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Electronic Information Products

Alzheimer's Disease: Unraveling the Mystery

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging

Description: DHHS Publication NIH 02-3782. Explains what Alzheimer's disease is. Describes what has been learned to date about the disease. Provides a glimpse into future directions for research.

Year/Pages: 2002: 60 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $2.00 Add To Cart

Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, 2000 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: State Dept.

Description: S. Prt. 106. Joint Committee Print. Report Submitted to the Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations and the House, Committee on International Relations by the Department of State in Accordance with Section 102 of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. Covers the period from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000. Useful as a resource for shaping policy, conducting diplomacy, and making assistance, training, and other resource allocations.

Year/Pages: 2000: CD-ROM.

Price: $7.60

Bench Book

Publisher: National Labor Relations Board, Division of Judges

Description: Issued in looseleaf form with binder. Spine title reads: NLRB Bench Book. Intended to assist administrative law judges at the National Labor Relations Board during trials when other resources are unavailable.

Year/Pages: 2001: 138 p.; looseleaf., and 3.5 in computer diskette.

Price: $26.50 Add To Cart

Board of Veterans' Appeals 1998 Decisions (6 Months) and Veterans Benefit Law Index, Version 1.00 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Veterans Affairs Dept., Board of Veterans' Appeals

Description: Contains Board of Veterans' Appeals decisions from the first 6 months of 1998, and a subject index. Includes Veterans Benefit Law Index. Item 0983-E-01.

Year/Pages: 1998: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $6.80

Board of Veterans' Appeals 1998 Decisions and Veterans Benefit Law Index, Version 1.00 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Veterans Affairs Dept., Board of Veterans' Appeals

Description: Contains Board of Veterans' Appeals decisions for the calendar year 1998. Includes Veterans Benefits Law Index. Item 0983-E-01.

Year/Pages: 1999: CD-ROM.

Price: $7.20

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CD-ROM)

Publisher: General Services Administration; and Government Printing Office

Description: Semiannual. Latest two issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $34.00, domestic; $47.60, foreign. Provides information on Federal programs, projects, services, and activities which provide assistancethe American public. COFCM. File Code 2S.

Price: $54.00

CDP File on CD-ROM

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Description: Quarterly periodical issued on CD-ROM. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. 1 issue is retained in stock. Subscription service consists of cumulative compact discs. Subscription begins with the next issue after the order is processed. Single copy, $34.00; foreign single copy, $47.60. CDPF. File Code 2S. Item 444-P-01.

Price: $100.00

CMS's Regulations, Manuals (2 CD-ROMs)

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Description: Monthly subscription service in CD-ROM format. Each issue supersedes the previous issue. Single copy, $33.00; foreign single copy, $46.20. Includes these CMS Program Manuals: Carrier QA Handbook; Coverage Issues; End Stage Renal Disease Network Organization; Federal Qualified HMOs; Home Health Agency; Hospice; Hospital; Medicare Carriers; Medicare Intermediary; Outpatient Physical Therapy/CORF; Peer Review Organization; Program Integrity; Provider Reimbursement; Renal Dialysis Facility; Rural Health Clinic and Federally Qualified Health Center; Skilled Nursing Facility; State Buy-In; State Medicaid; and State Operations. HCLRM. File Code 2M. Item 444-P-03.

Price: $250.00

Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report, V. 1-6, October 2003 (DVD)

Publisher: Columbia Accident Investigation Board and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Description: Investigates loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia, STS -107, and its seven-member crew on February 1, 2003.

Year/Pages: 2003: DVD in plastic case.

Price: $21.00 Add To Cart

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, 2002 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: State Dept., Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor; and Congress

Description: Report submitted by the Department of State in accordance with Sections 116(d) and 502B(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. Covers the human rights practices of all nations that are members of the United Nations and a few that are not. 108th Congress, 1st Session.

Year/Pages: 2003: CD-ROM.

