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Earthquake Hazards Program

World Data Center for Seismology, Denver and International Seismological Centre
International Registry of Seismograph Stations

Seismograph Station Codes Listed Alphabetically: R

R11A Troy Canyon, Currant
       38.3489 -115.5854 1756.0
       Network: USTA
       Status: Open
       Nevada, U.S.A.
       opened 20070428.

RAB Rabaul
       -4.1927 152.1630 185.0
       Network: RAB
       Status: Open
       New Britain, Papua New Guinea
       opened 1940; WWSS opened 19620310.

RABH Abu Rabah
       34.4354 37.2054 738.0
       Network: NSSC
       Status: Open
       opened 199412.

RABL Manus Island
       Network: AUST
       Status: Reserved
       Admiralty Islands, Papua New Guinea

RAC Raciborz
       50.0833 18.1942 209.0
       Network: WAR
       Status: Open
       closed 1945; reopened 1947.

RAEZ Rainy Point
       -39.2883 174.3933 326.0
       Network: WELE
       Status: Open
       North Island, New Zealand
       opened 199706.

RAFF Raffo Rosso
       37.2225 14.3624 0.0
       Status: Open
       Sicilia, Italy

RAG Roghun (Ragun)
       38.7000 69.7800 0.0
       Network: TAJK
       Status: Open
       opened 1974. Coords corrected 20000119 - big change.

rag (Local code. See International code RAGM.)

RAGM Ragged Mountain
       60.3870 -144.6752 739.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Central Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 1984. AGS code RAG.

RAI Raspberry Island
       58.0605 -153.1592 520.0
       Network: GIA
       Status: Open
       Kodiak Island, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 197510.

RAIO Rainier
       46.0403 -122.8851 11.0
       Network: COR
       Status: Open
       Oregon, U.S.A.
       opened 19971006.

RAK Rakhiv (Rakhov)
       48.0550 24.1980 460.0
       Network: LVV
       Status: Open
       opened 1956. Coords corrected >10 km 20000115.

RAL Rabalanakaia
       -4.2203 152.2019 91.0
       Network: RAB
       Status: Open
       New Britain, Papua New Guinea
       opened 1967.

RALT Raleigh
       35.2060 -89.9410 100.0
       Network: CERI
       Status: Open
       Tennessee, U.S.A.
       opened before 199905.

RAM Raman
       37.7658 41.2925 1185.0
       Network: IST
       Status: Open
       opened 1964.

RAMA Ramapo Mountain
       41.0952 -74.1807 247.0
       Network: PAL
       Status: Open
       New Jersey, U.S.A.
       opened 197811.

RAMN Ramite
       26.9500 86.6000 2134.0
       Network: DMN
       Status: Open
       opened 199404.

RAMR Ramage Ranch
       35.6360 -120.8700 431.0
       Network: BRK
       Status: Reserved
       San Luis Obispo County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 200411. If not PADM.

RAMW Rammel Mountain
       43.8890 -110.9502 2512.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Wyoming, U.S.A.
       opened 198601.

RAN Yangôn (Rangoon, Kaba Aye)
       16.8667 96.1833 14.0
       Status: Open
       opened 1963.

RANB Rancho de la Bola
       36.6328 -6.1384 65.0
       Network: SFS
       Status: Closed
       Andalucía, Spain
       199304-before 2003. resurveyed 1993.

RANI Rangndo
       -8.4525 114.9494 500.0
       Network: DJA
       Status: Open
       Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

RAO Raoul
       -29.2517 -177.9183 110.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Open
       Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
       IU opened 20040901.

RAP Rapindik (Sulphur Creek)
       -4.2289 152.1967 3.0
       Network: RAB
       Status: Closed
       New Britain, Papua New Guinea

RAR Rarotonga
       -21.2125 -159.7733 28.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Open
       Cook Islands
       opened 196505. IDA 197610-199408. IU opened 19920310.

RAT Rat Island
       51.7991 178.3301 226.0
       Network: USGS
       Status: Closed
       Aleutian Islands, Alaska, U.S.A.

       -8.7233 115.5322 400.0
       Network: DJA
       Status: Open
       Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

RATZ Rangitukua
       -38.8686 175.7711 649.0
       Network: WELT
       Status: Open
       North Island, New Zealand
       opened 198412; reopened 199608.

RAV Ravensburg
       47.7833 9.6139 460.0
       Network: STU
       Status: Open
       Baden-Württemberg, Germany

RAVA Ravarino
       44.7559 11.1188 15.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Open
       Emilia-Romagna, Italy
       opened 20031110.

RAW Raver
       47.3372 -121.9314 208.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19980714. SM station.

RAY Raywood Flat
       34.0363 -116.8112 2342.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Riverside County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 197511. MNLO code RAYC.

rayc (Local code. See International code RAY.)

RAYN Ar Rayn
       23.5225 45.5032 631.0
       Network: RYD
       Status: Open
       Saudi Arabia
       opened 19960101.

RBA Rabat
       34.0089 -6.8406 39.0
       Network: SPGM
       Status: Open
       opened 196603.

RBC Rio Blanco
       39.8425 -108.3922 1996.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Closed
       Colorado, U.S.A.

RBDL Robledal
       14.1130 -89.6865 1431.0
       Network: SNET
       Status: Open
       El Salvador
       opened 20030401.

RBEN Benson Hill Elementary School
       47.4348 -122.1862 0.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 200009. SM station.

RBH Right Bank House--Pihur
       34.0705 72.6705 364.0
       Network: PAL
       Status: Open
       opened 1974?

RBL Raibl
       46.4417 13.5683 900.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Closed
       Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
       closed before 199803. TRI 1977-19880101.

RBN Rybnik
       50.0981 18.5336 250.0
       Network: WAR
       Status: Closed
       closed before 1986.

RBNC Richland Balsam
       35.3570 -82.9860 1829.0
       Network: CERI
       Status: Open
       North Carolina, U.S.A.
       opened 19820526.

RBO Rocky Butte
       45.5408 -122.5643 158.0
       Network: USGS
       Status: Open
       Oregon, U.S.A.
       opened 199303. SM station.

RBU Red Butte Canyon
       40.7808 -111.8083 1676.0
       Network: SLC
       Status: Open
       Salt Lake County, Utah, U.S.A.
       opened 197406.

RBY Rainbow Mountain
       -38.3211 176.3878 0.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Closed
       North Island, New Zealand

RBZ Rabat Zaers
       33.9292 -6.8400 116.0
       Network: SPGM
       Status: Closed
       196801-about 1977?

RC01 Rabbit Creek Array Site 1
       61.0894 -149.7367 374.0
       Network: GIA
       Status: Open
       Central Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19980810.

RC1 Royal City
       46.9433 -119.4333 500.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19880527.

RCBR Riachuelo
       -5.8275 -35.9014 420.0
       Network: NAT
       Status: Open
       Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
       opened 19990301.

RCC Rio Carpintero
       19.9942 -75.6958 100.0
       Network: SSNC
       Status: Open
       opened 19650725. BB opened before 199911.

