NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

File Systems

Overview of PDSF File Systems

User Home Directories

User home directories are located under '/u/login-name' directory structure. Thy are cross-mounted to all PDSF nodes and regularly backed up. Home directories currently have 500MB disk quotas. quota command shows user's quotas in blcks (1block = 256 kB)

Local Scratch Areas

These areas are designated as '/scratch' on each PDSF node. The disks are NOT cross mounted between nodes in the PDSF system.

The scratch areas currently are partitions (on average ~10 GB for batch and 55 GB for interactive linux systems , 245 GB for pdsfsu00 system) useful for single node processes with significant I/O requirments which can be directed to locally stored data files. Files in these areas are not backed up and should be moved to more stable storage areas after use.

We have the following policy for scratch cleanup on the interactive nodes:
  • If the partition is greater than 95% full, delete all files except those of running jobs.
On batch nodes only files belonging to the currently running jobs are kept. Users can request their LSF jobs to be send to nodes with a specific amount of scratch space available by specifying a scratch resource requirement.

Long Term Storage

Long Term Storage is provided via disk vaults with group designation.All disk vault partitions are exported to all the nodes in the cluster.

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