Price: $8.40

Crime in the United States, 1995-2001 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation

Description: Uniform Crime Reports for the United States. Gives a nationwide view of crime based on statistics contributed by State and local law enforcement agencies. Uses population size as the only correlate of crime. Consists chiefly of tables and statistics. Generates a reliable set of criminal statistics for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. Item 0722.

Year/Pages: 2002: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $8.00

Data Warehouse on Trends in Health and Aging (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics

Description: Contains a selection of trend data on the health and well being of older Americans from the "Data Warehouse on Trends in Health and Aging" as of August 2003.

Year/Pages: 2003: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $8.00

Destination: Cameroon (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 15V-92. Focuses on daily life in Cameroon as experienced by Peace Corps Volunteers who live and work in the communities of Andek, Ambam, and Bogo.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (20 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Honduras (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 13V-92. Introduces students to the culture and geography of Honduras as seen through the eyes of Peace Corps Volunteers and the families with whom they work and live. Gives students a better understanding of our fellow Americans and a better understanding of themselves.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (20 min.).

Price: $5.50 Add To Cart

Destination: Kyrgyzstan (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 30V-96. Shows, through the eyes of local students, how the people of Kyrgyzstan are working to rebuild their economy and reclaim their heritage.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (22 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Lesotho (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 19V-93. Introduces viewers to the culture and geography of the mountain kingdom of Lesotho in the southern cone of Africa.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (22 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Lithuania (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 22V-94. Explores the impact of changes to Lithuania on the lives of students and their communities. Follows a 14 year old child through her day as she talks about the economic challenges presented by Lithuania's new found independence. Introduces Peace Corps Volunteer Sean Connolly who teaches at a local high school. Visits places throughout the country including Klaipeda, the oldest city in Lithuania.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (22 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Marshall Islands (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 11V-91. Introduces students to the culture and geography of the Marshall Islands, an newly independent North Pacific country. Emphasizes the influences geography has had on the lifestyle of the islanders through the years. This video was done by World Wise high school students from Teutopolis, Illinois.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (20 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Nepal (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 09V-91. Portrays daily life as experienced by Peace Corps Volunteers in Nepal. Gives students a better understanding of Nepal and other peoples, as well as a better understanding of themselves.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (10 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Paraguay (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 26V-95. Takes viewers to one of two landlocked countries in South America to observe life in the rural country side and the urban environment of the capital of Paraguay.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (20 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Poland (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 04V-90. Introduces viewers to Poland. Shows that Poland's physical geography has played an important part in its tumultuous history. Takes viewers into Polish classrooms. Features reflections of a new economic system.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (16 min.).

Price: $5.50

Destination: Sri Lanka (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 12V-91. Takes viewers halfway around the world to the island country once known as Ceylon. Students experience home life in Sri Lanka and visit many areas of the country.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (15 min.).

Price: $5.50

Distances Between Ports, 2001

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 151. 11th edition. Gives distance between ports in nautical miles. Most of the distances represent the shortest navigable routes. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2001: 138 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $20.00 Add To Cart

Federal Acquisition Regulation: Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations and Modifying Documents From the Federal Register (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Government Printing Office

Description: Quarterly periodical issued in CD-ROM format. Single copy, $29.00; foreign single copy, $40.60. FARCD. File Code 2Q. Item 552-D-01.

Price: $79.00

GPO Access: Interactive Training CD-ROM, Release 1.0

Publisher: Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination

Description: Developed to show the user the general and fundamental capabilities of the GPO Access service. Provides an overview of the Web interface, instructions for locating and retrieving information, and sample searches in popular applications. Includes interactive elements to enhance the learning experience.

Year/Pages: 2000: CD-ROM and folder in plastic case.

Price: $24.00

Greening the Government: A Guide to Implementing Executive Order 13101 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: White House Task Force on Recycling

Description: Describes what steps government agencies can take in waste reduction, source separation, and the procurement of recycled content products.

Year/Pages: 2000: CD-ROM and paper insert in plastic case.

