Each September 17, America celebrates Constitution Day and Citizenship Day to commemorate the day the Constitution was adopted in 1787. Congress and the U.S. Department of Education now require that any educational institution that receives Federal funds must hold an educational program on the United States Constitution for the students it serves. What better way is there to read and teach about the Constitution than by using the official Congressionally-authorized U.S. Government edition, widely known as the Constitution? In addition to this Government classic, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) sells other official publications about the Constitution, the flag, and our American Government, as well as special publications for new immigrants. Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: This handy pocket guide contains the entire text of the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. Also contains an index to the Constitution and its amendments, and a chronology of early dates to remember. 2007. Paper. 58 p.; ill. Publisher: Congress, Joint Committee on Printing Description: Congressional publication briefly describes the history of the American flag, and sets forth the practices and observances appropriate to its display. 109th Congress, 2nd Session. Year/Pages: 2007: 52 p. Publisher: House, Office of the Parliamentarian Description: Provides a basic outline of numerous steps of our federal lawmaking process from the source of an idea for a legislative proposal through its publication as a statute. Year/Pages: 2003: 67 p. revised ed. Symbols of the United States Government: Ben's Activity Book Publisher: Government Printing Office Description: This activity and coloring book is full of information, illustrations, and activities that teach students of all ages about symbols of the United States Government. Created as a supplement to the Government Printing Office's educational website, “Ben's Guide to the United States Government,” this activity book can also be useful as a standalone instructional tool. Sold in packages of 25 copies for the bulk price of $73.00 and also available in single copy for $6.50 per copy. Year/Pages: 2004: 47 p.; ill. Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Publisher: Senate Description: Presents the full text and a detailed descriptive outline of the United States Constitution. Main topics discussed are broken down by Articles Also includes Amendments made to the Constitution and a description of each branch of the Federal Government. Publisher: House Description: Revised version of The Constitution of the United States of America as Amended on July 25, 2007. Includes historical note, text of the constitution, Amendments, proposed amendments not ratified, and index to the Constitution and Amendments. Year/Pages: 2007: 85 p.; ill. Civics and Citizenship Toolkit: A Collection of Educational Resources for Immigrants Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: Created especially to aid public libraries in their immigrant outreach efforts. Packed in a sturdy portfolio box, the Toolkit contains a Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants booklet in English and Spanish; civics flash cards; a booklet of short, comprehensive civics lessons; and a pocket-sized copy of the Citizen’s Almanac, a booklet containing the text of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and much more. A multimedia 2-disc DVD and Flash presentation is also provided to provide an introduction to U.S. history and an overview of the naturalization process. Year/Pages: 2007: Kit. Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: This DVD includes two films. “A Promise of Freedom” is a 12 minute film based on the National Constitution Center's “Freedom Rising.” It focuses on the history and founding of the United States and the important rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. The discussion booklet outlines concepts from that film. “Becoming a U.S. Citizen” is a 10 minute Flash presentation designed for immigrants who are new to the United States. It provides an overview of the naturalization process including where to find immigration information and the general requirements for U.S. citizenship. Year/Pages: 2007: 2 discs and paper booklet. Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: Created for new citizens. Includes information on U.S. civic history, rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship, biographical details on prominent foreign-born Americans, landmark decisions of the Supreme Court, presidential speeches on citizenship, and several of our founding documents including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Year/Pages: 2007: 108 p.; ill. Civics Flash Cards for the New Naturalization Test, 2008 Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., United States Citizenship and Immigratrion Services Description: The 100 civics (history and government) questions and answers for the new naturalization test are included in these 4.25” x 7” flash cards. The Civics Flash Cards help immigrants learn about U.S. history and government while preparing for the new naturalization test. Featuring historical photos and relevant captions to provide additional civic learning, the Civics Flash Cards can also be used in the classroom as an instructional tool for citizenship preparation. 100 cards in a box. Year/Pages: 2008: 1 box of flash cards. Civics Flash Cards for the New Naturalization Test, 2008 (Package of 10 Boxes of Flash Cards) Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: The 100 civics (history and government) questions and answers for the new naturalization test are included in these 4.25” x 7” flash cards. The Civics Flash Cards help immigrants learn about U.S. history and government while preparing for the new naturalization test. Featuring historical photos and relevant captions to provide additional civic learning, the Civics Flash Cards can also be used in the classroom as an instructional tool for citizenship preparation. 100 cards in a box. Year/Pages: 2008: 10 boxes of cards. Civics Flash Cards (10 Sets of Cards) Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Office of Citizenship Description: Contains ninety-six (96) 3 x 5 in. flash cards which ask and answer questions about the government and history of the United States. Designed to help immigrants prepare for the naturalization exam. Can also be used in the classroom as an instructional tool for citizenship preparation. Sold in packages of 10 sets of 96 cards each. Year/Pages: 2005: 96 flash cards 3x5 in. Learn About the United States: Quick Civics Lessons (Audio CD and Booklet) Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: Intended for immigrants who need to study about the United States in order to become United States citizens. The booklet includes 96 questions and their answers as well as a citizenship glossary. Sold in packages of 10 copies of the booklet and 10 copies of the audio CD only. Year/Pages: 2006: 19 p.; ill. and audio CD in pocket. Library Services for Immigrants: A Report on Current Practices Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: Developed as a result of a 2004 working group with public libraries, community-based organizations, and adult educators, this report identifies current practices and provides suggestions for libraries offering services to immigrants. Contains easy to understand recommendations for strengthening current immigrant programs or beginning a new program. Year/Pages: 2007: 16 p.; ill. Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants, 2007 Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: A comprehensive guide for new permanent residents. The guide contains practical information to help immigrants settle into everyday life in the United States, as well as basic civics information that introduces new immigrants to the U.S. system of government. Year/Pages: 2007: 122 p.; ill. revised ed. Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos: Guia Para Inmigrantes Nuevos Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: Contains basic information to help immigrants settle in the United States. Provides a general summary of rights, responsibilities, and procedures related to permanent residents. Summarizes important information about legal status and agencies and organizations that provide documents or essential services. Year/Pages: 2007: 100 p.; ill. Publisher: Homeland Security Dept., US Citizenship and Immigration Services Description: This colorful poster is for promoting the “Civics and Citizenship Toolkit” in public libraries. It also recommends visiting the Internet website www.welcometousa.gov. Year/Pages: 2007: Poster. Presidents of the United States of America (Paperbound) Publisher: White House Historical Association Description: Describes fascinating stories of the men who have helped shape our country; presents a one-page biography along with the Official White portrait of each president. Year/Pages: 2001: 93 p.; ill. Publisher: White House Historical Association Description: Profiles the many courageous women, from Martha Washington to Laura Welch Bush, who have served the Nation and maintained one of the most appealing traditions of the White House-hospitality. Profusely illustrated with images of the Nation’s First Ladies and their timed. Year/Pages: 2001: 96 p.; ill. Publisher: White House Historical Association Description: Profiles the many courageous women, from Martha Washington to Laura Welch Bush, who have served the Nation and maintained one of the most appealing traditions of the White House-hospitality. Profusely illustrated with images of the Nation’s First Ladies and their timed. Year/Pages: 2001: 96 p.; ill. Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Contains a compilation of Presidential documents and codification of regulations issued by the Executive Office of the President. Year/Pages: 2008: 453 p. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 11, Federal Elections, Revised as of Jan. 1, 2008 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Represents all current regulations issued by the Federal Election Commission codified under this title of the CFR as of January 1, 2008. Year/Pages: 2008: 534 p. [ Top ]
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