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Thinking Globally - Working Locally: A Conference on Food Safety Education.

Speaker Biographies

Susan Conley

Susan Conley is the Director of the Food Safety Education Staff for the Food Safety and Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture. As director, Ms. Conley oversees all of the agency’s consumer education activities including the USDA’s Meat and Poultry Hotline.

Ms. Conley has been with the Food Safety and Inspection Service for seventeen years. Ms. Conley directs the development of extensive consumer education outreach programs with a focus on the establishment of wide-reaching partnerships. She is actively involved with the Fight BAC!® food safety education campaign initiated by the Partnership for Food Safety Education. In addition, Ms. Conley directs education projects targeted to the food service industry and to persons most at-risk for foodborne illness.

Frequently serving as a media spokesperson for FSIS, Conley has been featured on national television and radio. She is the author of numerous articles and feature stories on consumer food safety issues.

Before beginning a government career, Ms. Conley was director of sales for a small food company and has extensive experience in product marketing and retail store management.

Conley holds a degree in Home Economics from the University of Maryland.

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For Further Information Contact:
Graduate School, USDA
Phone: (202) 314-3459

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Updated May 31, 2002