Price: $6.00 Add To Cart

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States: Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Government Printing Office

Description: Semiannual periodical. Copies of the latest issue are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $39.00; foreign single copy, $54.60. Intended for use in classification of imported merchandise for rate of duty and statistical purposes. TSACD. File Code 2S. Item 0982-B-03.

Price: $65.00 Add To Cart

Healthy People 2010 Publications and Other Documents (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Description: November 2000 Edition. Includes updated data. Outlines a comprehensive, nationwide health promotion and disease prevention agenda. Designed to serve as a roadmap for improving the health of all people in the United States during the first decade of the 21st century. Committed to promoting health and preventing illness, disability, and premature death. The price of this item has been reduced. This reduced price is reflected in the price field. No discounts are available for this item. Special value publication.

Year/Pages: 2002: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $6.00

Invasion, Intervention, "Intervasion": A Concise History of the United States Army in Operation Uphold Democracy (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Army Command and General Staff College

Description: By Walter E. Kretchik, et al. Contains a concise account of the United States Army's role in Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti in September 1994. Its stated objectives included the return to office of the democratically elected president of that country and the creation of a stable and secure environment in which democratic institutions could take hold.

Year/Pages: 1999: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $5.00 Add To Cart

Mapping Census 2000: The Geography of United States Diversity (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Commerce Dept., Economics and Statistics Administration, Census Bureau

Description: C1-D00-C2SR-14-MINI. Presents a synthesis of the basic patterns and changes in United States population distribution in the last decade. Each page features county-level detail for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Each page also includes a small state-level map for a simplified view of the population theme. Based on the Census Bureau Redistricting (PL 94-17 1) Summary File. Software: Powerpoint.

Year/Pages: 2002: CD-ROM.

Price: $19.00

National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report (Book and CD-ROM Set)

Publisher: National Gambling Impact Study Commission

Description: Presents the principal findings of the National Gambling Impact Study Commission which was charged with the effort to conduct a comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic implications of gambling in the United States. Provides the commission's recommendations. Book and CD-ROM, to be sold as a set.

Year/Pages: 1999: 300 p. and 2 CD-ROMs in plastic pocket.

Price: $36.00

NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluations CD-ROM, 1990-1996, and Pundit User's Guide for Search ing NIOSH CD-ROMS (Set)

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Description: DHHS Publication NIOSH 97-144 (CD-ROMS) and DHHS Publication NIOSH 96-130 (booklet). Contains the NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluations format final reports completed from 1990 through 1996 as ASCII text files and page images as TIFF files. The files are indexed and searchable using a search and retrieval engine produced by Zylab. These discs also use Pundit, a Microsoft Windows software program designed to search and retrieve electronically stored documents. The accompanying booklet explains how to search in Pundit.

Year/Pages: 1996-1997: 2 CD-ROMs in plastic case; and booklet.

Price: $26.50

O*NET 98: Keeping Pace with Today's Changing Workplace (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration

Description: Consists of 4 main tools: O*Net 98 Viewer, Version 1.0; Viewer User's Guide; O*Net 98 Database, Release 1.0; and Data Dictionary. Contains occupational information about skills, knowledge, abilities, and work activities, interests, work values and occupation-specific tasks for over 1,100 occupations. Other features include: occupational classification system that links to the Occupational Employment System; capability to locate occupations through skill requirements or key words; and electronic linkages that crosswalk O*Net occupational titles to 8 other classification systems including MOS and OPM. On title page: O*NET, The Occupational Information Network. Item 744-G-04.

Year/Pages: 1998: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $13.20

O*Net Ability Profiler: Scoring Program and Scoring Program User's Guide, Version 3.0 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration

Description: Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2003: CD-ROM.

Price: $22.00

OSHA Laws and Regulations (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Labor Dept., Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Description: Quarterly periodical issued in CD-ROM format. Subscription service consists of cumulative compact discs. Latest 2 issues retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $25.20; foreign single copy, $35.28. Includes Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Labor, Pt. 1900-1990 and an index to Federal Register notices about OSHA going back to 1971. Contains CFR Title 29, Pt. 1910.1030, Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, Final Rule, Dec. 6, 1991. Also provides information on 1200 chemicals found in the workplace. Issues are cumulative. ORDT. File Code 2Q.