RCD Rapid City
       44.0750 -103.2083 995.0
       Status: Open
       South Dakota, U.S.A.
       1943-196704; 196912-197411; reopened 197811. WWSS opened 19611215.

RCDM Rinconada de Maipu
       -33.4892 -70.8064 487.0
       Network: GUC
       Status: Open
       Región Metropolitana, Chile
       opened 20021111.

RCG Rock City
       34.9750 -85.3480 468.0
       Network: CERI
       Status: Closed
       Georgia, U.S.A.
       opened 19811023.

RCH Reche Mountain
       34.3073 -116.3505 841.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Closed
       San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A.

RCHB Rochefort
       50.1560 5.2280 161.0
       Network: UCC
       Status: Open
       opened 20000101. surf. elev. 191.00

RCI Reggio Calabria
       38.1056 15.6433 29.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Closed
       Calabria, Italy
       closed before 199803.

RCJ Ross Creek
       40.6585 -111.4393 2090.0
       Network: SLC
       Status: Open
       Wasatch County, Utah, U.S.A.
       opened 19921030.

RCL Montereale Valcellina
       46.1600 12.6533 548.0
       Network: TRI
       Status: Open
       Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
       opened 19770803.

RCM Mount Rainier--Camp Muir
       46.8358 -121.7318 3085.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19930909.

RCO Red Cone
       19.4060 -155.6298 3601.0
       Network: HVO
       Status: Open
       Hawai`i, Hawaii, U.S.A.
       opened 19940726.

RCP Roxas
       11.5600 122.7450 140.0
       Network: PIVS
       Status: Open
       Panay, Philippines
       opened 19950425. PIVS code RCPH.

RCP2 Recreation Park
       33.7777 -118.1333 -85.0
       Network: USC
       Status: Open
       Los Angeles County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 19850322. MNLO code RCPS.

rcph (Local code. See International code RCP.)

rcps (Local code. See International code RCP2.)

RCR Cape Wrath
       58.6240 -4.9986 100.0
       Network: BGS
       Status: Open
       Scotland, United Kingdom
       opened 19950910.

RCS Mount Rainier--Camp Schurman
       46.8710 -121.7311 2877.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19890627.

RCT Riceville
       35.3453 -84.6614 265.0
       Status: Open
       Tennessee, U.S.A.

RCW Richland
       46.3472 -119.2744 390.0
       Status: Reserved
       Washington, U.S.A.

rcw (Local code. See International code RCWM.)

RCWM Renegade Canyon West
       35.9502 -117.6473 954.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Inyo County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 19750926. PAS code RCW. MNLO code WRCC.

RCY Rachaya
       33.4846 35.8188 1360.0
       Network: BHL
       Status: Reserved
       planned station.

RD01 Burlington
       43.4109 -79.8356 142.0
       Network: LDN
       Status: Open
       Ontario, Canada
       opened 19990419.

RD02 Waterdown
       43.3154 -79.8768 104.0
       Network: LDN
       Status: Open
       Ontario, Canada
       opened 19990419.

RD03 Mount Hope
       43.1832 -79.9440 198.0
       Network: LDN
       Status: Open
       Ontario, Canada
       opened 19990430.

RD04 Stoney Creek
       43.1524 -79.6988 168.0
       Network: LDN
       Status: Open
       Ontario, Canada
       opened 19990505.

RDC Rolduc
       50.8694 6.0847 145.0
       Network: DBN
       Status: Open
       The Netherlands
       opened 19961213.

RDF Ar Radifah
       28.9259 47.5497 180.0
       Network: KISR
       Status: Open

RDG Rabinal
       15.0075 -90.4718 1930.0
       Network: GCG
       Status: Closed
       197806-before 199911.

RDJ Rio de Janeiro
       -22.8950 -43.2233 29.0
       Network: RDJ
       Status: Open
       Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

RDLO Red Lake
       50.9745 -93.9124 390.0
       Network: POLR
       Status: Closed
       Ontario, Canada
       20040613-20040929; moved to RLKO. BB station.

RDM Round Mountain
       34.4000 -117.1850 1426.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Closed
       San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A.

RDN Redoubt North
       60.5138 -152.7630 1372.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 1988.

RDO Rodhópi
       41.1462 25.5375 100.0
       Network: ATH
       Status: Open
       Anatolikí Makedhonía kaí Thráki, Greece
       opened 19881015.

RDP Rocca di Papa
       41.7583 12.7167 760.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Open
       Lazio, Italy
       closed 1968; reopened 198301.

RDS Richard D. Siegrist
       64.8265 -148.1447 510.0
       Network: GIA
       Status: Open
       Central Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 197706.

rds (Local code. See International code HRDS.)

RDST Rhodes College
       35.1578 -89.9886 79.0
       Network: CERI
       Status: Open
       Tennessee, U.S.A.
       opened 20020830. ANSS SM station.

RDT Redoubt
       60.5738 -152.4062 930.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19710809.

RDW Redoubt West
       60.4827 -152.8095 1813.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19900907.

RDX Rancho Dowling
       31.9323 -115.9475 1680.0
       Network: ECX
       Status: Open
       Baja California, Mexico
       opened 19880929.

RE1 (Alternate abbreviation for RCL.)
       Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy

REAL Reales
       36.4840 -5.2078 1452.0
       Network: SFS
       Status: Open
       Andalucía, Spain
       opened 2002?

REB Eisghbrachaidh
       58.1188 -5.2822 100.0
       Network: BGS
       Status: Open
       Scotland, United Kingdom
       opened 19950910.

REC Recreo
       14.4375 -90.5227 1500.0
       Network: GCG
       Status: Closed
       197504-before 199911.

RECU (Alternate abbreviation for VC1.)

RED Redoubt Volcano
       60.4189 -152.7719 1067.0
       Network: GIA
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 1974.

red (Local code. See International code REDWA.)

REDP Redondo Peak
       35.8711 -106.5628 3417.0
       Network: LOA
       Status: Open
       New Mexico, U.S.A.
       opened 197710.

REDW Red Top Meadow
       43.3624 -110.8518 2192.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Wyoming, U.S.A.
       opened 198601. BB opened 20030717.

REDWA Red Mountain
       46.2987 -119.4383 366.0
       Network: PNNL
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       PNNL code RED.

REF Redoubt East Flank
       60.4892 -152.7017 1801.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19900314. USTN 19920406-19920928.

refu (Local code. See International code GGP.)

REG Rock Eagle
       33.4421 -83.3371 178.0
       Network: ATL
       Status: Open
       Georgia, U.S.A.
       opened 197802.

reg (Local code. See International code RGR.)

REG* (Alternate abbreviation for RGR.)

REI Reidovoe
       45.2667 148.0167 0.0
       Network: SAKL
       Status: Closed
       Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Russia
       closed before 1990.

       37.8520 -87.3280 0.0
       Network: BHKY
       Status: Closed
       Kentucky, U.S.A.

