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Appendix C2: Miscellaneous Residential Leakage Data (RESMISC.lb3)

Assorted residential airtightness values used in previous airflow modeling studies at NIST.

Element Name Building Type Description Model Value Reference
DRAT_RAV Residential Attic door, typical value ELA4 30 cm2/item C2
DRAT_RMN Residential Attic door, tight value ELA4 18 cm2/item C2
CE_RAV Residential General ceiling, typical value ELA4 1.8 cm2/m2 C2
CE_RMN Residential General ceiling, tight value ELA4 0.79 cm2/m2 C2
DRCTCL_RAV Residential Closet door, closed, typical value ELA4 0.9 cm2/m C2
DRCTCL_RMN Residential Closet door, closed, tight value ELA4 0.25 cm2/m C2
DRCTFR_RAV Residential Closet door frame, typical value ELA4 25 cm2/item C2
DRCTFR_RMN Residential Closet door frame, tight value ELA4 12 cm2 /item C2
CPEN_RAV Residential HVAC ceiling penetration, typical value ELA4 5 cm2 /item C2
CPEN_RMN Residential HVAC ceiling penetration, tight value ELA4 1 cm2 /item C2
DREXSI_RAV Residential Door, exterior, single, typical value ELA4 21 cm2 /item C2
DREXSI_RMN Residential Door, exterior, single, tight value ELA4 12 cm2 /item C2
DREXFRWD_RAV Residential Door, exterior, wood, frame, typical value ELA4 1.7 cm2/m2 C2
DREXFRWD_RMN Residential Door, exterior, wood, frame, tight value ELA4 0.3 cm2/m2 C2
VEBA_RAV Residential Bathroom exhaust vent, typical value ELA4 20 cm2 /item C2
VEBA_RMN Residential Bathroom exhaust vent, tight value ELA4 10 cm2 /item C2
VEKI_RAV Residential Kitchen exhaust vent, typical value ELA4 40 cm2 /item C2
VEKI_RMN Residential Kitchen exhaust vent, tight value ELA4 5 cm2 /item C2
JTCEWL_RAV Residential Ceiling-wall joint, typical value ELA4 1.5 cm2 /m C2
JTCEWL_RMN Residential Ceiling-wall joint, tight value ELA4 0.5 cm2 /m C2
JTFLWL_RAV Residential Floor-wall joint, typical value ELA4 4 cm2 /m C2
JTFLWL_RMN Residential Floor -wall joint, tight value ELA4 0.8 cm2 /m C2
JTWLWL_RAV Residential Wall-wall joint, typical value ELA4 1.5 cm2 /m C2
JTWLWL_RMN Residential Wall-wall joint, tight value ELA4 0.5 cm2 /m C2
DRGA_RAV Residential Garage door, typical value ELA4 0.45 cm2 /m C2
DRGA_RMN Residential Garage door, tight value ELA4 0.31 cm2 /m C2
DRGAFRWD_RAV Residential Garage door frame, wood, typical value ELA4 1.7 cm2/m2 C2
DRGAFRWD_RMN Residential Garage door frame, wood, tight value ELA4 0.3 cm2/m2 C2
RFGA_RAV Residential Garage roof, typical value ELA4 1.8 cm2/m2 C2
RFGA_RMN Residential Garage roof, tight value ELA4 0.79 cm2/m2 C2
DWHA_RAV Residential Hall doorway, typical value ELA4 2.4 m2 /item C2
DRINCL_RAV Residential Door, interior, closed, typical value ELA4 140 cm2 /item C2
DRINCL_RMN Residential Door, interior, closed, tight value ELA4 75 cm2 /item C2
DRINOP_RAV Residential Door, interior, open, typical value ELA4 2.1 cm2 /item C2
WLIN_RAV Residential Wall, interior, typical value ELA4 2.0 cm2/m2 C2
PEEC_RAV Residential Electrical outlet, typical value ELA4 2.5 cm2 /item C2
PEEC_RMN Residential Electrical outlet, tight value ELA4 0.5 cm2 /item C2
PEPL_RAV Residential Plumbing penetration, interior, typical value ELA4 6 cm2 /item C2
PEPL_RMN Residential Plumbing penetration, interior, tight value ELA4 2 cm2 /item C2
DREXSLGL_RAV Residential Door, exterior, sliding glass, typical value ELA4 22 cm2 /item C2
DREXSLGL_RMN Residential Door, exterior, sliding glass, tight value ELA4 3 cm2 /item C2