Price: $63.00 Add To Cart

Peace Corps Mosaic, V. 1, Teacher Video Guide (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS-VB1-96. Teachers video guide to the "Destination" video series which introduces grades 3-12 to nearly a dozen countries that the Peace Corps serves. Enhances each class' understanding of a culture and region of the world that is different from their own. Encourages students to look more closely at their own culture, and to identify the similarities and differences that exist among cultures.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape and booklet.

Price: $5.50 Add To Cart

Publications and Other Products From the National Center for Health Statistics Featuring Health, United States, 1999 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, Data Dissemination Branch

Description: 5th of a planned series of annual products that contains the most recent edition of Health, United States, along with other National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reports published since mid-1994. Includes catalogs of NCHS publications and electronic products; Where-to-Write for Vital Records; reports from the NCHS Vital and Health Statistics Series; and recent issues of Advance Data and Monthly Vital Statistics Report periodicals; and United States Decennial Life Tables, 1989-91. Can be accessed using Adobe Acrobat software included on the CD-ROM.

Year/Pages: 1999: CD-ROM and booklet in plastic case.

Price: $7.60

Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board Manual, 2001

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 1310. 7th edition. Contains both Pub 1310, Radar Navigation Manual, 2001; and Pub 217, Maneuvering Board Manual. Due to their similarities the two publications have been combined into a single volume and will now be issued under the name of "Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board Manual(Pub 1310). Files are in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Year/Pages: 2001: CD-ROM and booklet in plastic case.

Price: $8.00

Radio Navigational Aids, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 117. This edition cancels all previous editions of Pub 117. Contains information available to the National Imagery and Mapping Agency up to 5 October 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 40 of 2002. Should be corrected each week from the Notice to Mariners. Contains a list of selected worldwide stations which provide electronic services to the mariner. Divided into chapters according to the nature of the service performed by the stations. Contains Copyright Material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 282 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $39.00

Rules of Practice, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Effective: March 4, 1999 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

Description: United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Rules of Practice: Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Federal Circuit Rules, Practice Notes, Federal Circuit Attorney Disciplinary Rules, Guide for Pro Se Petitioners and Appellants, Internal Operating Procedures, Corrected Edition. Corrected Edition. On Spine: United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Year/Pages: 1999: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $7.60 Add To Cart

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Borneo, Jawa, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 163. 8th edition. Corrected to 19 January 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 3 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of Borneo, Jawa, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 374 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $19.40

Sailing Directions (Enroute): British Columbia, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 154. 8th edition. Corrected to 5 January 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 1 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the British Columbia. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 307 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $16.80

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Caribbean Sea, V. 2, 2001

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 148. 7th Edition. Corrected to 16 September 2001, including Notice to Mariners No. 37 of 2001. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the Caribbean Sea. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2001: 170 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $9.60

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Coasts of Korea and China, 2000

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 157. 8th Edition. Corrected to 26 February 2000, including Notice to Mariners No. 9 of 2000. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of Korea and China. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2000: 196 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $25.00

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Greenland and Iceland, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 181. 7th Edition. Corrected to 31 May 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 21 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of Greenland and Iceland. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 209 p.; ill. CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $11.80

Sailing Directions (Enroute): India and the Bay of Bengal, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 173. 7th Edition. Corrected to 28 September 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 39 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of India and the Bay of Bengal. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 274 p.; ill. CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $15.20

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Japan, V. 2, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 159. 8th Edition. Corrected to 24 August 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 34 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of Japan. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 247 p.; ill. CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $13.80

Sailing Directions (Enroute): North, West, and South Coasts of Australia, 2001

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 175. 7th edition. Corrected to 14 July 2001, including Notice to Mariners No. 28 of 2001. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the North, West, and South Coasts of Australia. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material. Item 0378-E.

