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Take the FDA Consumer Quiz

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How's your knowledge of health topics such as pain control, health fraud, lead hazards, and medicines for your pets?
Find out by taking our quiz.

Hint: The answers to all these questions can be found within articles in the
November-December 2006 issue of FDA Consumer (and at the bottom of this page).

Take any of our past quizzes

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1. A patient-reported outcome instrument is:

a. a device that delivers a shock every time a patient forgets to take his or her medication

b. a beeping ankle device worn by patients to ensure they don’t leave the hospital until released

c. a questionnaire used to collect information about how a patient feels and functions

d. an acoustic guitar played in hospitals to entertain patients

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2. In most cases, if someone has been in pain, the only way to know whether he or she is feeling better is to:

a. ask the person

b. measure his or her pain with an electronic pain assessment device found in certain hospitals and clinics

c. biopsy his or her brain

d. X-ray his or her spine

e. do an MRI

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3. A broad concept referring to all aspects of a person’s well-being is called:

a. psyche

b. ego

c. psychosocial theory

d. quality of life

e. health-related quality of life

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4. What is PROMIS?

a. a new health plan that ensures better coverage for patients

b. a new drug to treat colon cancer

c. a new drug to treat prostate cancer

d. Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System

e. a new, improved version of a butter substitute

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5. According to the American Heartworm Society, which states have never reported heartworm in dogs?

a. Alaska and Hawaii

b. only Alaska

c. Montana, Colorado, and Wyoming

d. Alaska, Washington, and Idaho

e. all 50 states have reported heartworm

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6. Which pets can be infected with heartworms?

a. dogs, cats, and ferrets

b. only dogs

c. only dogs and cats

d. dogs, cats, and fish

e. dogs, frogs, and fish

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7. Since 2003, how many compliance actions has the Mexico, United States, Canada Health Fraud Working Group taken against misleading weight loss schemes?

a. 50

b. 200

c. 450

d. more than 700

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8. In 2005 and 2006, the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health issued Warning Letters to firms that claimed to prevent or cure avian influenza with which type of devices?

a. an “avian influenza device kit”

b. masks

c. breathing machines

d. contact lenses

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9. Which of the following are considered health fraud red flags?

a. undocumented case histories claiming amazing results

b. statements that a product can cure several diseases at once

c. promises of an “easy” fix

d. limited availability of the product and advance payment requirements

e. all of the above

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10. About how many homes in the United States have significant lead-based paint hazards?

a. 4 million

b. 16 million

c. 24 million

d. 52 million

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Your Score is:


8 to 10 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
5 to 7 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
4 points and below:
Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

Go to the Answers Page

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