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SANS Sample Environment Equipment

Sample Spaces - Our Standard Sample Chamber and Sample Table

Sample chamber
Sample Chamber

Huber table
Huber Table

Multiple Position Sample Changers

5P - the 5 position sample changer
5-Position Sample Changer

7HB - The 7 positon heating block
7 Position Block (7HB)

9P - the 9 sample holder.
9-Position Sample Changer (9P)

10CB - The 10 position heating/cooling block
10-Position Heating/Cooling Block (10CB)

Specialized Sample Environments

HM1 - The horizontal field magnet
Horizontal Field Magnets (HM1 and HM2)

SCM9T - The 9T superconducting magnet
9T Superconducting Magnet (SCM9T)

RHEO - The rheometer
Rheometer (Rheo)

BSC - The Boulder Shear Cell
Shear Cell (BSC)

NPC - The NIST Pressure Cell
Pressure Cell (NPC)

FUR - The 600K Furnace
600K Furnace (FUR)

CCR - Closed Cycle Refrigerator
Closed Cycle Refrigerator (CCR)

Under Development

HC - The Humidity Chamber
Humidity Chamber (HC)

12PSC - The 1-2 Plane Shear Cell
1-2 Plane Shear Cell

Standard Sample Holders

demountable titanium cells
Demountable Titanium Cells

Banjo cells and holders
Hellma© Cells

Polymer melt holder
Polymer Sample Holders

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Last modified 09-November-2007