Year/Pages: 2001: 251 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $13.00

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Pacific Islands, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 126. 6th Edition. Corrected to 27 July 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 30 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the Pacific Islands. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 317 p.; ill. CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $17.60

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Philippine Islands, 2001

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 162. 5th Edition. Corrected to 25 September 2001, including Notice to Mariners No. 40 of 2001. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the Philippine Islands. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2001: 353 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $19.40

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Southwest Coast of Africa, 2001 (Paper with CD-ROM)

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 123. 8th edition. Corrected to 1 September 2001, including Notice to Mariners No. 33 of 2001. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the Southwest Coast of Africa. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2001: 150 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $8.40

Sailing Directions (Enroute): West Coast of South America, 2000

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 125. 6th edition. Corrected to 15 January 2000, including Notice to Mariners No. 3 of 2000. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the West Coast of South America. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2000: 232 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $29.00

Sailing Directions (Enroute): Western Mediterranean, 2000

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 131. 9th Edition. Corrected to 1 January 2000, including Notice to Mariners No. 1 of 2000. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the Western Mediterranean. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2000: 342 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $43.00

Sailing Directions (Planning Guide): North Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, North Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, 2001

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 140. 2nd edition. Corrected to 31 March 2001, including Notice to Mariners No. 13 of 2001. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, North Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2001: 248 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $13.00

Sailing Directions (Planning Guide): South Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 160. 2nd Edition. Corrected to 14 September 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 37 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of the South Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 222 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $12.20

Sailing Directions (Planning Guide & Enroute): Antarctica, 2002

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 200. 4th Edition. Corrected to 15 June 2002, including Notice to Mariners No. 24 of 2002. Covers the harbors, coasts, and waters of Ant arctica. Provides information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Includes detailed coastal and portp roach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scal e chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Divided into geographic areas. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 192 p.; ill. and Cd-ROM in pocket.

Price: $11.00 Add To Cart

Science & Engineering Indicators 2002, V. 1 (Book with CD-ROM)

Publisher: National Science Foundation, National Science Board

Description: NSB-02-1. By Rolf Lehming, et al. 15th in the series of biennial Science Indicators reports. Volume 1 of a two volume set. Provides a broad base of quantitative information about United States science, engineering, and technology for use by public and private policymakers. Presents a significant amount of material about the spread of scientific and technological capabilities around the world. Analyzes the United States position in this broader context. Contains analyses of key trends that illuminate the scope, quality, and vitality of research and education in the nation and in an international context. Includes a CD-ROM which links with the complete two volume report on the web.

Year/Pages: 2002: 492 p.; ill. with CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $62.00

Selected Congressional Hearings and Reports on the Challenger Space Shuttle Accident (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Congress and Government Printing Office

Description: Includes hearings and reports on the Space Shuttle Challenger accident, the Apollo 13 mission accident, and the Hubble Space telescope. Includes Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 software. The plastic case says on it that it is copyrighted. The hearings and reports are in the public domain.

Year/Pages: 2003: CD-ROM in a plastic case.

Price: $6.25 Add To Cart

Shuttle-MIR: The United States and Russia Share History's Highest Stage

Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Division

Description: NASA SP-2001-4225. Presents the human side of the Shuttle-Mir story, beginning by setting the historical stage. Alternates between efforts of the team members on the ground, the missions of the American Space Shuttles to and near Mir, and the tales of the seven American astronauts who, with their Russian crewmates, endured months in Earth orbit. Includes a searchable CD-ROM which explores the Shuttle-Mir Program with more texts, photos, videos, biographies, letters home from the Mir astronauts, and oral histories that explain the day-to-day challenges faced by those working on Earth and in orbit.

Year/Pages: 2001: 218 p.; ill. CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $97.50 Add To Cart

Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation, V. 1, 2000 (Selected Stars), Epoch 2005.0

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Pub 249. V. 1 of the three volume series of Pub. No. 249. Contains values of the altitude and the true azimuth of seven selected stars for the complete ranges of latitude and hour angle of Aries. Provides, for any position and time, the best selection of seven of the stars available for observation and data for presetting before observation and for accurate reduction of the sights after observation. Spiral bound. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2000: 360 p. with CD-ROM.

