Bibliographic Citation

Metathesis depolymerizable surfactants
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US patent application 11/475,267
Jamison, Gregory M. (Albuquerque, NM); Wheeler, David R. (Albuquerque, NM); Loy, Douglas A. (Tucson, AZ); Simmons, Blake A. (San Francisco, CA); Long, Timothy M. (Evanston, IL); McElhanon, James R. (Manteca, CA); Rahimian, Kamyar (Albuquerque, NM); Staiger, Chad L. (Albuquerque, NM)
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-CA), Livermore, CA
United States Department of Energy
Sandia Corporation (Livermore, CA)
A class of surfactant molecules whose structure includes regularly spaced unsaturation in the tail group and thus, can be readily decomposed by ring-closing metathesis, and particularly by the action of a transition metal catalyst, to form small molecule products. These small molecules are designed to have increased volatility and/or enhanced solubility as compared to the original surfactant molecule and are thus easily removed by solvent extraction or vacuum extraction at low temperature. By producing easily removable decomposition products, the surfactant molecules become particularly desirable as template structures for preparing meso- and microstructural materials with tailored properties.
