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Special Collections

The Special Collections area of our library is a way to present incredible images that emphasize certain subjects. We include collections that highlight a photographer's career or an organization, images from specific projects, or a collection being shared online in order to help further research or conservation. See Contributors for more information about contributing images to the image library, and for what determines if a collection is "Special." In the meantime, we invite you to explore these remarkable collections.

Finding Species

Finding Species is a nonprofit organization that focuses on using images to communicate information about biodiversity, especially among researchers, conservationists, and the general public. Their photographers, working with scientists, create scientifically accurate, and beautiful, images of threatened species – both in the lab and in the field. These images illustrate print and Web guides, exhibits, and conservation campaigns.

  • Geckos of The U.S. Collection


Follow this link to go to the image gallery for the NBII's Great Basin Information Project.

  • GBIP Collection

Guyra Paraguay

Guyra Paraguay is a non-profit organization in Paraguay. Its mission is to help institute and coordinate local conservation activities, public policies, and research for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, with an emphasis in birds.

  • The Guyra Paraguay Collection


The Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) is a forum to foster collaboration and coordination among countries of the Americas in the collection, sharing, and use of biodiversity information relevant to natural resources management and conservation, and to education.

  • The iabin Collection


The National Biological Information Infrastructure, or the NBII, is a collaboration among government agencies, universities, libraries, museums, and more to increase access to biological information. Coordinated by the U.S. Geological Survey, the NBII works to link scientifically reliable data sets, maps, literature, and applications into a widely accessible online system.

  • The nbii Collection

Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian's Department of Botany, in the National Museum of Natural History, is digitizing its vast collection of slides of plants from around the world, some specific collections of which are or will be featured here.

  • The Smithsonian Institution Collection

The Grasslands of the United States

There are many beautiful grasslands, meadows, and prairies in the United States. This collection mostly features images from the central U.S. grasslands, beginning with an image collection of the animals of Oklahoma.

  • The Grasslands of the United States