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Thinking Globally - Working Locally: A Conference on Food Safety Education.

Speaker Biographies

Richard L. Lobb

Richard L. Lobb is director of communications for the National Chicken Council in Washington, D.C. NCC is the trade association for the chicken production, processing and marketing industry. Mr. Lobb handles media relations and a range of research, communications and marketing activities, and serves as staff to the NCC Communications Committee. He is a member of the steering committee of Partnership for Food Safety Education and is chairman of the Partnership’s Public Relations Committee.

Formerly, Mr. Lobb was a vice president with Fleishman-Hillard, Inc., a major public relations firm, where he handled NCC’s account, specializing in media relations and issues management. He worked also on a variety of public affairs programs for other clients in businesses as varied as plastics, homebuilding, and coal mining.

Mr. Lobb holds a bachelor's degree in political analysis from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

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For Further Information Contact:
Graduate School, USDA
Phone: (202) 314-3459

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Updated September 03, 2002