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Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network
CIREN The Nation's Largest Learning Laboratory
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The Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) is a multi-center research program involving a collaboration of clinicians and engineers in academia, industry, and government. Together, they are pursuing in-depth studies of crashes, injuries, and treatments to improve processes and outcomes. CIREN's mission is to improve the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of motor vehicle crash injuries to reduce deaths, disabilities, and human and economic costs.
What CIREN is all about:

CIREN is a multi-disciplinary collaboration of research on crashes and injuries at eight Level 1 Trauma Centers linked by a computer network. Six of these Centers are funded by NHTSA, one by Honda R&D Co. Ltd. and another by Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Level 1 Trauma Centers are traditionally "teaching" institutions associated with a university.

feature arrow icon CIREN Technical Publications
feature arrow icon CIREN: Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network
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2008 CIREN Presentations
Studies and findings of CIREN teams, presented in conference. Disclaimer: these files are offered for download purposes only. Files presented are PDF format unless otherwise noted.
feature arrow icon Higher Body Mass Index Decreases Risk of Pelvic Fracture in Nearside Impacts
feature arrow icon Comparison of University of Michigan CIREN Cases to Existing Types of Crash Tests
feature arrow icon An Evaluation of Spinal Cord Injury Associated with Motor Vehicle Crashes Inlcuding Rollovers - Seattle CIREN team
feature arrow icon Injury Risk to Children in Rear Impact Crashes: Role of the Front Seat Occupant
feature arrow icon Age Related Thresholds and Thoracic Injury
feature arrow icon Trends in Lower Extremity Injury Patterns in Motor Vehicle Crashes
feature arrow icon Injury Mechanisms in Frontal Plane Corner Impacts
2007 CIREN Presentations
Studies and findings of CIREN teams, presented in conference. Disclaimer: these files are offered for download purposes only. Files presented are PDF format unless otherwise noted.
feature arrow icon Elderly Dicoms - University of Michigan CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Diffuse Axonal Brain Injury Medical College of Wisconsin CIREN Team
feature arrow icon What Constitutes an Elderly Motor Vehicle Crash Victim - The Age at Which Specific Injuries Increase the Risk of Mortality - Wake Forest CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Injury Mechanisms in Belt Restrained Children in Side Impact Crashes - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Comparison of Mortality, Injury Severity and Injury Patterns Between Near Versus Far Occupants of Lateral Crashes - University of Maryland CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Brain Injuries: Does Severity, Sources, and Type of Injury Vary for Distributed, Off-set and Corner Frontal Impacts? - San Diego CIREN Team
feature arrow icon How to Best Use CIREN Data - University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute CIREN Team
feature arrow icon The Effects of Seatback Reclined Positions of Occupants in Motor Vehicle Collisions - Seattle CIREN Team
2006 CIREN Presentations
2006 Studies and findings of CIREN teams, presented in conference.
feature arrow icon Alterations in Body Composition and Injury Patterns with Aging - University of Michigan CIREN team
feature arrow icon Childhood Crash Injury Patterns Associated with Restraint Misuse - University of Washington CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Occupant Injury Patterns in Side Pole Crashes – Wisconsin CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Narrow Versus Wide Frontal Impacts: Do Occupant Injury Patterns Differ? - San Diego CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Cases & Characteristics - Pulmonary Contusions in Motor Vehicle Collisions - University of MD CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Compatibility in Side Impact - University of Washington CIREN team
feature arrow icon Pulmonary Contusions – University of Maryland/ National Study Center CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Non-Ankle Lower Extremity Fractures in Frontal Car Crashes: An In-depth Analysis - Fairfax CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Pediatric Head Injury - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Comparing CIREN and NASS Cases: A Multivariate Similarity Approach - Wake Forest CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Field Triage – University of Michigan/UMTRI CIREN team
feature arrow icon Struck Pedestrians - Inova Fairfax CIREN team
feature arrow icon Delta V and Outcome - University of Maryland CIREN team
feature arrow icon Rollover Crashes- San Diego County CIREN team
2005 Presentations
feature arrow icon CIREN Report of Consequences and Costs of Lower-Extremity Injuries
2004 CIREN Presentations
feature arrow icon The Relationship Between Crash, Vehicle, Restraint, and Occupant Factors to the Occurrence - University of Miami
feature arrow icon Crash Investigation and Numerical Simulation of a Case of Motor Vehicle Crash Related Thoracic Aortic Injury - New Jersey Medical School / Wayne State University
feature arrow icon Biomechanics and the Medical Diagnosis of Hollow Viscus Injury in Adults and Children: An Illustration of the CIREN Model - Fairfax Hospital / University of Virginia
feature arrow icon Rollover Dynamics and Injury Causation - San Diego CIREN team
feature arrow icon Injuries Due to Vehicle Mismatch: Implications for Prevention and Medical Care – Seattle CIREN team
feature arrow icon Evaluation of Extrication After a Motor Vehicle Crash - Wisconsin CIREN team
feature arrow icon Crash Assessment for Field Triage: Rules and Exceptions - Michigan CIREN team
feature arrow icon Pelvic and Thoracic Injuries in Near-Side Impact Crashes: Analysis of Contributory Factors" - University of Washington / San Diego County Health Department / Harborview Medical Center
feature arrow icon Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries - New Jersey CIREN team
feature arrow icon The Benefits of Booster Seats - Children’s CIREN team
feature arrow icon Pattern of Thoracic Injuries in Frontal and Near Side Impacts in the CIREN Database" - University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
feature arrow icon Non-ankle Lower Leg Injuries - Fairfax CIREN Team
feature arrow icon Head Injuries – Maryland CIREN team
feature arrow icon First and Second Generation Airbags - Miami CIREN team
2003 Presentations
feature arrow icon The Role of Vehicle Size in Side Impact Head Injuries
feature arrow icon Side Air Bags: Protection in Near Side Impacts
feature arrow icon Crash Injury Mechanisms in Vehicle Mismatch Collisions
feature arrow icon Injury Severity in Side Impact Mismatch
feature arrow icon Lateral MVC's involving Sedan vs. Sedan or Sedan vs. SUVT
feature arrow icon Facts, Figures and Fractures: Cost of Lower Extremity Fractures
feature arrow icon Mismatch Collisions: A Blossoming Problem - Baltimore CIREN Team
feature arrow icon The Relationship Between Crash Severity and Incompatibility in Frontal Crashes
feature arrow icon Crash Injury Data for Automotive Engineers: Lessons from Real Life
feature arrow icon Deceleration Velocity and Energy Dissipation on Impact in Motor Vehicle Creashes
feature arrow icon The Benefits of Booster Seats: Sled Tests and CIREN Case Examples
feature arrow icon Pediatric Injuries in Mismatched Crashes
feature arrow icon Vehicle Countermeasures Against Incompatible Crashes
feature arrow icon Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation in Side Impact
CIREN Technical Publications
Related Links
 external link icon University of Michigan Health System Program for Injury Research & Education - UMPIRE
 external link icon Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
 external link icon Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center
 external link icon Toyota Wake Forest CIREN Center
 external link icon Wisconsin CIREN Center
 external link icon San Diego County Trauma System
 external link icon CIREN Electronic Cases
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