REL Relizane
       35.7500 0.5500 75.0
       Status: Closed

RELT Roellen
       36.0332 -89.3022 107.0
       Network: CERI
       Status: Open
       Tennessee, U.S.A.
       USTN 19960423-20020613.

REM Remote
       65.9550 -164.5778 300.0
       Network: GIA
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.

rem (Local code. See International code REMW.)

REMR Mount Rainier--Emerald Ridge
       46.8192 -121.8409 1756.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19890712. SEA code RER.

REMW Rembrandt
       46.1992 -122.1842 2102.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 198701. SEA code REM.

REN Reno
       39.5400 -119.8131 1383.0
       Network: REN
       Status: Closed
       Nevada, U.S.A.

RENA Réseau Nat. de Surveillance Sismique (ReNaSS)
       Status: Network/Other

RENF Rennes
       48.0010 -1.6667 40.0
       Network: STR
       Status: Open
       Bretagne, France
       opened 19960331.

RER Rivière de l'Est (La Plaine-des-Cafres)
       -21.1590 55.7460 834.0
       Network: PAR
       Status: Open
       GEOS opened 19860210. Coords corrected 19991105.

rer (Local code. See International code REMR.)

RES Resolute
       74.6867 -94.9000 15.0
       Network: OTTR
       Status: Open
       Nunavut, Canada
       opened 1950. OTT 1950-19820328. OTTR opened 19820407. CNSN opened 19920603.

       42.8077 0.3385 1270.0
       Network: STR
       Status: Open
       Midi-Pyrénées, France
       opened 19980901.

RESI Resinera
       36.8732 -3.0700 1322.0
       Network: CRT
       Status: Reserved
       Andalucía, Spain
       opened 1990?

RESU Resuttano
       37.6468 14.0568 785.0
       Status: Open
       Sicilia, Italy

RETU Refugio Tungurahua
       -1.4512 -78.4460 4050.0
       Network: QUI
       Status: Open
       opened 19941202.

REU Reunion Island
       -21.1950 55.5772 1550.0
       Status: Open
       opened 19680503.

REVE Reventador-Reventador Volcano
       -0.0420 -77.5235 1440.0
       Network: QUI
       Status: Closed

REVF Revere
       43.7400 7.3675 700.0
       Network: STR
       Status: Open
       Provence-Côte d'Azur, France
       opened 19880408.

REX Rexburg
       43.8125 -111.7833 1532.0
       Network: REX
       Status: Open
       Idaho, U.S.A.
       opened 19720420.

REY Reykjavík
       64.1389 -21.9061 44.0
       Network: REY
       Status: Closed
       closed 197308.

REYF Montagne du Rey
       43.0698 -0.3925 770.0
       Network: OMPT
       Status: Open
       Aquitaine, France
       opened 19961212.

RFA San Rafael
       -34.7707 -68.4658 850.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       Mendoza, Argentina
       closed 19890601; reopened 199201.

RFDD Rafsanjan
       30.5200 56.2600 0.0
       Network: THR
       Status: Reserved
       Kerman, Iran
       planned BB station. Coords are preliminary.

RFI Roccamonfina
       41.3006 13.9847 780.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Open
       Campania, Italy
       opened 198802.

RFM Reservoir Flats
       46.1047 -112.4868 2353.0
       Network: BUT
       Status: Closed
       Montana, U.S.A.

RFO Forsnaval
       58.2133 -7.0052 197.0
       Network: BGS
       Status: Open
       Scotland, United Kingdom
       opened 19950910.

RFSB Richmond Field
       37.9161 -122.3361 -118.7
       Network: BRK
       Status: Open
       Contra Costa County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 19960129. Coords corrected 20000628.

RFVM Río Frio
       19.3332 -98.7617 3105.0
       Network: UNM
       Status: Open
       México, Mexico
       RSVM station.

RFYF Reffroy
       48.6289 5.4741 330.0
       Network: LDG
       Status: Open
       Champagne-Ardenne, France
       opened 20020605.

RG- (Alternate abbreviation for RG-SD.)
       South Dakota, U.S.A.

RG-SD Redig
       45.2164 -103.5347 945.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       South Dakota, U.S.A.

RGC Rangely
       40.1042 -108.9270 1610.0
       Status: Open
       Colorado, U.S.A.
       opened 19750201.

RGD Ragged Mountain
       60.2192 -144.5457 610.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Closed
       Central Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.

RGN Rügen
       54.5477 13.3214 15.0
       Status: Open
       Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
       opened 19951201. GRSN opened 2000.

RGNB Currais
       Status: Reserved
       proposed IU station.

RGNG Rignano Garganico
       41.6742 15.5864 587.0
       Network: FOG
       Status: Open
       Puglia, Italy
       opened 19980923. Sent to NEIS by ROM.

RGR Regor (Regar)
       38.5000 68.2333 0.0
       Network: TAJK
       Status: Open
       opened 1967. OBN code REG.

rgr (Local code. See International code RGRS.)

RGRS Roger Stewart
       32.9075 -80.1942 -52.0
       Network: CSC
       Status: Open
       South Carolina, U.S.A.
       opened 19860601. USGS 19860601-19941001. CSC code RGR. GPS resurvey 1990s. Coords corrected 199910.

RGS Rognes
       63.0210 10.4350 120.0
       Network: BER
       Status: Closed

RGZ Rangipo
       -39.1553 175.8339 0.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Closed
       North Island, New Zealand

RH-NV Rawhide Mountain
       38.2267 -116.3814 1768.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       Nevada, U.S.A.
       19691229-19700501; 19700831-19710817.

RHA Reichold
       33.2417 -87.4660 83.0
       Network: MNLO
       Status: Open
       Alabama, U.S.A.
       opened 19710109. MNLO code RHD.

RHAZ Hazelwood Elementary School
       47.5405 -122.1857 10.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 200008. SM station.

RHD (Alternate abbreviation for ARG.)
       Nótion Aiyaíon, Greece

rhd (Local code. See International code RHA.)

RHJ Red Hills
       18.0707 -76.8540 779.6
       Network: JSN
       Status: Closed
       199311-before 199911.

RHK1 Bakonya
       46.0948 18.0720 297.0
       Network: BUD
       Status: Open
       opened 19991118.

RHK2 Báta
       46.1270 18.7799 147.0
       Network: BUD
       Status: Open
       opened 19991118.

RHK3 Tenkes
       45.8885 18.2521 420.0
       Network: BUD
       Status: Open
       opened 19991118.

RHM Rio Hardy
       32.1422 -115.2861 10.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Closed
       Baja California, Mexico

RHO Rhodes
       36.4372 28.2236 45.0
       Status: Closed
       Nótion Aiyaíon, Greece

RHP Rhoboro Hills
       -44.1008 170.0839 899.0
       Network: WELP
       Status: Closed
       South Island, New Zealand

RHT Red Hill
       35.0781 -84.8825 299.0
       Status: Open
       Tennessee, U.S.A.

