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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Insurance Services Programs

Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)


FAQs on Military and FEGLI

Featured Questions

How much FEGLI coverage do I have?
Who is my beneficiary?
When is the next FEGLI Open Season?
How do I contact OFEGLI?

The FEGLI Program
A brief introduction to the program.

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to many questions about the FEGLI program.

FEGLI Calculator Image of a Calculator
An on-line, interactive calculator that allows you to determine the face value of various combinations of FEGLI coverage; calculate the premiums for the various combinations of coverage; see how choosing different Options can change the amount of life insurance and the premium withholdings; and see how the life insurance carried into retirement will change over time.

FEGLI Handbook
Detailed guidance on the FEGLI Program.

FEGLI Publications and Forms
Links to all current FEGLI publications and electronic versions of our forms.

Designation of Beneficiary
Make sure that your Designation of Beneficiary is up-to-date!

FEGLI Booklets