Price: $43.00

Summary of Corrections, 2002, Charts, V. 1: East Coast of North and South America

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Ref. No. NMSUMV1. Contains a summary of chart corrections and navigation publication corrections originally issued in the Notices to Mariners up through No. 33 of 2002, 17 August 2002. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 616 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $22.20

Summary of Corrections, 2002, V. 3: Eastern Pacific, Antarctica, Indian Ocean and Australasia

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA Ref. No. NMSUMV3. Contains a summary of chart corrections and navigation publication corrections originally issued in the Notices to Mariners up through No. 15 of 2002, 13 April 2002. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2002: 1070 p. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $67.00

Tax Products CD-ROM, 2002, First Release and Final Release

Publisher: Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service

Description: Internal Revenue Service Publication 1796. First Release, products as of December 1, 2002, and Final Release, products as of January 10, 2003. Contains Federal Tax Forms, Instructions, Notices and Publications from current and previous years. Also includes CD-ROM help, IRS EITC and IRS e-file information, and World Wide Web links. 2 CD-ROMs. sold as a set.

Year/Pages: 2002-2003: 2 CD-ROMS.

Price: $28.50

Tax Products, 2003 Release 1 and 2 (CD-ROM) (Web Order)

Publisher: Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service

Description: Internal Revenue Service Publication 1796.

Price: $22.00 Add To Cart

Teaching Mathematics in Seven Countries: Results From the TIMSS 1999 Video Study

Publisher: Education Dept., National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences

Description: NCES 2003-013. By James Hiebert, et al. Describes teaching practices in eighth grade mathematics and science in: Australia; the Czech Republic; Hong Kong; Switzerland; the Netherlands; Japan; and the United States. Item 0461-D-05.

Year/Pages: 2003: 222 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $14.80 Add To Cart

To Touch the World: The Peace Corps Experience (Video Tape)

Publisher: Peace Corps, Office of World Wise Schools

Description: WWS 27V-95. Takes viewers to the home of returned Peace Corps Volunteer Thurman Matthieson. Thurman talks about Cameroon where he served as a volunteer. Reveals some of the core values of the Peace Corps throught the comments of several volunteers. Gives viewers insights into the uniqueness of the Peace Corps as a development organization and as a method of promoting cross-cultural understanding.

Year/Pages: 1996: Video tape (10 min.).

Price: $5.50

United States Army and World War 2: European, Mediterranean, Middle East Theaters of Operations (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History

Description: CMH EM 0192. Set 1 of 7. Contains a collection of works on World War 2 from the Center of Military History on the operations and campaigns in the European, Mediterranean, and Middle East theaters.

Year/Pages: 2002: 4 CD-ROMs and booklet in plastic case.

Price: $23.00 Add To Cart

United States Army in World War 2: An Overview (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History

Description: CMH EM 0223. Set 3 of 7. Compiled and Edited by Richard D. Adamxzyk and Morris J. MacGregor. Contains three CD's entitled: Reader's Guide; Pictorial Records; and The Campaigns of World War 2. Describes the organization, plans, and operations of the War Department and the Army, in the zone of interior and in all of the Army's five theaters of operations from 1939 to 1945. Each volume contains its own analytical index. Subject may be discussed from various points of view in a number of volumes.

Year/Pages: 2003: 3 CD-ROMs and booklet in plastic case.

Price: $9.60 Add To Cart

United States Army in World War I (2001) (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History

Description: CMH EM 0023. Includes: Learning Lessons in the American Expeditionary Forces, by Kenneth E. Hamburger, an analytical overview essay; United States Army in the World War, 1917-1919, volumes 1-17 of original documents originally compiled in 1919; Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War, V. 1-5 (also a reprint); American Armies and Battlefields in Europe, an extended guide to the battlefields of World War 1 first published in 1938; and Army Art of World War 1, 16 prints by Army artists, and the Guide to the Print Set. Item 344-J.

