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  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Beam Delivery System Optimization for X-Ray Free Electron Lasers

Principal Investigator: Ji Qiang
Affiliation: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Co-Investigators: John Corlett, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Steve Lidia, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Robert Ryne, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Alexander Zholents, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Ilya Pogorelov, Northern Illinois University

Next generation X-ray free electron lasers (FELs) present great opportunities for scientific discovery and applications in physics, material science, chemical science and bioscience. This project will use the INCITE computer resources to optimize the design and improvement of beam delivery systems including injector, laser heater, rf linac, bunch compressor, and beam switchyard for X-ray FELs being designed at LBNL. Optimizing beam delivery systems to produce and preserve high intensity and good quality electron beams will not only lower the cost of design and operation of FELs, but also improve the performance of X-ray light output.

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