Focus on Research Methods: Direct Observation Research

Kelee Hansen, MBA, RD
Assistant Director
Safe Food Institute

SFI Consumer Research Model

(graphic - shows items arranged in an oval, representing: receiving/storage, preparation, cooking, serving/holding, storage, reheating, waste disposal, purchasing)

Direct Observation

Direct Observation for Behavioral Studies

Kitchen Observation Study

(graphic shows items arranged in an oval - receiving/storage, preparation, cooking, serving/holding, storage)

Subject Recruitment

Professionals in getting people to participate in studies.
Ineligible – no one cooks in the house.
79% of contacts refused. Reasons: In their home, videotaping, etc.
Recruiting firm are very professional and efficient but very costly ($75 per recruit).

Study Methodology

Study Methodology – Technology

Study Methodology – Informed Consent

Study Methodology – Videotaping Session

After about 10 minutes into the taping, subjects lightened up, started talking to the assistants, and became less tense about being taped. This helped behaviors return to normal.

Study Methodology – Coding Tapes

Much of our time spent was in deciphering the information.
Code for behaviors and failure to do certain behaviors.
Tapes can be recoded for other purposes. Utensil use, efficiency

Ongoing Research