Year/Pages: 2001: 3 CD-ROMs with booklet in plastic case.

Price: $22.00 Add To Cart

United States Army and World War 2, Asiatic-Pacific Theater (CD-ROM Set)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History

Description: CMH EM 0222. Set 2 of 7. Contains a collection of works on World War 2 from the Center of Military History on the operations and campaigns in the Asia and Pacific theaters. Includes electronic reprints of many of the "United States Army in World War 2" green books series.

Year/Pages: 2002: 4 CD-ROMs and booklet in plastic case.

Price: $23.00 Add To Cart

United States Export Administration Regulations (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Commerce Dept., Bureau of Export Administration; and Government Printing Office

Description: Quarterly CD-ROM periodical. First issue will be dated January 2002. Single copy, $33.50; $46.90, foreign. 2 back issues will be retained in stock for individual purchase. EARCD. File Code 2Q.

Price: $93.50

United States Foreign Affairs on CD-ROM, V. 6, No. 1, January 1993-March 1998

Publisher: State Dept., Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of Public Communication

Description: Supplies various State Department documents including: Secretary of State Speeches, Testimony and Remarks; Dispatch Magazines; Daily Press Briefings; Country Background Notes; Human Rights Reports; Global Terrorism Reports; Narcotics Control Strategy Reports; State Department Phone Book & Lists; Miscellaneous Policy Publications; Foreign Relations of the United States; United States Policies in Support of Religious Freedom; Miscellaneous Speeches, Testimony and Remarks; and 1996 Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices.

Year/Pages: 1998: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $6.00 Add To Cart

United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, 2000 (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Government Printing Office

Description: 29th edition. Also cited as GPO Style Manual. Issued by the Public Printer under authority of Section 1105 of Title 44, United States Code. Designed to achieve uniform word and type treatment and economy of word use in the form and style of Government printing. Label on disk reads: January 2001. Title page reads: 2000. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 included on the CD-ROM.

Year/Pages: 2001: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $20.00 Add To Cart

Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission: Administrative Law Judge and Commission Decisions (CD-ROM)

Publisher: Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

Description: Triannual periodical. Former title: Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Decisions on CD-ROM. Domestic single copy, $19.00; foreign single copy, $26.60. OHRCD. File Code 2T.

Price: $32.00 Add To Cart

World Port Index, 2000

Publisher: Defense Dept., National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Description: NIMA PUB 150. 17th edition. Gives the location, characteristics, known facilities, and available services of many ports and shipping facilities and oil terminals throughout the world. Shows the applicable chart and Sailing Directions for each place listed. Contains information available to the National Imagery and Mapping Agency up to 7 October 2000, including Notice to Mariners No. 41, of 2000. Contains copyright material.

Year/Pages: 2000: 317 p.; ill. and CD-ROM in pocket.

Price: $43.00

GPO Access Training Manual, August 2001

Publisher: Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Electronic Information Dissemination Services

Description: GPO Publication 500.8. Developed to show the user the general and fundamental capabilities of the GPO Access service. Provides an overview of the Web interface, instructions for locating and retrieving information, and sample searches in popular applications. Includes an index.

Year/Pages: 2001: 73 p.; ill.

Price: $10.00 Add To Cart

Guide to Federal Publishing: What Every Federal Publisher Should Know About the Publishing Process

Publisher: Interagency Council on Printing and Publications Services; and Government Printing Office

Description: 2d edition. Prepared in cooperation with the Interagency Council on Printing and Publications Services; GPO; the Federal Publishers Committee; the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, the Consumer Information Center; National Technical Information Service, and the Federal Webmasters Group. Explains the publishing process for the Federal publisher. Includes information on electronic publishing, the internet, and legislative and regulatory changes. Provides legal, policy, managerial, and technical information on publishing.

Year/Pages: 2001: 43 p.

Price: $7.00

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Last updated: May 5, 2005