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Arkansas Declarations

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  • Declarations have been declared for this county
  • No declarations for this county

Presidential Declarations

Designation Number Description Termination Date
M1760 Severe Storms and Tornadoes  01/23/2009 
M1758 Severe Storms, Flooding, and Tornadoes  01/20/2009 
M1753 Severe Storms and Flooding  01/08/2009 
M1752 Severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding  01/05/2009 
M1745 Severe Storms, Tornadoes, Straight-Line Winds and Flooding  10/07/2008 
M1742 Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Flooding  10/06/2008 
M1736 Severe Winter Storms - Comments: This amendment closes the incident period effective 12/15/2007. (Changed from December 6, 2007, and continuing)   

Secretarial Designations

Designation Number Description Termination Date
S2748 Excessive moisture, flooding  05/05/2009 
S2675 Excessive rain, flooding, flash flooding, landslides, mudslides, high winds, lightning  12/29/2008 
S2658 Extreme heat, severe drought  09/08/2008 

State Declarations