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IEP - Water-Energy Interface
Advanced Cooling Technology

This component of the program is focused on research to develop technologies that improve performance and reduce costs associated with wet cooling, dry cooling, and hybrid cooling technologies. In addition, the research area covers innovative methods to control bio-fouling of cooling water intake structures as well as advances in intake structure systems.

It is technically possible to cool power plants with minimal water use. However, at this time such cooling methods are not as economically feasible as traditional cooling systems. Additional research and development is necessary to develop cooling systems that use as little water as possible, but at a reasonable cost.

Water intake structures are also an area of concern, especially considering the Clean Water Act 316(b) regulation which requires that the location, design, construction, and capacity of cooling water intake structures reflect the best technology available for minimizing adverse environmental impact. With plant intake structures, the particular concern is impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms.

Sponsored advanced cooling research includes the following: pilot scale testing of a hybrid cooling technology; testing of an environmentally safe control method to prevent zebra mussel fouling; development of high thermal conductivity foam to be used in air-cooled steam condensers for power plants; evaluation of condensing technology applied to wet evaporative cooling towers; and development of scale-prevention technologies and novel filtration methods.


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