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Thinking Globally - Working Locally: A Conference on Food Safety Education.

Speaker Biographies

Patricia Kendall, Ph.D., R.D.

A native of Kansas, Dr. Kendall received her B.S. in Home Economics Education and M.S. in Food and Nutrition from Kansas State University. Her Ph.D. is in Nutrition Education from Colorado State University. Pat Kendall joined the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition in 1973, where she has held a variety of positions, including Cooperative Extension Food and Nutrition Specialist, Interim Department Head and Graduate Programs Coordinator. Her research and outreach work focuses on communicating with consumers about health risks, particularly risks associated with the safety of the food supply. She is the author of more than 100 publications for scientific and lay audiences and 2000+ newspaper columns on food and nutrition topics. She frequently makes presentations on food safety topics for a wide variety of audiences, including consumers, food producers, food safety educators and health regulators. For the past few years, she has collaborated with extension specialists in Ohio and Washington State on research projects designed to better understand food safety behaviors of importance to targeted audiences and evaluation processes that can be used with confidence.

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For Further Information Contact:
Graduate School, USDA
Phone: (202) 314-3459

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Updated May 23, 2002