USDA Forest Service

Inyo National Forest


Inyo National Forest
351 Pacu Lane
Suite 200
Bishop, CA 93514

TTY: 760-873-2538

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Projects & Plans - Travel Management Route Designation Process



Nationwide, the Forest Service is working through a process which will ultimately designate a transportation system on every national forest in the country.  The goal of the process is to provide a stable, sustainable system of roads, trails and areas for people using motorized wheeled vehicles on national forest lands and curtail cross-country use, which leads to route proliferation and resource damage. Today Forest visitors use networks of routes for a variety of recreational and other purposes, including access to remote trailheads or fishing spots, firewood gathering, sight-seeing and picnicking, or for the experience of exploring remote areas with off-highway vehicles such as motorcycles and quads or SUVs.

The Route Designation process consists of five major steps which are described in the timeline.

Nationally this process is scheduled to be complete by 2010.  Through a Memorandum of Intent with the State of California, all national forests in California are committed to completing the process and producing a Motor Vehicle Use Map by the end of 2008. 

The Inyo National Forest has spent much of 2006 and 2007 working with interested members of the public on "Step 3".  The public has helped in fine-tuning national criteria for how to analyze routes, providing detailed comments on individual routes and specific local issues, and assisting the Forest in truthing route maps and data.  Additionally, the forest has been gathering additional field data and has begun analyzing routes for other transportation management issues.

STEP 1 and 3 - INVENTORY MAPS AND ROUTE-SPECIFIC INPUT - Concerns and Opportunities for each route.

View maps with all inventoried routes on all eleven analysis areas on the forest. Your comments about "Risks and Concerns" as well as "Benefits and Access needs" for each route will provide us with more information for our proposed system of routes.

Updated Inventory Maps (October 2007)

New Inventory Maps >>>

Note: These maps show all routes that have been inventoried on the Forest. These distinguish between routes which are currently part of the baseline system, as well as routes that are currently non-system. Routes that were not on the October 1, 2007 proposed Action maps for addition to the system, have a different line type and are labeled with a route number. Please reference the map legend for details.

STEP 2 - Forest Order 04-07-01

On March 2, 2007, Forest Supervisor Jeff Bailey signed a Decision Memo issuing a Forest Order which prohibits cross country motorized vehicle use. This Order limits the use of motorized wheeled vehicles to the existing routes and open area shown on the attached Exhibit A maps. This Order does not close existing routes and does not designate a Forest Transportation system. The purpose is to keep use on existing routes, prohibit cross-country travel with motorized vehicles, and prevent resource damage and the creation of new routes while completing the Route Designation Process. It will remain in effect for one year and will be extended, if necessary, until the completion of the Route Designation process.

View Forest Order Documents and Maps.

View Decision Memo (pdf 354 KB)

View Forest Order #04-07-01 (pdf 47 KB)

Step 4: (Spring 2007 to Winter 2009)

This begins the formal environmental analysis following guidelines in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This analysis will likely be is a single Forestwide Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). A "proposed action" will kick off the process in Spring 2007 and start a 45 to 60 day public comment period. A Draft EIS will be released in early 2009, with another 45 day comment period following. The Forest intends to release the Final EIS later in 2009.

Specific Step 4 Map-related Information>>>

2008 Scoping Report >>>

Step 5: (December 2008 or early winter 2009)

A Motorized Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) will be published. This will be a legal document showing the designated system of routes for motorized wheeled vehicle use. This map will be reviewed and printed annually in order to display potential changes to the designated system as needed.


Route Designation Guidebook

Based upon existing laws, regulations, and policies, the Region 5 Route Designation Guidebook presents a 5 step process for designating motorized wheeled vehicle routes on all national forests in California, including the California portions of the Humboldt-Toiyabe.


National Travel Management rule
Memorandum of Intent with the State of California
USDA Forest Service National OHV Home Page
Region 5 (California forests) Route Designation home page
Region 5 Programmatic Agreement


These are definitions from the National Travel Management Rule and are published in the Federal Register.

Glossary of Terms (.pdf)
Glossary of Terms (.doc)


Email questions or comments to:

Be sure to type "Route Designation Strategy" in the subject line.


Project Leader: Marty Hornick (760) 873-2461

Forest Planner: Susan Joyce (760) 873-2516

Public Affairs Officer: Nancy Upham (760) 873-2427

GIS and Maps: Dan Yarborough (760) 873-2564

Resources Team Leader: Todd Ellsworth (760) 873-2457

Engineering: Melissa Totheroh (760) 873-2546


US Forest Service - Inyo National Forest
Last Modified: Friday, 29 August 2008 at 08:52:15 EDT

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