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Eye and Face eTool
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Eye and Face eTool


Technical Editorial Board
  • Bob Curtis, OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center, Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT
  • Glenn Lamson, Industrial Hygienist, OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center, Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine; Salt Lake City, UT
  • Jack Standard, OSHA Training Institute; Arlington Heights, IL
  • Donna Miles, OSHA Public Affairs; Washington, DC

Support Personnel
  • Content Development: Alicia Fearick; Salt Lake City, UT
  • Technical Writing: Alyson Brooks; Salt Lake City, UT
  • HTML Support:
    • Bryan Bean; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Rachelle Cottle, Double-Click Design; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Courtney Kingsley; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Kym Pond, Now That's Creative!, Salt Lake City, UT
    • Christie Stewart, DishWater Design; Salt Lake City, UT
  • Design Layout:
    • Christie Stewart, DishWater Design; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Janette Toribio; Salt Lake City, UT
  • Graphic Design:
    • Paul Amundsen, Amundsen Images; Salt Lake City, UT
    • Greg Overton, Salt Lake City, UT
    • Christie Stewart, DishWater Design; Salt Lake City, UT

Other Resources
  • OSHA Health Standards
  • OSHA Directorate of Compliance Programs
  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
  • ANSI Z87.1-1989, Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection


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