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Thinking Globally - Working Locally: A Conference on Food Safety Education.

Speaker Biographies

Laurel Eu

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
19900 MacArthur Blvd. #300
Irvine, CA 92612


Educational Background

Master of Arts in Educational Psychology, Stanford University
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Elementary Education, University of Hawaii

Professional Experience:

1992-present: Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Los Angeles.

As a Public Affairs Specialist, Ms. Eu implements public health campaigns and educates community groups, health professionals, consumers, and media about the FDA and the products the agency regulates. Major projects include coordinating translation of food labeling material into various Asian and Pacific Islander languages, and developing and translating brochures on cancer screening and medication safety. The brochures are distributed nationally. She has worked extensively on medication safety, nutrition, and breast and cervical cancer screening programs for Southern California’s diverse population. She currently is working on an expansion module for Asian and Pacific Islanders for the Take Time to Care Program, including translating directions for selected medications.

Her awards include the Hammer Award for setting up a communication partnership with University California Irvine and federal, state and local regulatory and public health officials. She also is the recipient of the Plain English Award for her work developing cancer screening materials. Ms. Eu recently received an honorable mention at the FDA Science Forum.

1978-1991: Editor, UCLA Student Health Service. Ms. Eu wrote "Healthwatch" column and produced patient education brochures.

1979-1987: Instructional Designer, Cedars Sinai Medical Center. Duties included developing handbooks, training manuals, and programs for employees' inservice training.

Organizations and interests:

Ms. Eu belongs to a number of public health organizations, including the Orange County Nutrition Fraud Coalition and the Southern California Public Health Association. She also assists a once-a-week evening preschool AWANA club program for her church, working with children with special needs.

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For Further Information Contact:
Graduate School, USDA
Phone: (202) 314-3459

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Updated May 14, 2002