SDN: A Community for Sun Developers

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Sun Developer Community

SDN Videos

Deep Dive with Ed Ort - Sun Studio
SDN Deep Dive host Ed Ort is joined by Ikroop Dhillon, product marketing manager for Sun Studio, to discuss what's new with the latest version of this popular C/C++/Fortran development environment.
Edward Ort and Ikroop Dhillon

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Blogs From the Experts

What's everybody talking about? Check out these blogs.

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Young Developers

These tools and web sites teach young people how to program using the Java programming language, as well as languages developed for ease of use.
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Young Developer Learning Path
This article describes the tools you can use to learn the Java programming language.
Read the Article

What's New

New xVM VirtualBox 2.1 Available
Run multiple operating systems at the same time with this award winning, easy to use, no cost desktop virtualization product.
Download Now
LWUIT Tutorial Announced
Chen Fishbein, architect of LWUIT, and Jonathan Knudsen, developer and author, will do a practical tutorial for LWUIT content developers on the day after M3DD.
Register for both
Registration is Open for CommunityOne East, New York City
CommunityOne - March 18, 2009
A day jam-packed with technical sessions, hands-on demos and a free exchange of ideas.
Technology Deep Dives - March 19, 2009
Advance your development skills with expert-led half-day sessions from Sun Learning Services.
Register Now


Developer Forums
Ask a question or offer expertise on Sun's developer forums.
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Submit technical tips, code samples, or articles. Interact with peers through voting and comments.


Go for the Gold With Sun Certification and Save
Get Sun Certified with a Certification Success Package and get a T-Shirt.


Developer Resources

Visit for everything you need to know about Java technology.

Discover how JavaFX targets the high-impact rich-content RIA web development market and comprises a set of runtime environments, widgets, development tools, and Java FX script environments for creating Java applets and Java applications.

Explore the resources and community available to the Solaris OS developer.

Learn how to create, test, certify, and market applications for consumer devices, from phonetops to desktops.

MySQL database is the world's most popular open source database because of its fast performance, high reliability, ease of use, and dramatic cost savings.

Find all the tools, technologies, hardware, service, and support you need to develop and deploy Web 2.0 applications.

Collaborate on the open-source JDK, an implementation of the Java SE platform specification defined in the Java Community Process program.

Collaborate and innovate with other developers to drive the evolution of the Java ME platform for mobile and embedded devices.

Join this open-source community to create an industry-leading Java EE 5 platform-compatible application server.

Submit bugs and feature requests, provide news for the NetBeans community, contribute code, or create a project of your own.

Come to this gathering place for Java technology enthusiasts and existing communities across industries, platforms, and interest groups.

An open organization that solicits input from active members and nonmembers, the JCP guides the development and approval of Java technical specifications.

Develop skills and advance your career at Tech Days, Sun's Worldwide Developer Conference.

Get the latest information on the JavaOne Conference.

Share questions, ideas, and insights on Java technologies and programming techniques in the Sun community forums.

Get information about system administration, hardware compatibility, and more, contributed by Sun and members of the community.

Submit content, interact with peers through comments and voting, and earn rewards for your contributions.

Meet regularly in a Java User Group (JUG) to exchange technical ideas and information.

Get expert technical help from the source -- engineer to engineer.

Sun Developer Services provide how-to help, product support, and on-site consulting for Sun developer products.

Sun Service Plans fit your products -- and your individual needs.

Get training and certification on Sun technologies.

Plans include product support and updates, programming assistance and "second opinions" on coding, and education credits for training and certification.

Sun provides mission-critical deployment telephone support for enterprise customers running applications that use Sun Java runtime environments (JREs) in environments using Windows, Linux, or Solaris operating systems.

Get support throughout the design, development, testing, and production phases of the solution life cycle.

The SDN Academic Developer Program offers you ready access to tools, resources, and student communities.

These links to articles, tutorials, books, and downloads help you find what you need to start writing Java technology-based applications.

Get the information and resources you need to begin developing applications using the Solaris Operating System.

These tutorials will get you started with Sun Studio software.

NetBeans is an open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE), an extensible platform, and an open-source community.

Sun Studio software delivers high performance, optimizing C, C++, and Fortran compilers for the Solaris OS on SPARC, and both Solaris and Linux on x86/x64 platforms.

Invest in your professional development to enhance your competency and realize your career goals.

With Sun certification, show that you have the competency, dedication, and thrust that add value in the highly competitive technology field.

Get 24x7 access to web-based or CD-ROM Sun-authorized courseware and practice exams.

Sun's wide range of IT services -- from consulting to courseware to certification -- can strengthen the performance of your IT team.

OpenSolaris is an open source community for collaboration and around OpenSolaris technology.

Deliver network storage services more quickly on multiple platforms, with the support of the open-source community.

OpenJFX is a community project for sharing early versions of the JavaFX Script language and for collaborating on its development.

Get the latest on scripts and scripting gadgets, widgets, and wrappers, subscribe to RSS newsfeeds, and find related websites.

Go to the developer site for Sun's identity management solutions: overview, downloads, and reference at your fingertips.

Access articles, FAQs, docs, downloads, and more at the developer site for Sun Java System Web Server and Sun Java System Web Proxy Server.

Experience Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server (previously named Sun Java System Application Server), an easy, fast, and industry-leading application server based on Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) technology for developing and delivering web applications and web services.

System Administrator Resorces and Community

Sun is committed to helping student developers get started on the right foot. We offer free software, open-source code, tools, and the widely adopted Solaris platform. Jump-start your career here.

Young Developers lists tools and web sites that teach languages created for ease of use, including the Java programming language.


How many types of single sign-on (SSO) are there?
    a. Three

    b. Four

    c. Five