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Student Opportunities, Internships & Scholarships

picture of two college students

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picture of three college students



USDA's student opportunities are designed to combine academic studies with on-the-job training and experience and to give students an opportunity to work with USDA while completing their education. USDA provides undergraduate and graduate students with paid opportunities to serve as assistants to scientific, professional, administrative, and technical employees.  Each USDA Mission Area or Agency manages its own programs.  USDA also provides opportunities for persons to fulfill their career goals through challenging internships that provide a path to permanent employment. Click on the links below to find out about USDA's student programs, internship opportunities, and other information of interest to students and to interns. Supervisors of students and USDA Student Educational Program Managers should also look below to find information that mey be of interest to them.

How to Apply for Internships  

1. To find out about specific USDA student positions: 2. Forms needed to apply for positions:
picture of a college student with two children
3. To find out about USDA's careers

4. To find out about student opportunities throughout the Federal Government




High School Students

College Students


Recent College Graduates and Experienced Professionals

Internships Through Third Parties

Information for Student Supervisors

Information for Student Educational Employment Program Managers

USDA Student Program Demographics


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