The NCNR Spin-Polarized Triple-Axis Spectrometer (SPINS)

Publishing Results from SPINS

Presentation materials

The following slides in Powerpoint is prepared for those users who want to include information about SPINS in their presentation; You may also use any of the images contained in the SPINS web pages for such purposes.

Instrument description

The following instrument description is an example you can use as a guide for your publication.

All neutron scattering measurements were carried out at the NIST Center for Neutron Research with the cold neutron Spin-Polarized Triple-Axis Spectormeter (SPINS), with a large flat analyzer (or horizontally focusing analyzer) and a 3He point detector (or a position sensitive dector (PSD)) to enhance the data collection rate. Full width at half maximum energy resolution was 0.1 meV (or put appropriate energy resolution range here) and angular resolution was 50'

Acknowledgment information

The following acknowledgment, or reasonable facsimile, must appear in any publication of work done on the NSF supported SPINS:

This work is based upon activities supported by the National Science Foundation under Agreement No. DMR-0454672.

It is expected that publications arising from guest researcher experiments, i.e., those publications that do not have an author at the NIST Center for Neutron Research, will also include the following acknowledgment:

We acknowledge the support of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U. S. Department of Commerce, in providing the neutron research facilities used in this work.

Instrument scientists
Sung Chang

(301) 975 8369

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Go to the NCNR Sample Environments page.
Go to the NCNR Cold Neutron Instruments page.
Go to the NCNR Thermal Neutron Instruments page.

The SPINS pages are maintained by Sung Chang.

Last modified 2007.12.12