The Abuela Project: A Community Based Food Safety Intervention involving Queso Fresco, a Raw-Milk Cheese

Val Hillers, Ph.D., R.D., Washington State University
Ryan Bell, M.D., (M.S. from WSU)
Theo Thomas, WSU/Yakima Co. Cooperative Extension

Project Background

Pre-Intervention Salmonellosis Cases

(line graph showing increase in cases of S. Typhimurium infection in Yakima County and Washington State, by six-month interval, 1990-97)

Intervention Goals

Intervention Team

Washington State University food science and nutrition faculty and an M.S. student

WSU/Yakima County Cooperative Extension

Yakima County Health Department

Washington Migrant Council

Washington Dept. of Agriculture

Washington Dept. of Health


Pre-intervention Survey Data

Safe Queso Fresco Recipe

(*The idea of modifying a recipe obtained from the local community was borrowed from a presentation re chitterlings by EA Peterson, 1997.)

Safe Queso Fresco Pamphlet

Project Funding

Trained "Abuela" Educators

Older Hispanic "grandmothers"

  • respected

  • hold positions of authority

  • carry on traditions

  • (We borrowed this idea from Colorado State University who trained Abuelas as nutrition educators.)

    Abuela Educators

    Incentive Packages

    Abuela Educators (15)

    Participants (225)

    Training Abuela Educators

    (photograph of training session in a kitchen)

    Safe Cheese Workshop Results

    Will People in the Community Eat Pasteurized-Milk Queso Fresco?
    X2 = 29.9 (significant/p<.01)

    Before Safe Cheese Workshops

    After Safe Cheese Workshops

    Are there Health Risks Associated with Eating Unpasteurized Milk and Cheese? X2 = 1.5 (no significant change)

    Before Safe Cheese Workshop

    6-Month Follow-Up

    What Kind of Milk do You Use to Make Queso Fresco? X2 = 19.3 (significant/p<.01)


    After Workshop


    Pre and Post Intervention Community Surveys

    We surveyed people who did not participate in safe cheese workshops to see if the publicity had increased awareness of risks of raw milk queso fresco.

    Does Raw-Milk Queso Fresco Cause Illness? X2 = 25.3 (significant/p<.01)



    Post Intervention Salmonella Cases

    (line graph shows that post-intervention - 1997 - the number of S. Typhimurium cases in Yakima County and Washington State declined.)

    The Intervention was Successful!


    Current Status of Project

    Sharing of materials

    Directions for Making Queso Fresco

    For Additional Information about the Abuela Project