U.S. Department of Energy
June 27, 1994, Press Conference Documents

Documents Provided at the Secretary's June 27, 1994 Press Conference

On June 27, 1994, the Secretary of Energy held a major press conference on the Department's Openness Initiatives. Several documents on the Department's declassification policy, some recently declassified information, and various guidelines documents were made available to the public during that press conference. These documents are listed below and are available in full text, including graphics, on this system. Click on a title below to access the document you wish.

The online versions duplicate the document as it was in June 1994 at the time of the press conference. Later revisions are not available here. If you have questions about these documents, please call Fletcher Whitworth, Office of Declassification, at 301-903-4864.

Drawing Back the Curtain of Secrecy: Restricted Data Declassification Policy, 1946 to the Present. (RDD-1, Dated 6/1/94)

Openness Press Conference Fact Sheets. (Revision 1, Dated 6/27/94)

Expanded Test Information for Nuclear Detonations Redefined as Nuclear Tests. (Dated 6/20/94)

Expanded Test Information for Nuclear Tests With Unannounced Simultaneous Detonations. (Dated 6/20/94)

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information: Topical Guidelines for Uranium-AVLIS (TG-UAV-1 Ch. 1, Dated 9/91)

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information: Topical Guideline for Plutonium-AVLIS. (TG-PAV-1, Dated 7/92)

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information: Topical Guideline for High Explosives (TG-HE-1, Dated 6/92)

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI): Topical Guideline for DOE Facility and Site Reviews (TG-FSR-1, Dated 9/93)

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information: Topical Guideline for Fixed-Site Safeguards and Security (TG-FSSS-1, Dated 9/92)

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information: Topical Guideline for New Production Reactors (TG-NPR-2, Dated 3/93)

Draft Public Guidelines to Department of Energy Classification of Information (Dated 6/27/94)

Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information: General Guideline (GG-3, Dated 1/93)

DOE Openess Initiative Full-Text Documents