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Records Retention for Occupational Health Studies

HSS works to ensure that records useful for occupational health studies of the contractor workforce are preserved by the Department of Energy (DOE). Such records include those pertaining to exposures to radioactive and toxic substances, industrial hygiene, industrial processes, and exposure monitoring programs.

A moratorium on the destruction of DOE and DOE contractor records useful for occupational health studies has been in effect since 1990. This moratorium is now also used to preserve records useful for worker compensation and for former worker medical screening programs.

The moratorium is implemented through DOE records schedules. DOE's Office of the Chief Information Officer provides information about the records schedules and items that fall under the moratorium. This moratorium is applied to records with retention periods of 75 years or less, ensuring that such records are preserved long enough to be useful for future occupational health studies, compensation, and former worker medical screening. HSS requested the moratorium, worked with records management to implement it, and continues to play a role in reviewing proposed records schedules and in releasing non-useful records from the moratorium.

Goals and Objectives:

Epidemiological Records Reviews

  • Conduct site visits and respond to questions about the applicability of the moratorium on certain types of records identified by sites. This refines the scope of the moratorium, thereby reducing costs and ensuring that resources are used to preserve useful records. In some instances, the moratorium is lifted from records that are not useful for occupational health studies, worker compensation, and former worker medical screening.

  • Review costs associated with storage of records preserved under the moratorium in Federal Records Centers to ensure the accuracy of charges to HSS.

  • Coordinate records-related work with DOE's implementation of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000.

Records for Closure Sites

  • Of special concern to HSS are sites undergoing closure where health-related records must be moved to other federally controlled locations with appropriate long-term management. HSS continues to work with the DOE Office of Legacy Management (LM), whose mission includes the proper preservation and storage of closure site records after sites have been closed. LM has ensured that the appropriate records continue to be available for occupational health studies, worker compensation and former worker medical screening.

Related Documents & Links

For further information on Records Retention for Health Studies or Epi Moratorium, please contact Marsha Lawn

This page was last updated on March 19, 2008

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