Welcome to Oklahoma EPSCoR

Biofuels Research

Plant Virus Biodiversity & Ecology

Nanoscale Science  & Engineering

Education & Human Resources Outreach

EPSCoR State Committee

Other Oklahoma EPSCoR
Federal Agency Programs

Oklahoma Science and Technology Plan

The Oklahoma Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is funded through the National Science Foundation.  Oklahoma EPSCoR’s central goal is to increase the state’s research competitiveness through strategic support of research instruments and facilities, research collaborations, and integrated education and research programs. 

Oklahoma currently has two active NSF EPSCoR Awards.  The first is a $6 million Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Grant (EPS-0447262) matched by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) with an additional $3 million for the period of FY 2005-2009.  The RII grant has two scientific foci, nanoscale science and engineering and plant virus biodiversity & ecology, complemented by an educational outreach component.  This grant is scheduled to end February 28, 2009. The second and most recent award is in the form of a five year (FY 2008-2013) $15 million RII cooperative agreement from NSF, matched by the State Regents with and an additional $5.5 million.  The scientific focus is on biofuels research with a robust educational outreach component designed to broaden participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. 

The success of the National Science Foundation EPSCoR program has led to six other federal agency programs (DOD, DOE, EPA, NASA, NIH, USDA).


Web www.okepscor.org