RHU Roosevelt Hot Springs
       38.4722 -112.8472 1905.0
       Network: SLC
       Status: Open
       Beaver County, Utah, U.S.A.
       opened 197701.

RI-MS Richton
       31.1978 -88.8508 37.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       Mississippi, U.S.A.
       19690118-19690202; 19700416-19700422.

RIA Ribeira da Aeira
       38.6597 -28.0394 420.0
       Network: RUVS
       Status: Open
       Azores, Portugal
       opened 1982. RUVS code RIA0.

ria0 (Local code. See International code RIA.)

RIB Ribeirinha
       37.7995 -25.4611 526.0
       Network: PDA
       Status: Open
       Azores, Portugal
       opened 1980.

RIB2 Ribeirinha
       38.6716 -27.1743 387.0
       Network: RUVS
       Status: Open
       Azores, Portugal
       opened 19831001.

RIC Richmond
       25.6167 -80.4167 0.0
       Status: Closed
       Florida, U.S.A.

RICH Rich Mountain
       35.9195 -82.8187 968.0
       Network: CERI
       Status: Closed
       North Carolina, U.S.A.
       opened 19830619. USTN opened 19991001.

RIFB Rifaina
       -20.0737 -47.5019 860.0
       Network: VAO
       Status: Open
       São Paulo, Brazil
       opened 199301.

       19.3983 -155.2767 1128.0
       Network: HVO
       Status: Open
       Hawai`i, Hawaii, U.S.A.
       opened 19730524.

RIN Rincón de la Vieja
       10.7735 -85.3583 775.0
       Network: HDC
       Status: Closed
       Costa Rica
       198411-19870520. Replaced by RIN2.

RIN2 Rincón de la Vieja 2
       10.8185 -85.3495 1400.0
       Network: HDC
       Status: Closed
       Costa Rica
       19870520-19880826. Replaced by RIN3.

RIN3 Rincón de la Vieja 3
       10.7908 -85.3787 900.0
       Network: HDC
       Status: Open
       Costa Rica
       opened 19880826.

RIO Rio Grant (Caja del Rio)
       35.7547 -106.1756 2073.0
       Network: LOA
       Status: Closed
       New Mexico, U.S.A.

RIOB Rio Branco
       -10.1501 -67.7470 220.0
       Status: Open
       Acre, Brazil
       opened 199901? GFON opened 20020904.

RIOE Riobamba
       -1.7525 -78.6308 2733.0
       Network: QUI
       Status: Open
       opened 20070101.

RIOE1 Riobamba
       -1.7482 -78.6274 2733.1
       Network: OTT
       Status: Open
       opened 20060120. BB station.

RIOV Río Grande
       8.0690 -61.8140 279.0
       Network: CAR
       Status: Open
       Bolívar, Venezuela
       opened 20021106. BB station.

RIPT Research Institute of Pulse Technique, Russia
       Status: Network/Other

rishir (Local code. See International code JRR.)

RITZ Rihia Road
       -38.9790 175.8583 510.0
       Network: WELT
       Status: Open
       North Island, New Zealand
       opened 20030430.

RIU Riou
       59.8783 -141.2283 15.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Central Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19760803.

RIV Riverview
       -33.8294 151.1583 25.0
       Network: AUST
       Status: Open
       New South Wales, Australia
       opened 1909. WWSS opened 19621221. AUST opened 20010620.

RIVT Riveris
       49.7082 6.7653 269.0
       Network: RLP
       Status: Open
       Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
       opened 20000309.

RIY Rijeka
       45.3440 14.3860 75.0
       Network: ZAG
       Status: Open
       opened 19890504.

RJF Les Rejaudoux
       45.3044 1.5164 410.0
       Network: LDG
       Status: Open
       Limousin, France
       opened 197510.

RK- (Alternate abbreviation for RK-ON.)
       Ontario, Canada

RK-ON Red Lake
       50.8389 -93.6722 366.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       Ontario, Canada
       19630712-19700817; 19710924-19711109; 19730508-19730522; 19750310-before 197809.

RK1 Rockhampton Hardrock
       -23.3886 150.4938 87.0
       Network: MEL
       Status: Open
       Queensland, Australia
       opened 2004.

RK2 Rockhampton Softrock
       -23.3825 150.5248 40.0
       Network: MEL
       Status: Open
       Queensland, Australia
       opened 2004.

RKG Rocky Gully
       -34.5698 117.0104 300.0
       Network: AUST
       Status: Closed
       Western Australia, Australia
       198307-19990922. Replaced by RKGY.

RKGY Rocky Gully
       -34.6094 116.9773 220.0
       Network: AUST
       Status: Open
       Western Australia, Australia
       opened 19991125. Replaces RKG.

RKO Rokko
       34.7639 135.3018 540.0
       Network: KYT
       Status: Open
       Hyogo, Honshu, Japan
       opened 19750414. Moved slightly 19781025.

RKS Reko
       -9.1564 159.8081 0.0
       Network: HNR
       Status: Closed
       Solomon Islands

RKT Rikitea
       -23.1197 -134.9733 50.0
       Network: PPT
       Status: Open
       Gambier Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia
       Elev. corrected slightly 20020320.

RKY Sarköy-Tekirdag
       40.6875 27.1777 687.0
       Network: ISK
       Status: Open
       opened 20050524. different location from SART.

RL- (Alternate abbreviation for RL-WS.)
       Wisconsin, U.S.A.

RL-WS Rib Lake
       45.3081 -90.0986 472.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       Wisconsin, U.S.A.

RLA Relizane
       35.5833 0.5833 180.0
       Network: ALG
       Status: Closed

RLKO Red Lake
       51.0704 -93.7585 362.0
       Network: POLR
       Status: Open
       Ontario, Canada
       opened 20041119.

RLMT Red Lodge
       45.1221 -109.2673 2086.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Open
       Montana, U.S.A.
       opened 20060912. BB station.

rlnb (Local code. See International code WTCT.)

RLO Rose Lookout Tower
       36.1652 -95.0229 341.0
       Network: TUL
       Status: Open
       Oklahoma, U.S.A.
       opened 197705; moved slightly 19860714. Old position 36.1670N, 95.0252W, 363m.

RLP Landeserdbebendienst Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz
       Status: Network/Other
       Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

RLS Riolos of Patras
       38.0578 21.4667 100.0
       Network: ATH
       Status: Open
       Dhytikí Ellás, Greece
       opened 19760715. DGTL opened 1997.

RLSP Rockland Lake
       41.1453 -73.9107 61.0
       Network: BLMY
       Status: Open
       New York, U.S.A.

RLW Rice Lake
       45.6597 -91.5594 0.0
       Status: Reserved
       Wisconsin, U.S.A.
       opened 19770829.

RMA Rockefeller Mountains
       -78.1333 -155.4167 390.0
       Status: Closed
       Greater Antarctica, Antarctica

RMB Rombauer
       36.8860 -90.2780 147.0
       Network: SLM
       Status: Open
       Missouri, U.S.A.
       opened 19740627.

