How many African Americans have served in the U.S. Congress? How did Reconstruction, the Great Migration, and the post–World War II civil rights movement affect black Members of Congress? Who was the first African American to chair a congressional committee? These questions and many more are answered in Black Americans in Congress, 1870–2007, the most comprehensive history available on the 121 African Americans who have served in Congress. Read about:
Written for a general audience, this book contains a profile of each African-American Member. Former Member profiles are introduced by contextual essays that explain major events in congressional and U.S. history. Black Americans in Congress also includes:
Black Americans in Congress, 1870-2007 (Hardcover) Publisher: House, Office of the Clerk, Office of History and Preservation Description: Researched and written by the Office of History and Preservation in the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives, Black Americans in Congress is the second volume in a four-part congressionally mandated series about minorities who have served in Congress. Year/Pages: 2008: 803 p.; ill. [ Top ]
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