Table of Contents




A warmer, stormier world : : By the end of this century, bigger hurricanes, longer heat waves, and more extreme weather will be evident
            Going to the extremes
            Breeding bigger hurricanes
            Improving hurricane defenses
Under the computational microscope : : Materials scientists and chemists are using computational tools to understand, improve, and create new kinds of materials
            Graphene nanoribbons: A new path to spintronics
            Practical plasmonic crystal biosensors
            Overcoming nanocrystals’ resistance to doping
            Why doping strengthens grain boundaries
            A random walk along an interface
            Building a chemical tool box
Solving plasma puzzles : : Numerical simulations are revealing the origins of strange phenomena that occur in the most complex state of matter
            Understanding magnetic explosions
            Modeling microturbulence in fusion plasmas
Surfing the plasma waves : : Simulations are helping physicists understand how to optimize the beams in laser wakefield particle accelerators
The birth and death of stars : : For understanding the history of the Universe, supercomputers are now as necessary as telescopes
            High-mass star formation
            A star is born
            From soundwaves to supernovae                         
            Calibrating cosmology
Nobel Prize for Physics leads list of honors for NERSC users in 2006



Horst Simon steps down as NERSC Director
Science-Driven Systems : : Introducing and deploying the best new technologies for complete computational systems
            Cray provides the next major NERSC system
            BVSS and PERCU: A comprehensive approach to HPC procurement
            NERSC Global Filesystem marks first full year in production
            Integrating NERSC’s storage and file systems
            OSF power supply is upgraded
            Meeting security challenges and sharing expertise
Science-Driven Services : : Enabling a broad range of scientists to use NERSC systems productively in their research
            NERSC marks fourth year of INCITE applications
            Making shared resources easy to use
            Depositing a slice of the Universe
            Survey gauges user satisfaction
Science-Driven Analytics : : Extracting scientific meaning from massive quantities of data
            Building the analytics infrastructure
            Query-driven visualization: A case study
Leadership in Science-Driven Computing : : Helping shape the future of high performance computing           
            Developing metrics for petascale facilities
            Software roadmap to plug and play petaflop/s
            The software challenges of petascale computing
            The Berkeley view of the landscape of parallel computing research
            Performance and potential of Cell processor analyzed
            Integrated Performance Monitoring tool adopted by other HPC centers
            Reducing the red tape in research partnerships



Appendix A: NERSC Policy Board
Appendix B: NERSC Client Statistics
Appendix C: NERSC Users Group Executive Committee
Appendix D: Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
Appendix E: Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee
Appendix F: Acronyms and Abbreviations