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Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program  
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Benefits Administration Letter

Number: 03-902 Date: November 12, 2003
Subject: Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program: Participation in Agency Retirement Seminars

Federal Departments and Agencies regularly provide retirement seminars for their employees who are wisely planning for the future. OPM strongly believes that agency-sponsored retirement seminars are an exceptional venue for focusing attention on benefits sponsored by the Federal Government. Because the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) is relatively new, I am requesting your assistance in ensuring that your retirement seminars include information that accurately presents all of its features.

Director Kay Coles James recently sent the attached memorandum on this subject to heads of executive departments and agencies, with a copy to Chief Human Capital Officers. Please take a moment and read the memo.

Contact information

Please contact the Long Term Care Partners account management team to discuss your retirement seminar schedule. You may do this be sending an email to or calling Ms. Elizabeth Callahan at 603-433-4560. If Long Term Care Partners is unable to send an account representative to a particular seminar, they will send you appropriate presentation materials. You should provide for about 30 minutes in your seminar agenda for a review of the Program. You can also arrange to have an account representative available on a teleconference, after your retirement seminars, for employees wishing to take advantage of such a service.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that Federal employees contemplating retirement get complete and accurate information on this valuable Program.


Frank D. Titus
Assistant Director
   for Insurance Services

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Page created November 12, 2003