U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Take Our FDA Consumer Quiz

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How's your knowledge of health-related topics such as allergies, gum disease, and "mad cow disease"? Find out by taking our 10-question quiz. Hint: The answers to all these questions can be found in the May-June 2002 issue of FDA Consumer. Good luck!


1. How many Americans are affected by hay fever (also called pollen allergy)?

a. 1 out of 5

b. 1 out of 10

c. 1 out of 20

2. In the fall ragweed pollen season, when are pollen levels the highest?

a. in the morning

b. midday

c. in the evening

3. The largest organ of the human body is:

a. the liver

b. the lungs

c. skin

4. How many Americans are hospitalized yearly for burn treatments?

a. 25,000

b. 45,000

c. 100,000

5. Like real skin, some biosynthetic wound dressings contain:

a. human tissue

b. sweat glands

c. hair follicles

6. How many robotic surgical systems have received FDA clearance to be marketed in the United States?

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five

7. Robotic surgical systems currently on the market cost hospitals about:

a. $200,000

b. $600,000

c. $1 million

8. According to a recent Harris poll of people over 35, what percentage admitted that they don't visit a dentist regularly?

a. 29 percent

b. 39 percent

c. 45 percent

9. Which of the following can be symptoms of periodontal disease:

a. gums that bleed during and after toothbrushing.

b. persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth.

c. loose or shifting teeth.

d. all of the above.

10. According to a 2001 Harvard University risk assessment study, the chances of BSE ("mad cow disease") entering the United States and posing a risk to consumers and agriculture are:

a. extremely low

b. medium

c. high

Your Score is:


9 to 10 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
6 to 8 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
Below 5 points: Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

Go to the Answers Page

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