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This page last updated:
August 05, 2008

Gulf of Mexico Data Management Work Group Revival
  • Membership shall be open to all operators and service companies that deal with data management in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The first meeting of the revival of the group took place in June 2007 in Houston, Texas and was hosted by ExxonMobil.  The agenda for the first meeting included:
  1. Establish contacts with Operators and Vendors
  2. Update the Data Cleanup Project
  3. Review and establish new Bylaws                 
  • Subsequent semi-annual meetings will be hosted by members in New Orleans in the fall and in Houston in the spring.

Anyone interested in participating in the DMWG please notify one of the Contacts listed below.

Meetings and Presentations

    April 10, 2008, Meeting Minutes and Presentations 

    November 14, 2007, Meeting Minutes and Presentations  

    June 14, 2007, Meeting Minutes and Presentations

Previous Work Group Participants
Energy Graphics
BP America
Lexco Data Systems
Energistics (POSC)
IHS Energy.

Reference Material and Links

Chris Schoennagel - MMS

Randy Petit - Shell  

Pat Pocock - General Dynamics

Larry Michel - IHS Energy

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