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This page last updated: September 19, 2008


SegmentNum SEGMENT_NUM -The number assigned by MMS to each pipeline segment for purpose of internal identification.
OrigIdName ORIG_ID_NAME -The unique name used to identify the facility where the pipeline originates.
OrigArCode ORIG_AR_CODE -The indicator of the area name in which the pipeline begins.
OrigBlkNum ORIG_BLK_NUM -The number used to identify the particular block in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) where the pipeline originates.
OrigLseNum ORIG_LSE_NUM -The number used to identify the minerals lease where a pipeline originates.
DestIdName DEST_ID_NAME -The name of the facility the end of the pipeline segment crosses or connects.
DestArCode DEST_AR_CODE -The indicator of the area name in which the pipeline segment terminates.
DestBlkNum DEST_BLK_NUM -The number used to identify the particular block in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) where the pipeline segment terminates.
DestLseNum DEST_LSE_NUM -The number used to identify the mineral lease where a pipeline segment terminates.
ApprovedDate APPROVED_DATE -The day, month, and year the application or permit request was approved by MMS.
InstallDate INIT_HS_DT -The day, month, and year the first hydrostatic (HS) test is performed. Hydrostatic testing involves filling a pipeline with water under pressure to test the pipeline tensile strength or its ability to hold a certain pressure.
StatusCode STATUS_CODE -An indicator of the current status of the pipeline.
PplSizeCode PPL_SIZE_CODE -An indicator of the outside diameter of the pipeline.
RowNumber ROW_NUMBER -An identifier assigned to a pipeline approved under Title 30 CFR 250.250.
ProdCode PROD_CODE -An indicator of the product being transported through a pipeline.
FacilOperator FACIL_OPERATOR -The code number to identify the operator of a facility at the time of inspection.
Operator BUS_ASC_NAME -The name of a **business associate**.
MaxWtrDpth MAX_WTR_DPTH -The greatest vertical distance from mean sea level to the sea floor.The depth of the water at the deep end of the pipeline system.
MaopPrss MAOP_PRSS -The highest operating pressure allowable at any point in a system during normal flow or static conditions.
CathodicCode CATHODIC_CODE -An indicator of the type of cathodic protection installed on the pipeline.
PplRowStatCd ROW_STATUS_CD -The status of the Right of Way.
PplRowPrmte PPL_ROW_PRMTE -The number assigned by the Minerals Management Service to a business entity that holds the Right-Of-Way (ROW) permit associated with the pipeline.
RowHolder BUS_ASC_NAME -The name of a **business associate**.
SegLength SEG_LENGTH -The length, in feet, of the Federal portion of the pipeline segment. The measurement is taken from the beginning of the pipeline segment and ends at the seaward extent of the coastal State's territorial sea.
AuthCode AUTH_CODE -The indicator of the authority under which the pipeline operates.
Bidirectional BIDIR_FLAG -An indicator of whether the product in the pipeline can be passed in either direction.

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