RMBN Ramban
       33.2312 75.2455 0.0
       Network: NDI
       Status: Open
       Jammu and Kashmir, India
       opened before 1997.

RMCR Río Macho
       9.7845 -83.8572 1420.0
       Network: HDC
       Status: Closed
       Costa Rica
       closed 199705?

RMG Rome
       34.3679 -85.2816 244.0
       Network: ATL
       Status: Open
       Georgia, U.S.A.
       opened 197905.

rmg (Local code. See International code RMGF.)

RMGF Ravine Marchand
       16.0443 -61.6657 1150.0
       Network: FDF
       Status: Open
       opened 1999? FDF code RMG.

RMI Round Mountain
       42.0788 -113.3462 1516.0
       Network: SLCI
       Status: Reserved
       Idaho, U.S.A.

RMI2 Roccaromana
       41.2528 14.2636 702.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Closed
       Campania, Italy

RMIT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
       Status: Network/Other

RMJ Rumoi
       43.9500 141.6333 22.0
       Network: JMA
       Status: Open
       Rumoi, Hokkaido, Japan

RMN Mount Ramon
       30.4970 34.6270 1000.0
       Network: GII
       Status: Open

RMNB Reason Mountain (Gastro Peak)
       36.0009 -120.4777 1091.0
       Network: BRK
       Status: Open
       Monterey County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 198701. Surface elev. 1164 m. HRSN station.

RMNI Mount Rammon
       30.5964 34.7620 853.0
       Network: GII
       Status: Open
       Coords corrected slightly 20010705. Coords corrected >15 km 20030313.

RMO Rochester--Mercier
       43.1317 -77.5386 141.0
       Status: Closed
       New York, U.S.A.

RMOA Moar Alm
       47.7617 12.8645 815.0
       Network: FUR
       Status: Open
       Bayern, Germany
       opened 20010824.

RMOD Russian Ministry of Defense
       Status: Network/Other

RMP Rome (Monte Porzio Catone)
       41.8111 12.7022 380.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Closed
       Lazio, Italy

RMQ Roma
       -26.4857 148.7582 375.0
       Network: AUST
       Status: Open
       Queensland, Australia
       opened 19840811. Coords corr. slightly 20080613.

RMR Rimrock
       34.2128 -116.5753 1702.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 197411. MNLO code RMRC.

rmrc (Local code. See International code RMR.)

RMT Round Mountain
       39.9172 -122.6695 1307.0
       Network: CDWR
       Status: Closed
       Tehama County, California, U.S.A.
       197902-19850601. USTN 198012-198505. MNLO code GRM and GRMW.

RMU Rainbow Monument
       37.0760 -110.9700 1536.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Closed
       San Juan County, Utah, U.S.A.
       197602-19780323; 19810917-19850331.

RMW Rattlesnake Mountain
       47.4597 -121.8053 1024.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19710727. USTN opened 19851104.

RMX La Rumorosa
       32.6020 -116.0780 1420.0
       Network: ECX
       Status: Open
       Baja California, Mexico
       opened 19990427.

RN- (Alternate abbreviation for RN-WV.)
       West Virginia, U.S.A.

RN-WV Rainelle
       38.0764 -80.8483 853.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       West Virginia, U.S.A.

RNC Raleigh
       35.6318 -78.9803 0.0
       Status: Open
       North Carolina, U.S.A.
       opened 197709.

RND Reindeer
       63.4062 -148.8528 991.0
       Network: GIA
       Status: Open
       Central Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 1986. USTN opened 199101.

RNI Roncone
       45.9817 10.6447 1450.0
       Network: TRI
       Status: Open
       Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
       opened 19810615.

RNI2 Rionero Sannitico
       41.7025 14.1525 970.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Open
       Molise, Italy
       opened 19990525.

RNO Roman Nose
       43.9122 -123.7406 875.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Oregon, U.S.A.
       opened 199109.

RNYS Ranyah
       21.4267 42.7662 0.0
       Network: SNSN
       Status: Open
       Saudi Arabia
       opened 19980518.

ROA Roan Cliffs
       39.6615 -110.3647 2962.0
       Network: SLC
       Status: Open
       Carbon County, Utah, U.S.A.
       opened 20041015.

ROB Roburent
       44.2947 7.8706 806.0
       Network: GEN
       Status: Open
       Piemonte, Italy
       opened 196701.

ROBI Boca de Chavón
       18.4100 -68.8400 0.0
       Network: SDD
       Status: Reserved
       Dominican Republic
       opened 19860923.

ROBS Robic
       46.2445 13.5094 265.0
       Network: LJU
       Status: Open
       opened 20021120. BB station.

ROC Rochester--Odenbach
       43.1245 -77.5923 155.0
       Status: Open
       New York, U.S.A.
       opened 19590213.

roc (Local code. See International code ROCE.)

ROCE Novi Di Modena
       44.9000 10.9242 17.0
       Network: ENI
       Status: Reserved
       Emilia-Romagna, Italy
       ENI code ROC.

ROCH El Roble
       -32.9719 -71.0111 2000.0
       Network: GUC
       Status: Open
       Valparaíso, Chile
       opened 19811204.

ROD Rodman Mountain
       34.6297 -116.6048 1292.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Closed
       San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A.

ROF Roppe
       47.6806 6.9008 500.0
       Network: STR
       Status: Open
       Franche Comté, France
       opened 1979.

ROG Rognes
       43.6840 5.3127 310.0
       Status: Open
       Provence-Côte d'Azur, France

ROH Rohtak
       28.9000 76.6000 220.0
       Network: NDI
       Status: Closed
       Haryana, India

ROHR Rohrbach
       50.2342 12.3168 629.0
       Network: LEI
       Status: Open
       Sachsen, Germany
       opened 20010807. SXNET station.

ROI Rossano
       39.5718 16.5692 605.0
       Network: ACI
       Status: Open
       Calabria, Italy
       opened 197906. Also sent to NEIS by ROM.

ROIA Royak
       43.0933 27.3778 355.0
       Network: SOF
       Status: Open
       opened 20061001.

ROKM Rocklands Reservoir
       -37.2420 141.9550 200.0
       Network: MEL
       Status: Open
       Victoria, Australia
       opened 1999?

ROKY Rotten Point
       37.9090 -83.9260 433.0
       Network: BHKY
       Status: Open
       Kentucky, U.S.A.
       opened 198911.

ROL Rolla
       37.9178 -91.8689 200.0
       Status: Open
       Missouri, U.S.A.
       opened 1965.

ROM Rome
       41.9033 12.5133 45.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Closed
       Lazio, Italy
       closed 1969.

ROM9 Roma
       41.8284 12.5155 110.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Open
       Lazio, Italy
       opened 20021001.

ROMN Roman Lake
       64.3157 -118.0182 395.0
       Network: POLR
       Status: Open
       Northwest Territories, Canada
       opened 20070812. BB station.

