The Evaluation Matrix: When & Where & Who & How

Thomas Shuster, Ph.D.
Todd Braeger, M.S.
Spectrum Consulting / Safe Food Institute
1770 North Research Parkway
North Logan, Utah

Some Definitions of Evaluation

Our Definition of Evaluation

Judging the worth or merit of something

Objectives for Presentation

Research vs. Evaluation

The Difference between research and evaluation is the purpose…

Evaluation Answers Questions Like…

Evaluation requires good, clear thinking because sometimes (often?) the real world fools us!


Evaluation is a complex task…

Evaluation is not just pre-test / post-test comparisons of data.

Properly Used Evaluation Can…

Evaluative Questions

Our evaluations start with questions. These questions guide and focus the evaluation activities during the course of the project.

Evaluation Matrix…

Kitchen Observation Study

Overhead of Evaluation Matrix…

Grocery 101 Scenario….

You be the evaluator! How exciting!

Project Problems Will Arise…..

How do you handle this as an evaluator……

Project Problem #1

How do you handle this as an evaluator…

Grocery staff is not learning the information based on your data.

Project Problem #2

How do you handle this as an evaluator……

New staff enjoys and learns, but experienced staff say they already know this but according to data they are committing violations….

Project Problem #3

How do you handle this as an evaluator……

Grocery stores A and B are improving but C is not.

Reporting of Evaluation Results

Primetime Live Lessons…

Other Issues in Evaluation
