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Police Executive Fellowship Program

The Police Executive Fellowship Program (PEFP) is a six-month program which offers an opportunity for state, local, tribal, and campus law enforcement executives to provide their expertise in areas that will mutually improve information and intelligence sharing within the law enforcement community.

The PEFP involves the selection of management-level law enforcement officials to work at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C., to contribute expertise and to provide a local perspective to national and international law enforcement issues.

Some of the FBI components that participate in the program include the Directorate of Intelligence, the Office of International Operations, and the Criminal, Cyber, and Counterterrorism Divisions. Each fellow’s skills and experience will be considered for placement in programs, including but not limited to:

Counterterrorism Division (CTD)
The CTD prevents, disrupts, and defeats terrorist operations before they occur; pursues the arrest and prosecution of those who have conducted, aided, and abetted those engaged in terrorist attacks; and provides crisis management following acts of terrorism against U.S. interests.

  • The National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NJTTF) operates a multi-agency task force at FBI Headquarters consisting of personnel from the intelligence, law enforcement, defense, diplomatic, public safety, and homeland security communities. The NJTTF serves as a point of fusion for multi-agency collaboration and effective sharing of terrorism intelligence between the participating agencies nationwide.

  • The Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) operates a 24/7 call center to assist law enforcement and intelligence agencies and other government authorities. Operations specialists at the call center work with callers to determine whether the person encountered is a positive or negative identity match to a known or appropriately suspected terrorist watch listed by the TSC.

Directorate of Intelligence (DI) The Directorate of Intelligence has clear authority and responsibility for all FBI intelligence functions, including information sharing policy. The DI carries out its functions through embedded intelligence elements at FBI Headquarters and in each field division.

  • The Field Oversight Unit (FOU) is responsible for the development, oversight, and administrative support of the Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs) in all 56 Field Offices. The FOU serves as a coordinating mechanism between the field and the Directorate of Intelligence to ensure each FIG operates in accordance with the approved Concepts of Operations governing the FBI’s Intelligence Program. It establishes and maintains performance standards for field office intelligence operations and works with the Inspection Division regarding inspection standards of review.

Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS)

  • Law Enforcement Online (LEO) is a 24/7 online, real-time, controlled-access data repository. It provides a focal point for electronic communication, education, and information sharing for the law enforcement, criminal justice, and public safety communities nationwide.

Office of International Operations (OIO)
OIO facilitates international law enforcement cooperation with the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) on behalf of the U.S. Attorney General. INTERPOL facilitates cross-border police cooperation and supports and assists all organizations, authorities, and services whose mission is to prevent or combat crime. The core functions of INTERPOL are to provide secure global police communication services, operational data services and databases for law enforcement, and operational police support services.

Criminal Investigative Division (CID)
CID coordinates, manages, and directs investigative programs focused on financial crime, violent crime, public corruption, violation of individual civil rights, drug-related crime, and informant matters associated with these investigative areas.

  • The National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) provides intelligence coverage regarding gang and gang-related activities. The NGIC works to support law enforcement agencies through timely and accurate information sharing and strategic/tactical analysis of federal, state, and local law enforcement information focusing on the growth, migration, criminal activity, and association of gangs that pose a significant threat to communities throughout the United States.

  • The MS-13 National Gang Task Force (NGTF) is a central, intelligence-driven command structure established to coordinate and support local MS-13 investigations into regional and national level investigations and prosecutions, aiming to combat MS-13 members, cliques, and infrastructure.

PEFP Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate must be a full-time, sworn officer of a duly constituted law enforcement agency of a state, county, municipality, tribal, or campus community (excluding elected officials) having at least five years of substantially continuous experience;
  • Candidate must be nominated by the head of his/her agency;
  • Candidate holds the equivalent rank of lieutenant or above;
  • Candidate is of excellent character and enjoys a reputation of professional integrity;
  • Candidate agrees to undergo a full background investigation and a counterintelligence polygraph examination;
  • Candidate agrees to remain in law enforcement for a minimum of three years upon completion of the Police Executive Fellowship Program; and
  • Candidate's agency must agree to continue candidate's salary for the duration of the six-month temporary duty assignment.

PEFP Nomination Criteria
Candidate must submit a completed Police Executive Fellowship application and a nomination form to the nearest FBI Field Office.

Executive Fellows Receive
Lodging, subsistence, and travel costs will be borne by the FBI. The FBI will also afford each fellow three return trips home to conduct personal business; a Top Secret security clearance; and United States Marshals Service Special Deputation.

For Additional Information
Office of Law Enforcement Coordination
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Department of Justice
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535

Telephone: 202-324-7126
Fax: 202-324-0920
E-Mail: OLEC@leo.gov

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