Press Room
The NTI website offers daily news and in-depth resources about the global threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and related issues, featuring:   
Global Security Newswire - daily news on nuclear, biological and chemical weapons terrorism and related issues.   
Country Profiles - overviews and in-depth profiles of selected countries' weapons programs.

North Korea
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
Issues & Analysis - introductions and full briefs on a variety of relevant security issues.
Securing the Bomb - comprehensive threat reduction budget data and program analysis.
Source Documents - publications on nonproliferation issues by government agencies and non-governmental organizations.
WMD411 - an information resource on the threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and a range of policy options to reduce these threats.


Today's Headlines

space Monday, September 22, 2008
Daily news on nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, terrorism and related issues reported by National Journal Group.

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U.N. Powers Fail to Formulate New Iran Sanctions

The five permanent U.N. Security Council member nations and Germany could not agree Friday on new economic penalties to impose on Iran over its nuclear activities, the Associated Press reported (see GSN, Sept. 19).

Meeting in Washington, senior officials “reaffirmed their commitment to the dual-track strategy" and remained “committed to exploring possible further measures on the second track," State Department spokesman Robert Wood said.  ...Full Story
Early Tests Show No Nuclear Evidence in Syria

International inspectors have so far found no evidence of materials indicating nuclear activity at a Syrian site destroyed by Israel last year and alleged by U.S. intelligence officials to have been a nearly operational nuclear reactor, the Associated Press reported Saturday (see GSN, Sept 19)....Full Story
North Korea Denuclearization Process in Disarray

The nuclear standoff with North Korea increasingly appears to be a headache that the Bush administration will pass off to its successor in the White House, the Associated Press reported Saturday (see GSN, Sept. 19)....Full Story


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The Nuclear Security Project started with the January 4, 2007 Wall Street Journal op-ed by former Secretary of State George Shultz, former Secretary of Defense Bill Perry, former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and former Senator Sam Nunn. All four authors are leading the Project and NTI serves as the Project Secretariat.

British Ministers Publish Article in Support of World Free of Nuclear Weapons
There is growing international momentum in support of the Shultz, Perry, Kissinger, Nunn Nuclear Security Project. Four former British Foreign and Defence Secretaries — Sir Malcolm Rifkind, Lord David Owen, Lord Douglas Hurd and Lord George Robertson — published an article titled "Start worrying and learn to ditch the bomb" in which they warn that the world is entering a dangerous new phase "that combines widespread proliferation with extremism and geopolitical tension."

They said: "Substantial progress towards a dramatic reduction in the world's nuclear weapons is possible. The ultimate aspiration should be to have a world free of nuclear weapons. It will take time, but with political will and improvements in monitoring, the goal is achievable. We must act before it is too late, and we can begin by supporting the campaign in America for a non-nuclear weapons world." Read their op-ed

NTI Co-chairman Sam Nunn recently spoke in Germany about the vision and steps toward a nuclear free world and the urgent need to address US/NATO/European and Russian security issues. Read an article and Nunn's remarks


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NTI News & Views

UAE Commits $10 Million to NTI/IAEA Fuel Bank
Commitment gives fuel bank critical momentum.
August 7, 2008
Read the Release

"The Race Between Cooperation and Catastrophe"
NTI Co-Chairman Sam Nunn spoke at the American Academy in Berlin about the need for NATO countries to work together and with Russia, to address the security threats posed by emerging new nuclear weapons states, proliferation of enrichment, poorly secured nuclear material and catastrophic terrorism.
June 12, 2008
Read the Speech

Sam Nunn Accepts Hessian Peace Prize
NTI Co-Chairman Sam Nunn was honored with the Hessian Peace Prize for his "long-standing involvement and strong engagement in avoiding nuclear conflicts and his work toward nuclear disarmament." In his acceptance remarks, he spoke about the need to reduce global nuclear dangers.
June 11, 2008
Read the Speech

"Help Russia Help Us"
In an op-ed in The New York Times, former Senator Sam Nunn and Senator Richard Lugar explain the need for a civil nuclear cooperation agreement (the 123 agreement) between the United States and Russia. The senators explain that U.S. and Russian cooperation is essential to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction and that virtually every nuclear danger America faces will be made more difficult and more dangerous without this agreement.
May 30, 2008
Read the Op-ed

NTI Releases 2007 Annual Report
If you would like us to mail you a copy, click here
Read the Report

"Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: Our Highest Priority — Isn't"
NTI President Charles Curtis spoke to a National Defense University Foundation-sponsored national security seminar in Washington, DC.
May 21, 2008
Read the Speech

NTI Co-Chairman Sam Nunn speaks to an international conference on "Achieving the Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons" in Oslo, Norway
Former Sen. Sam Nunn spoke to conference participants from 29 countries about the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons and the steps that should be taken to reduce nuclear dangers and begin to make that vision a reality.
February 27, 2008
Read the Speech
Read more about the vision and the steps

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Last Best Chance

Order a free DVD. This film is based on facts. Some events depicted may have already happened. Some may be happening now. All may happen in the near future if we don't act now to prevent them.
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