RON Remote
       62.6912 -150.2037 470.0
       Network: GIA
       Status: Closed
       Central Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.

ROO Roorkee
       Status: Reserved
       Uttaranchal, India

       44.1122 8.0662 260.0
       Network: GEN
       Status: Open
       Liguria, Italy
       opened 199807. BB station.

ROS Roseneath
       -41.2833 174.8000 0.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Closed
       North Island, New Zealand
       closed about 1935.

ros (Local code. See International code ROSC.)

ROSA Rosais
       38.7195 -28.2415 310.0
       Network: PDA
       Status: Open
       Azores, Portugal
       opened 198907.

ROSC El Rosal
       4.8563 -74.3301 3017.0
       Network: RSNC
       Status: Open
       opened 1994. RSNC code ROS.

ROSF Rostrenen
       48.3364 -3.2736 260.0
       Network: LDG
       Status: Open
       Bretagne, France
       opened 199604.

       45.6619 -122.6569 61.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19990721. SM station.

ROT Rotorua
       -38.1333 176.2500 284.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Closed
       North Island, New Zealand

ROTD Rotterdam
       42.7508 -74.0872 283.0
       Network: BLMY
       Status: Open
       New York, U.S.A.

ROTU Roteberg
       61.4200 15.8140 100.0
       Network: UPP
       Status: Open
       opened 2000629. Sweden SNSN station.

ROTZ Rotzenmühle
       49.7669 12.2070 430.0
       Network: FUR
       Status: Open
       Bayern, Germany
       opened 199602.

ROU Rougiers
       43.4014 5.8457 500.0
       Status: Closed
       Provence-Côte d'Azur, France

rov (Local code. See International code ROVE.)

ROVE Rovereto Di Novi
       44.8530 10.9497 21.0
       Network: ENI
       Status: Reserved
       Emilia-Romagna, Italy
       ENI code ROV.

ROW Rowesville
       33.3650 -80.7944 35.0
       Network: USGS
       Status: Closed
       South Carolina, U.S.A.

ROWM Rowsley
       -37.8058 144.2915 380.0
       Network: MEL
       Status: Open
       Victoria, Australia
       opened 1999?

ROX Roxburgh
       -45.4758 169.3203 106.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Closed
       South Island, New Zealand
       closed 19850430.

ROYM Rob Roy
       -37.6399 145.2885 180.0
       Network: MEL
       Status: Open
       Victoria, Australia

RPA Roopena
       -32.7250 137.4033 0.0
       Network: ADE
       Status: Open
       South Australia, Australia
       opened 1977.

RPK Roosevelt
       45.7617 -120.2306 549.0
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 197511.

RPM Rheinpreussen Mine (Moers)
       51.4723 6.6343 -412.0
       Network: BUG
       Status: Open
       Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
       opened 198604.

RPN Rapa Nui
       -27.1267 -109.3344 110.0
       Network: GUC
       Status: Open
       Easter Island, Valparaíso, Chile
       TERA opened 19901101. II 19880101-19921207; reopened 19931208.

RPT Raluana Point
       -4.2952 152.2160 1.0
       Network: RAB
       Status: Open
       New Britain, Papua New Guinea
       opened 1972.

RPV Rancho Palos Verdes
       33.7433 -118.4043 64.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Los Angeles County, California, U.S.A.
       closed 19880101; reopened 19930512. TERA opened 19930512.

RPW Rockport
       48.4483 -121.5136 850.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.

RPZ Rata Peaks
       -43.7174 171.0540 468.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Open
       South Island, New Zealand
       opened 200106. Replaces EWZ. Datum WGS84. Also -43.7192, 171.0539, 468 m using NZGD49 datum.

       Network: BRK
       Status: Reserved
       California, U.S.A.

RRD Roosevelt Roads
       18.2360 -65.6180 40.0
       Network: PAL
       Status: Closed
       Puerto Rico
       197503-before 1998.

RRH Rhenigidale
       57.9197 -6.6882 103.0
       Network: BGS
       Status: Open
       Scotland, United Kingdom
       opened 19950910.

RRHS Rochester High School
       46.7996 -123.0404 47.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 20010620. SM station.

RRI Red Ridge
       43.3630 -111.3380 2408.0
       Network: REX
       Status: Closed
       Idaho, U.S.A.

RRI2 Red Ridge
       43.3474 -111.3201 2558.0
       Network: REX
       Status: Open
       Idaho, U.S.A.
       opened 19860702. BB opened 20040919. Coords corrected >1 km 20041001.

RRL Cesana Torinese
       44.9202 6.7845 2131.0
       Network: GEN
       Status: Open
       Piemonte, Italy

RRO Red Rock Canyon
       35.4569 -98.3584 482.0
       Network: TUL
       Status: Closed
       Oklahoma, U.S.A.

RRP Roosevelt Roads
       18.2333 -65.6333 0.0
       Status: Closed
       Puerto Rico
       closed 1950.

RRR Rubha Réidh
       57.8577 -5.8067 61.0
       Network: BGS
       Status: Open
       Scotland, United Kingdom
       opened 19950910.

RRRZ Republican Road
       -38.3408 176.5144 493.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Open
       North Island, New Zealand
       opened 20071210

RS- (Alternate abbreviation for RS-KY.)
       Kentucky, U.S.A.

RS-KY Russell Springs
       37.1986 -84.8683 274.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       Kentucky, U.S.A.

RS1 Redoubt South 1
       60.4602 -152.7580 1864.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19900910.

RS2 Redoubt South 2
       60.4630 -152.7573 1953.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19900910.

RSA Sar-Sar
       34.8770 -5.8280 609.0
       Network: CNRM
       Status: Open
       Coords corrected 199907 from 1992 bulletin.

RSB Ravensbos
       50.8883 5.8325 135.0
       Network: DBN
       Status: Closed
       The Netherlands

RSC Scourie
       58.3485 -5.1684 60.0
       Network: BGS
       Status: Open
       Scotland, United Kingdom
       opened 19950910.

RSCM Risco
       36.5679 -89.7731 82.0
       Network: CERI
       Status: Open
       Missouri, U.S.A.
       opened before 199905.

RSCP Cumberland Plateau
       35.6000 -85.5689 581.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Closed
       Tennessee, U.S.A.
       1981?-before 199205. SAND 1981?-198601. NEIC 198601-before 199205. USTN 198207-before 199205.

RSD Rainshed
       19.4630 -155.2780 1270.0
       Network: HVO
       Status: Open
       Hawai`i, Hawaii, U.S.A.

rsdv (Local code. See International code SDV.)

RSDY Resadiye
       40.3972 37.3273 550.0
       Network: ISK
       Status: Open
       opened 20070613.

RSE Rose Pump
       32.9255 -115.4992 -41.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Closed
       Imperial County, California, U.S.A.

       30.9600 33.7220 217.0
       Network: HLW
       Status: Reserved
       opened 19990112.

RSHJ (Alternate abbreviation for JRSJ.)

