Lake Champlain.

Scientist: George Leshkevich (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Increase number of regional coastal and marine ecosystems delineated with approved indicators of ecological health and socioeconomic benefits that are monitored and understood.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure: Number of tools and technologies developed and transferred to support the responsible use of ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources.

OAR Performance Measure: Increase the number of techniques and tools that are developed or applied that can be used to restore and protect ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-4-2: Complete algorithm development to demonstrate the use of satellite scatterometer data for Great Lakes ice cover mapping.

Scientist: Dave Schwab (GLERL)

NOAA Performance Objective: Access, model and forecast ecosystem resources for management decisions.

Ecosystem Research Program Performance Measure:Develop Forecasts to Predict Ecological (and Socioeconomic) Impacts

OAR Performance Measure: Annual number of coastal, marine, and Great Lakes issue-based forecast capabilities developed and used for management.

NOAA Program: Ecosystem Research

Milestone 07-4-3: Complete nearshore hydrodynamics field experiment at Grand Haven Michigan for development of a nearshore circulation model

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Last updated: 2007-10-17 mbl