Visitor Information

To pre-announce all visitors and guests (29 days or less) onto the Boulder Laboratories Site, please click on the following link: (You will need to fill in the form, print it and then fax it to (303) 497-7402 or (303) 497-6370) or you can call the Visitor Center direct at (303) 497-4433. This form is an Adobe Acrobat form that requires Adobe Acrobat 6.05 or later. Adobe Acrobat 7 is recommended.

Visitor Notification Form
(For Foreign National Visitors, this form is required in addition to the requirements set forth below)
If you cannot access this pdf file, we have also attached it in a Microsoft Word format.

Meetings and Tour Procedures:
All personnel who are going to hold meetings or tours on site of 15 or more personnel must email the MRSO office staff at or each individual; Wendy Monroe (, Keith Turbitt ( and Royce Kiger ( a list of participants in order to better facilitate their arrival on site. It will also provide us with a point of contact which will help us to expedite them through the visitor control center.

Foreign National Visitors:
Reference: US Department of Commerce, Departmental Administrative Order (DAO),Number 207-12, Effective April 12, 2006

On April 12, 2006, Department of Commerce Departmental Administrative Order (DAO) 207-12, Foreign National Visitor and Guest Access Program, went into effect.

DAO 207-12 applies to all DOC operating units, bureaus, and Departmental offices and to all Foreign Nationals (FN) who visit or are assigned to DOC facilities or activities. This Order also provides guidance for DOC organizations regarding information to be provided to the Office of Security (OSY) concerning Foreign National Visitors and Guests; the steps that must be taken to protect sensitive DOC information from unauthorized disclosure; and the requirement to report suspicious activities by any Foreign National that places a DOC facility, operation, or program at risk.

For the purpose of this Order, Foreign Nationals are categorized based on the length of their visit to Departmental facilities. A FN VISITOR is a FN whose length of visit is three days or less (five days or less if attending a conference or seminar). A FN GUEST is a FN whose stay is four days or more. There are different requirements based upon these categories (see table):

Category Visitor
3 or fewer days or attending a conference of
5 or fewer days
More than 3 days
Advanced Notice
As soon as the information is received but
no later than one full business day prior to
the visit
30 calendar days prior to arrival
Required (same for
both categories)
Full name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Passport Number and Issuing Country
Citizenship and Country(ies) of Dual
  Citizenship (if applicable)
Country of Current Residence
Sponsoring Bureau
Purpose of Visit
Facility number and location
Arrival date
Departure date
Departmental Sponsor name
Departmental Sponsor telephone number
Departmental Sponsor address
Full name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Passport Number and Issuing Country
Citizenship and Country(ies) of Dual
  Citizenship (if applicable)
Country of Current Residence
Sponsoring Bureau
Purpose of Visit
Facility number and location
Arrival date
Departure date
Departmental Sponsor name
Departmental Sponsor telephone number
Departmental Sponsor address

In addition to reporting requirements, DAO 207-12 sets forth the responsibilities of the Departmental Sponsor (DS) of a FN Visitor or Guest, to include mandatory training and certification prior to the arrival of a FN as well as the briefing of a FN on the conditions and responsibilities affecting his/her visit upon arrival.  To be the DS of a FN Guest, the sponsor must be briefed upon the duties and responsibilities associated with the FN sponsorship as well as sign an acknowledgement that he/she will adhere to the requirements set forth in the DAO.  All employees who work in an area accessed by FN Guests will receive a Counterintelligence/Espionage Indicators briefing prior to the arrival of a FN Guest.  The FN Guest will receive a briefing and Certification of Conditions and Responsibilities for a FN Guest.

Failure to adhere to any of the requirements set forth in DAO 207-12 will result in the removal of a FN Guest from Departmental work areas and may lead to the suspension of an FN sponsorship.

To facilitate the implementation of DAO 207-12 at the Department of Commerce Boulder Laboratories, the Mountain Region Security Office will conduct informational briefings in the near future.

NIST Personnel must use a NIST-1260 to report Foreign National Guests. NIST personnel reporting visitors and NOAA and NTIA Personnel reporting visitors or guests may email the information or use the FNV Information Sheet. You do not need to use it for U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens. Please complete columns A, B, D-K, N and O in the spreadsheet. When completed, email the spreadsheet to Royce Kiger (, Keith Turbitt ( and Wendy Monroe (

You will receive notification by email from the Mountain Region Security Office that your Foreign Nationl Visitor/Guest information has been received and is being processed. You will also receive notification by email that the visit is either approved or NOT approved.

For information, please contact Royce Kiger at (303) 497-3363, Keith Turbitt at (202) 497-4332 or Wendy Monroe at (303) 497-5198.