The NGAkids site uses QuickTime, Shockwave/Flash, and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) If you're using a recent browser you're probably familiar with these popular plug-ins. Let's see if you're ready to explore the more interactive parts of our site. Near the top of this page, just under the words "Test your plug-ins," you should see a box. Inside, if you have the necessary software, you'll see animated QuickTime, Shockwave, and (in some cases) Flash icons. (Please note: if you already have Shockwave/Flash plug-in, you probably won't see a separate Flash icon, since Flash is included with Shockwave. If you only have Flash on your computer, you'll still need to install Shockwave to use the advanced multimedia features.) Most recent Web browsers support Shockwave–if yours does not accept the plug-in, try another browser. 

The Art Zone interactives require the Shockwave player. Without it, interactives like Collage Machine will appear blank. After downloading the plug-in, follow the installation directions. After Shockwave is installed, quit your browser and relaunch it, then come back to NGAkids

IMPORTANT NOTE: Adobe has not yet ported the Shockwave Player to run natively on Intel-based Macintosh computers, but Shockwave still works.  Just follow these simple steps: 

1) Quit your browser if it's open.
2) Open your Applications folder and locate the Web browser (Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, etc.) icon.
3) Hold down the Control key and click on the browser icon. A context menu will appear -- select GET INFO.
4) Under the General heading of the Info dialog select the checkbox that reads "Open using Rosetta."
5) Close the Get Info dialog box.
6) Launch the browser (double-click the browser icon to open). Now you can install Shockwave Player.  

For additional information on downloading, installing, and using Shockwave on an Intel-based Mac, read the Adobe tech note titled
Using Macromedia Shockwave Player on an Intel-based Macintosh.


Adobe has tech support information that may be useful if you are getting  "shockwave errors" or if you're having trouble updating the plug-in.  Please read their SHOCKWAVE HELP.  You may need to adjust download permissions or security settings on your computer before installing. If you do not have administrative access to install plug-ins, your Windows-based browser may send an error message. HINT: In many cases, the program will work correctly, even though an error message was generated at launch.  Give it a few seconds and see if the program loads after the message.

If you are running Windows Vista, you may need to update your Shockwave player. A new version was released in June, 2007.


Use the following links to download Shockwave-Flash, QuickTime, and Acrobat.

get shockwave
Get Flash Get Acrobat

Get QuickTime


dollhouse screenshot


print buttonClick the print button at the top right of the interactive to send the picture to the printer.
Do not use the browser's print menu -- if you do the page will be blank.

To save a Web page that uses Shockwave, first take a screen shot. Here's how:

Macintosh users: hold down the APPLE KEY (COMMAND) + SHIFT KEY + 3 and a screen shot will be saved automatically. In OS X a PDF file named "Picture #" will appear on your Desktop. In OS 9 a PICT file (named "Picture #") will be saved on your hard drive.

To save part of the screen image, hold down the APPLE KEY (COMMAND) + SHIFT KEY + 4 with one hand (HINT: use your thumb + pinkie + index/pointer finger at the same time). CLICK and HOLD DOWN the mouse button with your other hand, then DRAG/SELECT the area you wish to save or print.

PC/Windows users: click the PRINT SCREEN key (it's usually located near the F12 key), then open any word processor or graphics program and create a new document. Use the PASTE menu command to insert the "remembered" screenshot into your new document. NAME and SAVE the new file, then PRINT.

If you have a picture editing program on your computer, you can CROP the screenshot, RESIZE it, or make other adjustments before printing.  If you don't have graphics software, just print out the full screen shot and then cut out the part of the screen shot you'd like to save.

Remember, use the print button in the interactive itself. If you try to print directly from the Web browser's PRINT MENU, the page you're printing will be blank.

If links don't seem to be working, or if you keep getting redirected to the top of a page you're already viewing, that simply means that your browser is not reading javascript pop-up window links properly. Check your preferences to make sure javascript is enabled and that pop-ups are not being blocked. The "low tech" version of the NGAkids splash page contains conventional (non-javascript)
HTML links.

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