NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

NERSC Message of the Day (MOTD)

---------------------- Contact and Status Information ----------------------

NERSC Contacts      
NERSC Status        
NERSC: 800-66-NERSC (USA)     510-486-8600 (outside continental USA)

-------------------- Recent Outages and Scheduled Downs --------------------

Franklin:    09/17/2008 07:30-14:30PT, Scheduled maintenance.
                        To start the quad core upgrade phase 3b. 
Davinci:     09/22/2008 07:00-17:00PT, Scheduled maintenance.

HPSS User:   09/16/2008 10:00-13:00PT, Scheduled maintenance. 

HPSS Backup: 09/16/2008 10:00-12:00PT, Scheduled maintenance. Canceled. 

PDSF:        09/15/2008 19:45-21:00PT, Eliza9 was unavailable due to a
                        problem with the network on the fileserver nodes.
                        Eliza9 is currently mounted on all interactive
                        nodes and will be mounted on the compute nodes
                        following the scheduled maintenance on 9/16.

             09/16/2008 09:00-18:00PT, Scheduled maintenance. Postponed. 
                        System will be unavailable due to GPFS Upgrade.
                        Note: Maintenance has been postponed to a later date.


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