       28.2997 34.7968 280.0
       Status: Open
       Saudi Arabia

RSJ Rancho San Jose
       30.9733 -115.7450 650.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Unreported
       Baja California, Mexico

RSL Roselend
       45.6883 6.6256 1583.0
       Network: GRN
       Status: Open
       Rhône-Alpes, France
       19630809-19721222; reopened 19901211. RENA opened 19901211.

RSM Repubblica di San Marino
       43.9303 12.4497 645.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Open
       Marche, Italy
       opened 198803. Coords corrected 199909 and again slightly 20031007.

RSN (magnitude source code for RSNC)
       Status: Network/Other

RSNC Red Sismica Nacional de Colombia, Bogota
       Status: Network/Other

RSNT Yellowknife
       62.4797 -114.5917 50.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Closed
       Northwest Territories, Canada
       1982-1987. SAND 1982-198601. NEIC 198601-1987. USTN 198211-1987.

RSNY Adirondack
       44.5483 -74.5300 396.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Closed
       New York, U.S.A.
       1982?-19950907. SAND 1982?-198601. NEIC 198601- 19950907. USNN 19910510-19950907.

RSO Redoubt South
       60.4622 -152.7538 1921.0
       Network: AGS
       Status: Open
       Western Alaska, Alaska, U.S.A.
       opened 19900301.

RSON Red Lake
       50.8589 -93.7022 335.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Closed
       Ontario, Canada
       198201-19901001. SAND 198201-198601. NEIC 198601-19901001. USTN 198201-19901001.

RSP Reno Superiore
       45.1517 7.2572 1250.0
       Network: GEN
       Status: Open
       Piemonte, Italy

RSPO Restoule Provincial Park
       46.0734 -79.7602 264.0
       Network: POLR
       Status: Open
       Ontario, Canada
       opened 20040805. BB station.

RSPR Red Sismica de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
       Status: Network/Other

RSRB Richmond-San Rafael Bridge
       37.9357 -122.4465 -157.0
       Network: BRK
       Status: Open
       Marin County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 19970607. Coords corrected 20000628.

RSSD Black Hills
       44.1204 -104.0362 2060.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Open
       South Dakota, U.S.A.
       opened 19810810. SAND 19810810-198601. NEIC opened 198601. USTN 19811231-199105. USNN opened 19910510

RST Umm ar Ruwaysat
       29.5003 46.9972 218.0
       Network: KISR
       Status: Open

RSTA Tijuco Alto
       -24.6508 -49.0327 248.0
       Network: VAO
       Status: Open
       Paraná, Brazil
       opened 1992.

RSTOP (keyword for telegraphic format)
       Status: Network/Other

RSU Mount Rainier--Summit
       46.8533 -121.7631 4440.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Reserved
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19990820.

RSUT Red Spur Mountain
       41.6385 -111.4150 2682.0
       Network: SLC
       Status: Open
       Rich County, Utah, U.S.A.
       opened 197910.

RSV Radio Antilles
       13.3070 -61.2360 8.0
       Network: TRN
       Status: Open
       Saint Vincent, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
       opened 19791120.

RSVM Red Sismica del Valle de Mexico, UNAM
       Status: Network/Other
       Distrito Federal, Mexico

RSW Rattlesnake Hills
       46.3945 -119.5913 1045.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 197007. Coords corrected slightly 20011031.

RSY Rusayo
       -1.5780 29.1810 1694.0
       Network: GOM
       Status: Open
       Congo (Kinshasa)
       opened 2002?

RT- (Alternate abbreviation for RT-NM.)
       New Mexico, U.S.A.

RT-NM Raton
       36.7294 -104.3603 1951.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       New Mexico, U.S.A.
       19611204-19620215; 19630814-19650322.

RTA Riberalta
       -11.0067 -66.0783 175.0
       Status: Closed

RTAS Cacique Ariacaiquin
       Network: SJA
       Status: Reserved
       Santa Fe, Argentina

RTB Rutbah
       33.0295 40.3077 624.0
       Network: BHD
       Status: Open

RTBS Barreal
       -31.6614 -69.4531 0.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       San Juan, Argentina

RTC Rabat Centre
       33.9881 -6.8569 50.0
       Network: CNRM
       Status: Open
       MEDN opened 20020721. Coords corrected 199907 from 1992 bulletin; corr. slightly 20041030 from MEDN.

RTCB Cerro Blanco
       -31.4878 -68.8104 1059.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       San Juan, Argentina

RTCS Cayastacito
       Network: SJA
       Status: Reserved
       Santa Fe, Argentina

RTCV Cerro Valdivia
       -31.8617 -68.5412 734.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       San Juan, Argentina

RTK Rohtak
       29.0333 76.4143 0.0
       Network: NDI
       Status: Open
       Haryana, India
       opened 200011?

RTLL Cerro Villicun (La Laja)
       -31.3286 -68.4758 720.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       San Juan, Argentina

RTLS Leoncito
       -31.7989 -69.2969 2250.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       San Juan, Argentina

RTMI Retamim
       31.0545 34.6912 261.0
       Network: GII
       Status: Open
       opened 20060904. Different site from RTMM.

RTMM Retamim
       31.0510 34.6863 255.0
       Network: GII
       Status: Open
       Coords corrected slightly 20030313. Elevation corrected 20030313.

RTMQ Marquesado
       -31.5057 -68.6667 798.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       San Juan, Argentina

RTN Rota
       12.5333 -86.7832 240.0
       Network: INET
       Status: Closed
       1975-before 199911.

RTO Tolsta
       58.3778 -6.2092 74.0
       Network: BGS
       Status: Open
       Scotland, United Kingdom
       opened 19950910.

rtov (Local code. See International code TOV.)

       Network: SJA
       Status: Reserved
       Entre Ríos, Argentina

RTPR Patquia
       -30.3022 -66.5114 0.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       La Rioja, Argentina

RTQ Roma
       -26.5678 148.8514 350.0
       Network: AUST
       Status: Closed
       Queensland, Australia

RTR El Retiro
       13.8972 -89.6457 1499.0
       Network: SNET
       Status: Open
       El Salvador
       opened 200102.

RTRS Rodeo
       -30.1701 -69.4603 0.0
       Network: SJA
       Status: Open
       San Juan, Argentina

RTUE Villa Urquiza
       Network: SJA
       Status: Reserved
       Entre Ríos, Argentina

RTUL Rataul
       28.8322 77.3418 0.0
       Network: NDI
       Status: Open
       Uttar Pradesh, India
       opened 200011?

RTV Rentapao
       -17.7925 168.4247 0.0
       Network: INY
       Status: Open

RTVF Valle Fertil
       Network: SJA
       Status: Reserved
       San Juan, Argentina

RTY Roto-iti
       -41.8075 172.8431 635.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Closed
       South Island, New Zealand

RUB Prince Rupert
       54.3259 -130.2867 53.0
       Network: OTTR
       Status: Closed
       British Columbia, Canada
       198509-20010716. CNSN 19970523-20010716. Coords corrected slightly at NEIC 20060327.

