Overview Getting Started General Search Advanced Search Search Results File List and Request List Select an Action Option Daily Filings/Issuances Search (Daily Search)

eLibrary - Quick Help: General Search
    If you have no detailed information or even a docket number, you should start with the General Search. The General Search screen will be displayed when you click on the General Search link located on the eLibrary homepage.

    Enter a docket number if you have it and select specific document types to refine the search. To search for a specific company, type the company name in quotes in the Text Search field.

    Note: Choosing All for the Date Range, Category, and Library fields will return the entire database and increase the time it takes to display the Search Results screen. You can narrow your search by specifying a particular year or date range.

    When you have entered all your search criteria, click on the Submit button to start the search, or the Reset button to clear the form and enter a different set of search criteria.

    General Search

Overview Getting Started General Search Advanced Search Search Results File List and Request List Select an Action Option Daily Filings/Issuances Search (Daily Search)

Updated: March 27, 2006