VEAT_RAV Residential Attic vent, based on attic floor area, typical value ELA4 1 cm2/300 cm2 C2
WNDB_RAV Residential Window, double hung, typical value ELA4 2.5 cm2 /m C2
WNDB_RMN Residential Window, double hung, tight value ELA4 0.65 cm2 /m C2
WNFRWD_RAV Residential Window door frame, wood, typical value ELA4 1.7 cm2/m2 C2
WNFRWD_RMN Residential Window door frame, wood, tight value ELA4 0.3 cm2/m2 C2
WLEX_R Residential Wall, exterior ELA4 0.1 cm2/m2 C3
JTFLWL_R Residential Floor -wall joint ELA4 0.8 cm2 /m C3
JTCEWL_R Residential Ceiling-wall joint ELA4 0.5 cm2 /m C3
JTCR_R Residential Wall-wall corner joint ELA4 0.5 cm2 /m C3
WN_R Residential Window ELA4 2 cm2 /m C3
DRFREX_R Residential Exterior door frame ELA4 0.3 cm2/m2 C3
DREXSLGL_R Residential Door, exterior, sliding glass ELA4 3 cm2 /item C3
DREX_R Residential Door, exterior ELA4 6 cm2 /item C3
WLGAEX_R Residential Exterior garage wall, exterior ELA4 0.4 cm2/m2 C3
ITGAEX_R Residential Wall-floor and wall-ceiling interface, exterior garage wall ELA4 2 cm2 /m C3
CECS_R Residential Crawl space ceiling ELA4 0.5 cm2/m2 C3
FLAT_R Residential Attic floor ELA4 0.5 cm2/m2 C3
PEDW_R Residential Duct penetration in crawl space ceiling or attic floor ELA4 1 cm2 /item C3
VECS_R Residential Crawl space vent, based on floor area ELA4 1 cm2/150 cm2 C3
WLIN_R Residential Wall, interior ELA4 2.0 cm2/m2 C3
CEIN_R Residential Ceiling, interior ELA4 0.79 cm2/m2 C3
DRINCL_R Residential Door, interior, closed, including frame and undercut ELA4 250 cm2 /item C3
WLEX_RM Residential Wall, exterior, manufactured home ELA4 0.067 cm2/m2 C4
JTFLWL_RM Residential Floor-wall joint, manufactured home ELA4 0.53 cm2 /m C4
JTCEWL_RM Residential Ceiling-wall joint, manufactured home ELA4 0.33 cm2 /m C4
JTCR_RM Residential Wall-wall corner joint, manufactured home ELA4 0.33 cm2 /m C4
WN1_RM Residential Window, manufactured home ELA4 2.3 cm2 /m C4
WN2_RM Residential Window, manufactured home ELA4 2.1 cm2 /m C4
WN3_RM Residential Window, manufactured home ELA4 2.7 cm2 /m C4
WN4_RM Residential Window, manufactured home ELA4 0.9 cm2 /m C4
DREX_RM Residential Door, exterior, manufactured home ELA4 4 cm2 /item C4
CECS_RM Residential Crawl space ceiling, manufactured home ELA4 1.33 cm2/m2 C4
FLAT_RM Residential Attic floor, manufactured home ELA4 0.67 cm2/m2 C4
WLIN_RM Residential Wall, interior, manufactured home ELA4 2.0 cm2/m2 C4
DRBACL_RM Residential Bathroom door, closed, including frame and undercut, manufactured home ELA4 330 cm2 /item C4
DRINCL_RM Residential Interior (bedroom) door, closed, including frame and undercut, manufactured home ELA4 410 cm2 /item C4
DRBAOP_RM Residential Bathroom door, open, including frame and undercut, manufactured home ELA4 1.3 m2 /item C4
DRINOP_RM Residential Interior (bedroom) door, open, including frame and undercut, manufactured home ELA4 1.6 m2 /item C4

C2. Emmerich, S.J and Persily, A.K.. 1996. "Multizone Modeling of Three Residential Indoor Air Quality Control Options," NISTIR 5801, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

C3. Persily, A.K. 1998. "A Modeling Study of Ventilation, IAQ and Energy Impacts of Residential Mechanical Ventilation," NISTIR 6162, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

C4. Persily, A.K. 2000. "A Modeling Study of Ventilation in Manufactured Houses." NISTIR 6455, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.

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