RUBB Prince Rupert
       54.3262 -130.2523 12.0
       Network: OTT
       Status: Open
       British Columbia, Canada
       opened 20010719. BB station.

RUDS Rudovci
       44.3878 20.4003 0.0
       Network: BEO
       Status: Closed

RUE Rüdersdorf
       52.4800 13.7800 0.0
       Status: Open
       Brandenburg, Germany
       opened 199511. GFON opened 20000119. GRSN opened 200001. Coords are preliminary.

RUM Rumangabo
       -1.3400 29.3600 1590.0
       Status: Closed
       Congo (Kinshasa)
       1955-1961; 196705-1969?

RUMJ Er Rumman
       32.1819 35.8275 445.0
       Network: JSO
       Status: Open
       opened 198309.

RUN Ruthven
       32.9722 -114.9772 151.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Imperial County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 197303. MNLO code RUNC.

RUN2 Runtun
       -1.4218 -78.4132 2430.0
       Network: QUI
       Status: Open
       opened 19941202.

RUN3 Runtún 3
       -1.4467 -78.4270 3290.0
       Network: QUI
       Status: Open
       Elev. corrected 900 m 20011029.

runc (Local code. See International code RUN.)

RUND Rundemannen
       60.4135 5.3672 525.0
       Network: BER
       Status: Open
       opened 199709?

       Status: Reserved

RUP Ruppelstein
       49.7017 7.0603 750.0
       Network: FBB
       Status: Open
       Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
       KRW closed 1993. LEDBW opened 1993. RENA opened 19950202.

RUS Russkaya
       52.4331 158.5131 75.0
       Network: KRSC
       Status: Open
       Kamchatskaya Oblast', Russia
       opened 198712. Coords corrected slightly and elev. added 20011127.

rus (Local code. See International code RUSC.)

RUSC La Rusia
       5.9271 -73.0755 3356.0
       Network: RSNC
       Status: Open
       opened 1994. RSNC code RUS.

RUSF Rustrel
       43.9410 5.4840 550.1
       Network: AZUR
       Status: Open
       Provence-Côte d'Azur, France

RUSM Rushworth
       -36.6642 144.9473 127.0
       Network: MEL
       Status: Open
       Victoria, Australia
       opened 1999?

RUT Ruth
       39.2333 -114.9833 2270.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Closed
       Nevada, U.S.A.

RUV Rauvai
       -15.1889 -147.3839 3.0
       Network: PPT
       Status: Open
       Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia
       opened 19710623.

RUVS Rede Universitaria de Vigilancia Sismovulcanica
       Status: Network/Other
       Azores, Portugal

RUWJ Ruweishid
       32.4750 38.4020 751.0
       Network: JSO
       Status: Open
       opened 19891002. BB opened 1998.

RUZ Raurimu
       -39.1269 175.3378 450.0
       Network: WEL
       Status: Closed
       North Island, New Zealand

RVC Mount Rainier--Voight Creek
       46.9429 -121.9715 1000.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 198301.

rvc (Local code. See International code RVCM.)

RVCM Rose Valley Central
       36.0080 -117.8900 1067.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Inyo County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 19750926. PAS code RVC. MNLO code WRVC.

RVE Reveille Range
       38.0197 -116.1919 2290.0
       Network: USGS
       Status: Closed
       Nevada, U.S.A.

RVI2 Rocchetta Volturno
       41.6219 14.0214 990.0
       Network: ROM
       Status: Open
       Molise, Italy
       opened 19990523.

RVM Rio Vista Mine
       34.1803 -114.2003 243.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Closed
       San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A.

RVR Riverside
       33.9933 -117.3750 260.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Riverside County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 19261019. MNLO code RVRC.

rvrc (Local code. See International code RVR.)

RVS Riverside Mountains
       34.0347 -114.5180 677.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Riverside County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 197404. MNLO code RVSC.

rvsc (Local code. See International code RVS.)

RVUT Riverside
       41.8383 -112.2592 1951.0
       Network: SLC
       Status: Closed
       Box Elder County, Utah, U.S.A.

RVVM Revivim
       31.0400 34.7200 200.0
       Network: GII
       Status: Reserved

RVW Rose Valley
       46.1495 -122.7437 460.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 198102.

RW1 Ridgway
       38.2587 -107.7890 2443.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Colorado, U.S.A.
       opened 1983. USTN before 198511-before 199208.

RW2 Ridgway
       38.3080 -107.7273 2405.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Colorado, U.S.A.
       opened 1983. USTN before 198511-before 199208.

RW3 Ridgway
       38.2502 -107.6870 2603.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Colorado, U.S.A.
       opened 1983. USTN before 198401-before 199208; reopened 19970226.

RW4 Ridgway
       38.1568 -107.6157 2739.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Colorado, U.S.A.
       opened 1983. USTN before 198511-before 199208; reopened 19970226.

RW5 Ridgway
       38.0800 -107.8325 2991.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Colorado, U.S.A.
       opened 1983. USTN before 198401-before 199208; reopened 19970226.

RW6 Ridgway
       38.2023 -107.9338 3063.0
       Network: USBR
       Status: Open
       Colorado, U.S.A.
       opened 1983. USTN before 198401-before 199208.

       Status: Reserved
       Alaska, U.S.A.

RWW Ranney Well
       46.9639 -123.5433 15.0
       Network: SEA
       Status: Open
       Washington, U.S.A.
       opened 19950511. BB and SM station.

RWWY Rawlins
       41.6889 -107.2102 2402.0
       Network: NEIC
       Status: Open
       Wyoming, U.S.A.
       opened 200409. BB station.

RXF Rexford
       48.8648 -115.1242 1231.0
       Status: Closed
       Montana, U.S.A.

RY- (Alternate abbreviation for RY-ND.)
       North Dakota, U.S.A.

RY-ND Ryder
       48.0972 -101.4944 640.0
       Network: LRSM
       Status: Closed
       North Dakota, U.S.A.
       19630722-19650322; 19660523-19660603.

       Status: Reserved

RYB Balykchy (Rybach'ye)
       42.4500 76.0833 0.0
       Network: KYRG
       Status: Closed
       closed before 1990.

RYD Riyadh
       24.7200 46.6100 649.0
       Network: RYD
       Status: Open
       Saudi Arabia
       opened 1986.

RYN Ryan
       38.6282 -118.5230 1585.0
       Network: REN
       Status: Open
       Nevada, U.S.A.
       opened 197408.

ryokam (Local code. See International code JRY.)

RYS Reyes Peak
       34.6433 -119.3513 1841.0
       Network: PAS
       Status: Open
       Ventura County, California, U.S.A.
       opened 197606. MNLO code RYSC.

rysc (Local code. See International code RYS.)

RZN Rozhen
       41.6880 24.7160 1730.0
       Network: SOF
       Status: Open
       opened 1988.

Inquiries should be directed to: Julie Martinez


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