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Title Transfer

The original mission of Reclamation was one of civil works construction to develop the water resources of the arid Western United States to promote the settlement and economic development of the region. The resulting infrastructure has made Reclamation the largest wholesale supplier of water in the United States, the sixth largest electric power generator, and the manager of 45 percent of the surface water in the Western United States. Many of the projects were constructed at a time when there were no local communities and utilities. Today much of the West is settled and many of Reclamation's facilities, if located in other parts of the country, would likely be owned, operated, and funded by publicly regulated private corporations or local government agencies. It has long been Reclamation's policy to transfer operation and maintenance of projects to local entities where and when appropriate. In addition, Reclamation is undertaking a program to identify and transfer title of facilities that are not of national importance and can be efficiently and effectively managed by non-Federal entities.

Humboldt Project Title Transfer

For many years the Pershing County Water Conservation District has sought to transfer title to the Humboldt Project using Reclamation's title transfer process. On November 6, 2002, the President signed into law Title VIII of Public Law 107-282 referred to as the Humboldt Project Conveyance Act. Under this Act, the Humboldt Project will be transferred, as soon as practicable, to the Pershing County Water Conservation District, State of Nevada, Pershing County and Lander County.

An Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared and cultural resources surveys are being completed for compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act. The transfer is expected to take several years to finalize.

Contact Person

Terri Edwards
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
705 North Plaza Street, Room 320
Carson City NV 89701
775/884-8353 (office)
775/882-7592 (fax)


Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region  Public Affairs Office  2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA  95825-1898
Main (916) 978-5100   |   FAX (916) 978-5114   |   TDD (916) 978-5608
Reclamation Officials' Telephone Numbers

Last update: September 25, 2008

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